EVALUATION OF THE EFFICIENCY OF THE USE DIESEL LOCOMOTIVES 4TE10M IN OPERATION // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. Ablyalimov O.S. [и др.]. 2022. 9(102). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/14288 (дата обращения: 22.12.2024).
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The kinematic parameters of the movement of freight trains and indicators of the energy efficiency of the use of diesel locomotives 4TE10M on a real, mountainous section of the railway are obtained in the form of tabular data, and regression equations are compiled to determine the main indicators of the transportation work of these diesel locomotives on this section. The results of the study are recommended for implementation in the practice of the specialists of the operation shop of the locomotive depot Karshi of the Uzbek railway.


Получены кинематические параметры движения грузовых поездов и показатели энергетической эффективности использования тепловозов 4ТЭ10М на реальном, горном участке железной дороги в виде табличных данных, а также составлены уравнения регрессии по определению основных показателей перевозочной работы указанных тепловозов на этом участке. Результаты исследования рекомендуются для внедрения в практику работы специалистов цеха эксплуатации локомотивного депо Карши Узбекской железной дороги.


Keywords: study, freight train, diesel locomotive, railroad, parameter, way, station, time, speed, mountainlaly.

Ключевые слова: исследование, грузовой поезд, тепловоз, железная дорога, параметр, дорога, станция, время, скорость, горный.


With in the framework of the program for the development and modernization of the enterprises of the locomotive complex of the Uzbek railways, an important place is occupied by the solution of specialized specialized tasks related to the issues of increasing the efficiency of using diesel traction in non-electrified sections of JSC "O'zbekiston temir yo'llari".

At the Department of Locomotives and Locomotive Economy of the Tashkent State Transport University, research is being carried out to optimize the transportation work of locomotives in order to ensure the transportation of goods and passengers at the lowest cost of fuel and energy resources for train traction, based on the theoretical foundations of mathematical methods of optimal control and locomotive traction.

A prerequisite for the implementation of the above was the traction calculations carried out for the most difficult section of the railway company - Tashguzar - Acrobat [1,2], where freight trains of various mass trains (Q1=2500 t, Q2=3000 t and Q3=3500 t) are serviced diesel locomotives 4TE10M, which were based on the equation of train motion of the form


where  v is the speed of movement, m/s; t - train travel time, s; u - specific resultant force of the train, N/kN; ζ is the actual (actual) acceleration of the train, kNm/Ns2.

The solution of the differential equation (1) was carried out by a graphical method, taking into account the principle of maximum use of power and traction and performance qualities (properties) of the locomotive [4], which for a diesel locomotive 4TE10M, in the traction mode, corresponds to the 15th nominal position of the driver's controller in the full field of PP, the first (OP1) and second (OP2) stages of weakening the magnetic field of traction motors [3], in the speed range from 19 km/h to 60 km/h according to the locomotive traction characteristic. In addition, idle and braking modes are used.

The results of traction calculations for three different modes of driving a freight train with different masses of trains by diesel locomotives 4TE10M on the Tashguzar-Acrobat section are shown in table 1.

Based on the analysis of the results of the mentioned traction calculations in relation to a scheduled (unified) freight train with a train mass of Q2 = 3000 tons, the following was obtained.

1. The average total train travel time is 2.75 hours, however, a decrease in the mass of the train by ΔQ= 500t (by 20%) leads to a decrease in the total train travel time by 8.05%, and with an increase in the mass of the train by ΔQ= 500t ( ~ 20%) there is an increase in this time by 8.24%.

2. The technical speed of the train, on the contrary, with a similar change in the

mass of the train, tends, respectively, to increase and decrease within the same limits, and on average, it is 39.79 km / h.

Table 1.

Efficiency parameters of diesel locomotives 4TE10M on the mountain section Tashguzar - Acrobat of the Uzbek Railway

Traction calculation option

Conditions of transportation work

Train running time, min

Consumption and cost of diesel fuel


mass Q, т

number of axles

m, axes

technical speed

Vт, км/ч

general tх

in traction mode


in idling and braking mode,tхх,т

total per trip E, kg

specific per trip e, kt/104tkm gross

reduced cash costs C', som/km










































3. The total and specific average consumption of diesel fuel for traction and maintenance of a freight train on the entire section is 4187.2 kg and 128.423 kg/104 tkm gross, respectively.

4. An increase in the mass of the composition by ~ 20% contributes to an increase in the total consumption of diesel fuel by 14.53%, however, the specific consumption of diesel fuel decreases by 1.84%, and a decrease in the mass of the composition by 20% provides a decrease in the total consumption of diesel fuel by 13 .09% and an increase in the specific consumption of diesel fuel by 4.29%.

5. The travel time of the train in the modes of idling, braking and traction varies, respectively, from 0.80 h to 0.68 h and from 1.73 h to 2.30 h. With an increase in the mass of the train by ~ 20%, the train travel time in the idling and braking mode decreases, as well as its increase in the traction mode, respectively, by 0.067 h and 0.294 h. With a decrease in the mass of the train by 20%, the time of the train in the idling and braking mode increases, and in the traction mode it decreases by 0.050 h and 0.271 h, respectively.

6. A decrease in the mass of the composition by 20% leads to a decrease in the use of the traction mode and an increase in the use of the idling and braking mode [1] by 4.34%, and with an increase in the mass of the composition by ~ 20%, these indicators increase and decrease by 4 .32%.

7. A decrease in the mass of the composition by 20% leads to a decrease in the total and specific cost by 13.09%, and with an increase in the mass of the composition by ~ 20%, these indicators increase by 14.52%.

Using the standard program of the Microsoft Office Excel series, we have obtained concise formulas that allow, with a sufficient value of the approximation reliability R2 (the necessary reliability condition is R2≥0.8), to accurately calculate the main performance indicators of diesel locomotives of the 4TE10M series on the Tashguzar-Acrobat section for any i th mass of the composition Q of the freight train.

Technical speed of the train, km/h 

Vт= – 0,0065Q+59,207,                                          R2=0,9985                     (2)

Total train travel time, min

tx=0,0269Q+84,653,                                               R2=0,9999                     (3)

Train travel time in traction mode, min

tт=0,0339Q+19,097,                                               R2=0,9995                     (4)

Train travel time in idling and braking mode, min

tхх,т= – 0,007Q+65,41,                                                 R2=0,9926                     (5)

Total diesel fuel consumption per trip, kg

Е=1,1509Q+734,5,                                                R2=0,9991                     (6)

Specific consumption of diesel fuel per trip, kg/104 t km gross

е=547,79Q–0,1814,                                                     R2=0,9707                     (7)

Reduced cash costs, som/km

С'=11,662Q+7443,                                                R2=0,9991                     (8)

The obtained analytical expressions (2) - (8) indicate that the nature of the change in the main indicators of the transportation process, depending on the mass of the freight train, obeys a linear law, with the exception of the specific consumption of diesel fuel, for which such changes are described by a power function. At the same time, the absolute error in the calculations of the mentioned indicators for various conditions for organizing the transportation work of diesel locomotives 4TE10M on the Tashguzar - Acrobat section is 0.08 ... 0.72%, which ensures the calculation accuracy of 99.92 ... 99.28 percent.

The conducted studies also found that an increase in the consumption of full-scale diesel fuel for a trip on the Tashguzar-Acrobat section is closely related, first of all, to an increase in the travel time of a freight train in traction mode, and as a result, this leads to an increase in the mechanical work of forces acting to the specified train in this mode.

Thus, the use of mathematical models for driving a freight train by diesel locomotives 4TE10M and the main indicators of the transportation process on the section Tashguzar - Acrobat of the Uzbek railway provide the necessary conditions for predicting the consumption of full-scale diesel fuel and the efficiency of these locomotives on this section in various operating conditions.



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Информация об авторах

Candidate of Technical Sciences, professor, professor of the chair «Loсomotives and locomotive economy», Tashkent state transpоrt university, Uzbekistan, Tashkent

канд. техн. наук, профессор, профессор кафедры «Локомотивы и локомотивное хозяйство» Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет, Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the chair«Loсomotives and locomotive еconomy» Tashkent state transpоrt university, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

д-р техн. наук, заведующий кафедрой «Локомотивы и локомотивное хозяйство» Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Assistant «Loсomotives and locomotive economy» Tashkent state transpоrt university, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

ассистент кафедры «Локомотивы и локомотивное хозяйство» Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Candidate of Technical Sciences, аssistant professor of the chair «Materials science and mechanical engineering» Tashkent state transpоrt university, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

канд. техн. наук, доцент кафедры «Материаловедение и машиностроение» Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Senior lecturer of the chair«Loсomotives and locomotive еconomy» Tashkent state transpоrt university, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

ст. преподаватель кафедры «Локомотивы и локомотивное хозяйство» Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Master, аssistant of the chair«Loсomotives and locomotive еconomy» Tashkent state transpоrt university, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

магистр, ассистент кафедры «Локомотивы и локомотивное хозяйство» Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

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