Togaev I.B.
Togaev I.B. ABOUT THE PROGRAM FOR TEACHING MULTIPLICATION TABLE TO PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 9(102). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/14305 (дата обращения: 18.12.2024).
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The article contains the author's opinions about the program “Karra jadvali” (“Multiplication Table”), created in the Python environment and its functionality. “Karra jadvali” (“Multiplication Table”) is a software tool that introduces elementary students to the rules of multiplication, mathematical knowledge, and also serves to strengthen students' memory.


Статья содержит мнения автора о программе “Karra jadvali” (“Таблица умножения”), созданный в среде Python и ее функциональности. “Karra jadvali” (“Таблица умножения”) — это программный инструмент, который знакомит учащихся начальных классов с правилами умножения, математическими знаниями, а также служит для укрепления памяти учащихся.


Keywords: Multiplication table, Python, tkinter, pygame, speech, PIL, ImageTk, Image, filedialog, mixer, os, sys, argv.

Ключевые слова: Таблица умножения, Python, tkinter, pygame, speech, PIL, ImageTk, Image, filedialog, mixer, os, sys, argv.



Today, much attention is paid to the quality of education of the younger generation. Reforms in the system of general secondary education, which is the second stage of continuous education, are important for the future young generation. At the initial stage, teachers-programmers develop and implement various multimedia computer programs to strengthen the continuity of knowledge given to students.

At present, teachers face important tasks in shaping the rising young generation mentally fresh, physically strong, comprehensively intellectual, moral, aesthetic and spiritual. This, in turn, requires deep knowledge and great responsibility from teachers in general education schools.

The relevance of the work

Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 5, 2018 "On additional measures to improve the public education management system" Decree No. PF-5538 “... the introduction of advanced foreign experience in the system of public education, modern pedagogical technologies in the educational process, including innovative teaching methods, the creation of a new generation of educational and educational literature, fundamental and applied scientific research” is determined as the main task.

In addition, secondary schools in our country are equipped with modern information and communication technologies. This enables teachers to use modern information technologies in the educational process to conduct lessons through various animated game programs for primary school students.

The purpose of the work

The game is one of the important conditions in the social development of the student. A well-chosen game has a psychotherapeutic effect. Thanks to the game, the student develops all mental processes, mental operations, modeling and design skills, masters mathematical concepts, and successfully prepares for high school. In order for the student to boldly enter the future life and successfully socialize in it, it is necessary to introduce him to the computer and show the possibilities of its use in elementary school.

The main goal of developing the computer program considered in the article is to further increase the motivation and competence of students in a general education school.

Scientific works of other scientists on the topic

In the works of K. A. Torakulova, I. Kh. the use of computer training programs leads to good results.

Methods used in the development of the program

a) design method;

b) methods of pedagogical approach that take into account the mental abilities of young students;

c) methods of intellectual approach to writing programs.

The main content of the article

Usually, with the help of information and communication technologies, it is carried out in the traditional way, that is, in the Microsoft Office PowerPoint application program, through various slides. Because this method reflects uniformity, it will be of less interest to elementary students. The program “Karra jadvali” (“Multiplication Table”) is considered an exception and serves to develop the following qualities in younger students:

  • an interest in mathematics is formed;
  • thinking increases;
  • understands mathematical concepts.
  • This not only increases their interest through various animated films for their spiritual nourishment, but also helps to stay in their memory for a long time.

When using the program “Karra jadvali” (“Multiplication table”) in the process of consolidating the knowledge of younger students in general secondary schools, it is necessary to take into account the age of younger students, the preparedness of younger students, and the interest of the class in the lesson.

The beginning of the program code looks like this:

from tkinter import*

from pygame import mixer

import time

from PIL import ImageTk, Image

import os

import tkinter as tk

from tkinter import messagebox


root.title ("Kara jadvali")

root.geometry ("600x670+350+20")




def Exitapp():



    MsgBox=tk.messagebox.askquestion('Xabar ',"SANAMAY SAKKIZ DEMA!\ nSiz bu bosqichni tamomlaganingiz yo'q !\ nBoshqichga qaytish uchun ' yes ' tugmasini bosing.")

    if MsgBox=='yes':

        root.title("2x2 jadvali")


        Label(root, bg ="light yellow").place(x=0, y=0, width=600, height=650)

        Label(root, text="2x2 KARRA-JADVALI", bg="light yellow", fg="blue", font="arial 25 bold").place(x=70, y=5, width=480, height=30)




        root.resizable(False, False)

root.mainloop ()

(note: the code consists of 5946 lines).

To create “Karra jadvali” (“Multiplication table”) programs were used by several libraries of the programming language Python.

students aged 6, 7 and 8 at set times (different for each age).

The main page of the program is mainly organized by two organizational objects: “Menu Bar” and “Start” (Figure 1).

There are 3 menus in the menu bar: “Home”, “Sections” and “Help”.

The “Help” menu contains 2 items: “AUTHOR” and “USE OF THE PROGRAM”.

The “AUTHOR” section contains information about the author of the program, and the “USING THE PROGRAM” section contains instructions for using the program.


Figure 1. Main page


When you click the “Start” button, the following window will open (Figure 2):

After launching in a new window, the program "greets" the user and asks for his age. The user sets their age using the buttons labeled 6, 7 and 8. When the user selects their age, a timer of 4 minutes for 6 years old, 3 minutes for 7 years old and 2 minutes for 8 years old will be written in the upper right corner. After the user presses the start button, the timer starts and can run the condition 10 times.


Figure 2. First stage


The user clicks the “Check” button to see their answers. If the user makes 6 or more correct answers within the specified time period, the muscles are activated as a stimulus and proceed to the next stage (Figure 3).


Figure 3. The first stage is an incentive


If the user answered correctly to 5 or less within the specified time, then a sad emoticon is displayed, a motivational phrase is read out for processing, and processing of this stage is allowed without proceeding to the next stage (Figure 4).


Figure 4. Second stage - low result


When the user successfully completes all the specified steps, he will be presented with a mixed option from 1x1 to 10x10 10 times for reinforcement.


Figure 5. Fixing


The results of the practical application of the developed program

With the help of this program, test processes were carried out to consolidate the knowledge given in the classroom in different (1-2) grades of the secondary school No. 5 in Karshi. In the process of testing, it was found that the skill of primary school students was high, i.e. 25%, in classes where the software tool was used.

In conclusion, we can say that the application of the “Karra jadvali” (“Multiplication Table”) in secondary schools teaches students to think creatively, promotes the development of skills and competencies in “Karra jadvali” (“Multiplication table”). As a result, the effectiveness of the knowledge gained is increased, which in turn serves to ensure an educated, moral and qualified workforce for the future. Since the program is simple and straightforward, the student can use the program on their own in their free time. In general, the program gives a positive result.


Although scientific research on the use of software in the educational system has been carried out, work on the use of pedagogical software in teaching elementary school students has not been studied enough.

The developed software tool is recommended to be used mainly by students of primary school age at home or in secondary schools. This program “Karra jadvali” (“Multiplication Table”) serves to effectively use the modern possibilities of information and communication technologies in relearning lessons and activating the intellectual abilities of primary school students.



  1. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 5, 2018 No. PF-5538 “On additional measures to improve the public education management system” (URL: http://lex.uz).
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  5. Тоғаев, Илхом Бахтиёрович. "БОШЛАНҒИЧ СИНФ ЎҚУВЧИЛАРИ УЧУН MATEMATИKAНИ ЎРГАТУВЧИ ДАСТУРИЙ ВОСИТА ХУСУСИДА." Современное образование (Узбекистан) 3 (112) (2022): 53-58.
Информация об авторах

Lecturer at the Department of “Algorithms and Programming Technologies”, Karshi State University, Republic of Uzbekistan, Karshi

преподаватель кафедры “Алгоритмы и технологии программирования”, Каршинский государственный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Карши

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