Kamalov A.S., Yusufkhanov Z.Y. APPLICATION OF OLAP-TECHNOLOGIES IN THE ANALYSIS OF THE LOGISTIC SYSTEM OF CARGO DELIVERY // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 6(99). URL: (дата обращения: 22.12.2024).
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This article presents suggestions and recommendations for the use of Olap-technologies in the analysis of the logistics system for the delivery of goods.


В данной статье представлены предложения и рекомендации по применению Olap-технологий при анализе логистической системы доставки грузов.


Keywords: Delivery, logistics system, OLAP system (OnLine Transactional Processing), factors, methods.

Ключевые слова: Доставка, логистическая система, система OLAP (OnLine Transactional Processing), факторы, методы.


Any modern logistics company has its own data sources. Information in sources is accumulated through the use of transactional technologies (OLTP) - every day, company employees reflect certain operations in the information system. Currently, corporate databases (DB) have accumulated huge amounts of information, but it is not used effectively enough in the process of managing an organization, so business analysis technologies (Business Intelligence - BI) are rapidly developing.

In the process of organizing information, data warehouses are often used to obtain knowledge, and business analysis tools - OLAP technologies - are used to present this knowledge to users. Information by itself is not very suitable for decision making due to its sheer volume. Business intelligence and data warehousing tools are designed to find in the masses of data and information that essential that is actually added to useful knowledge.

OLAP (OnLine Analytical Processing - interactive analytical data processing) is one of the ways to present and analyze data [1]. In this case, the information is stored in the form of a multidimensional cube with the possibility of arbitrary manipulation of it. Multivariate models consider data either as facts with corresponding numerical parameters, or as text dimensions that characterize these facts [2]. An example of a multidimensional data model is shown in Figure 1.


Figure 1. Multidimensional data model


OLAP systems are not primary sources of information, they receive data from external sources. Most often, such an external source is an OLTP system (OnLine Transactional Processing - online transaction processing) - an operational data processing system. OLAP systems and OLTP systems differ significantly. The process of working with data from OLTP systems to OLAP is shown in Figure 1.2.

Integrating operational data into a warehouse has many benefits. A data warehouse can be created for the following purposes:

  • integration of current and historical data values;
  • combining data from disparate sources;
  • creation of a reliable data platform for analytical purposes;
  • ensuring the homogeneity of data in the organization;
  • facilitating the implementation of corporate data standards without changing existing operating systems;
  • providing a broad historical picture and opportunities for trend analysis.


Figure 2. The process of working with data in information systems


The process of cargo movement includes many components (technology, personnel, information, transport, financial flows, etc.) and can be considered as a complex system [3]. By definition, a system is an ordered set of elements between which certain connections and relationships exist or can be created.

The article considers the logistics system and is based on the definition that - the logistics system is a complex organizationally completed (structured) economic system, consisting of elements - links interconnected in a single process of managing material and accompanying flows [4]. From the definitions of systems, it follows that this is a complex system consisting of many elements that are interconnected and act as a whole. These enterprises, which are analyzed in the article, reflect international transportation services and activities for organizing, controlling and managing the movement of flows crossing national borders and continents [5]. Cargoes go from Kazakhstan to Russia, Europe, Asia, etc.

The main subsystems of the logistics system procurement; warehouses (warehousing); reserves; transport; production; distribution; sales; information; frames.

One of the connecting elements of the logistics system is information. The application of methods of system analysis of complex logistics systems makes it possible to identify trends and determine stable relations of cargo flows and determine the factors that affect the company's activities [6]. There are many methods and technologies that allow you to analyze systems. In the study, we use OLAP technology as one of the approaches to system analysis. OLAP technology is based on measurements that the analyst selects from the goals and objectives of the analysis.

The article reflects the processed data of the logistics company ARONAKS LLP, for a short period of time, which includes information about: personnel, types of transportation, customers, payment methods, places of unloading and loading, types of cargo, invoices and additional parameters.

The analysis of the activity of the enterprise is aimed at identifying "critical points" in the management of the company, so the following measurements were identified [7]:

"Customer", which will allow you to determine the category of the customer and build work with the client according to the gradation received in order to obtain financial benefits and long-term and promising contracts.

Analysis of the activities of the "Personnel" can be assessed by the percentage of each individual employee in the total volume of the enterprise's activities.

The measurement of "Places of loading - unloading" reveals promising directions of cargo flow and determines the freight traffic hub for establishing long-term relationships.

Based on the given measurements and additional data processing, graphs were constructed reflecting the trends in the company's activities and correlated with the average calculated values. In Figure 3, the points of dispatch of cargo are located along the horizontal axis, and conventional units per kilometer are defined along the vertical axis. The most expensive cargo was sent from Khorgos PRC-Turkmenabat. The main percentage of the cost of transportation is in the range from 1 to 3 conventional units per kilometer.


Figure 3. Average pay per kilometer for each manager and revenue per kilometer from origin


In Figure 4, the horizontal axis shows the points of dispatch of goods and managers.

The number of transactions is determined in the vertical direction. The highest turnover passes through the loading point Khorgos PRC-Turkmenabat..


Figure 4. The number of transactions for each manager and the number of transactions from each origin


In Figure 5, the most profitable work with clients numbered 3, 14, 17, 22 and 30, which brought high income for the logistics company.


Figure 5. Income by customers


In Figure 6, the horizontal axis shows the types of transportation, and the vertical axis is the number of transactions. The largest number of transactions was transported by the type of trucking. Railway transportation.


Figure 6. The number of transactions by type of transportation and for each manager


Thus, the analysis of the logistics activities of the ARONAKS LLP company is in demand, the main directions of cargo transportation are identified - Asian countries, and we also note that the company works with different categories of customers to provide international and regional cargo transportation services.



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Информация об авторах

Deputy Director of JSC "Uzbekiston temir yullari", Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

заместитель директора АО "Узбекистон темир йуллари", Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Assistant, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent

ассистент, Ташкентский Государственный Транспортный Университет, Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Журнал зарегистрирован Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор), регистрационный номер ЭЛ №ФС77-54434 от 17.06.2013
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