Tosheva N.M.
Tosheva N.M. UNIFICATION OF GARMENT PARTS // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 6(99). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/13831 (дата обращения: 26.03.2025).
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The process of unification and typification must be carried out in production in order to increase productivity, reduce the time spent on the production of a product, and improve its quality. In turn, this requires the introduction of small mechanized complexes. The typification of the final assembly processes has a number of advantages compared to existing processes provided by high-performance equipment.


Процесс унификации и типизации необходимо проводить на производстве в целях повышения производительности, уменьшения затраты времени на производство изделия, повышения его качества. В свою очередь это требует внедрения малых механизированных комплексов. Типизация заключительных технологических процессов сборки имеет ряд преимуществ по сравнению с действующими технологическими процессами, обеспеченными высокоэффективным оборудованием.


Keywords: unification, typification, technological process, nomenclature, mechanized complex, organizational operations, semi-finished product .

Ключевые слова: унификация, типизация, технологический процесс, номенклатура, механизированный комплекс, организационные операции, полуфабрикат.


Unification is the choice of the optimal number of sizes and types of products, services and processes designed to meet basic needs. Usually, unification is aimed at eliminating diversity, that is, it leads to the uniformity of technical characteristics, product documents and means of communication. The stage preceding unification is the choice of standard products and standard projects - typification.

Unification is the reduction of permissible elements and solutions, that is, a widespread and effective method of bringing to uniformity. Unification is one of the types of systematization and is aimed at placing objects organized into a certain system that is convenient for use, in a constant order and sequence [1].

Unification of products in the design process - repeated repetition of some parts, assemblies and surface shapes in the design.

Unification in the technological process means a reduction in the range of equipment and devices involved in the production process of products, the use of the same materials. New methods for the unification of mass production of clothing require the unification of individual parts and main components, their design and processing technology, which , in turn, makes it possible to reduce the process of manufacturing a new model of products. As a result, this process helps to simplify the manufacturing technology of the product and requires the use of small mechanized means and modern equipment.

For example, a number of unified details of a men's shirt include:

  1. Main details: shelf, back, sleeve.
  2. Details dependent on the main details: collar and cuffs.
  3. Details independent of the main details: pockets, flaps, straps and shoulder straps[2].

The unification process helps to increase the production of products and the serialization of operations. As a result, production becomes cheaper and production time is shortened. The degree of unification of the product is determined through a system of constant indicators. Unification in design facilitates the further improvement of this product and facilitates its adaptation to new conditions.

The range of garments is very wide. Each year, garment factories produce millions of pieces of products, with many models produced in several sizes, heights and widths . Each product is assembled in processes that differ from each other in the degree of mechanization and automation, the form of organization of flows, the concentration of output of products of one type, and other features. For each individual process, it is necessary to develop a production technology, select the necessary equipment and fixtures, which require additional costs. Therefore, in order to use complex mechanization, it is necessary to identify such products and processes that are more common than others, which will serve as the basis for reducing the number (unification) of products and types of processes that are common and characteristic of the clothing industry (typing) [4]. To fully identify the capabilities of the equipment of the technological complex ( increasing labor productivity, reducing the cost of production, improving its quality), a change in the design of garments, the technology of their manufacture and the forms of organization of production lines has a special effect. Therefore, when creating ways for the effective use of a complex of equipment, unification should be carried out not only by a simple reduction in the design options for garments, but it is also necessary to take into account technological processes.

It is advisable to consider the 3rd degree of typing and unification of garments:

  1. The final technological processes of assembling a permanent type of garments,
  2. Technological indivisible operations in the assembly process,
  3. The organizational form of assembly operations, i.e. transitions (workflow, transfer of semi-finished product between workplaces, etc.)

The typification of the final assembly processes has a number of advantages compared to existing processes provided with highly efficient equipment:

  1. It becomes possible to organize a technological sequence for processing a product, which increases the efficiency of not only those operations in which new equipment is involved, but also provides for an increase in the productivity of other types of work. Increasing the accuracy of the connection makes it possible to partially reduce the operations for determining the seam allowance and collecting dimensions. Carrying out operations for processing a part without the formation of ledges or with their formation in a certain amount makes it possible to reduce WTO operations. Along with this, the movement of the semi-finished product in the stream in suspension also reduces the operation of the WTO.
  2. It creates the possibility of using standard technological processes, combining a separate type of high-performance equipment and using high-performance equipment when loading,
  3. When developing a typical technological process, it is possible to reduce the time spent on the performance of auxiliary work through the use of special transport systems and organizational devices.
  4. It serves as a nomenclature for providing complex-mechanized lines with the necessary equipment and the basis for determining the need for typification of technological operations that make up a typical technological process [3].



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Senior Lecturer, Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Uzbekistan, Bukhara

старший преподаватель, Бухарский инженерно-технологический институт, Узбекистан, г.  Бухара

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