Ablyalimov O.S., Gayratov B., Ruzimurodov S. TO REPAIR OF TRACTION ELECTRIC MOTORS DT-9N AT ALMALYK MINING AND METALLURGICAL WORKS // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 5(98). URL: (дата обращения: 25.10.2024).
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Is shown the production and technological process of organizing the current repair of traction electric motors DT - 9N of the traction unit PE - 2M on the basis of the rationing flow chart developed by the authors technological - standardization map for this type of repair. The norm of time for the current repair of the traction electric motor DT - 9N in of volume TR-3 is substantiated, taking into account the photo timing of each repair operation, which made it possible to open additional reserves that ensure of efficiency an increase of repair production.


Показан производственно-технологический процесс организации текущего ремонта тяговых электродвигателей ДТ - 9Н тягового агрегата ПЭ - 2М на основе разработанной авторами технологической карты нормирования на данный вид ремонта. Обоснована норма времени на текущий ремонт тягового электродвигателя ДТ - 9Н в объёме ТР-3 с учётом фотохронометража каждой ремонтной операции, что позволило открыть дополнительные резервы, обеспечивающие повышение эффективности ремонтного производства.


Keywords: norm of time, maintenance, traction unit, electric motor, tilter, calculation, parameters, operational time, depot.

Ключевые слова: норма времени, текущий ремонт, тяговый агрегат, электродвигатель, кантователь, расчёт, параметры, оперативное время, депо.


Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine (AMMC) belongs to the enterprises of the mining industry of Uzbekistan, for the successful operation of which, in terms of organizing the extraction and processing of copper ore, an electric rolling stock of industrial railway transport is used - a traction unit PE - 2M, the main technical data and characteristics of which are given in [1].

One of the main components of the undercarriage of the traction unit PE - 2M is a wheel - motor block, the design of which includes a wheel pair with axle boxes, as well as a unified DC traction electric motors DT - 9N of protected execution and  with of support - axial of the suspensions.

The design feature of the traction electric motor DT - 9N is a double-sided jaggeds gearing with a traction gearbox and the presence of a compensation winding on the additional poles of the skeleton.

This allows, with a smaller mass of the mentioned engine, to obtain such a torque and armature speed that will be necessary to provide the tangent power of the electric rolling stock required when operating it in mountainous conditions.

The main parameters of the traction electric motor DT - 9N are given below:

collector voltage, V …………………………….……………..…………..1500

power, kW…………………………………………………………….…..…467

Shaft еfficiency, %...........................................................................................93

highest rotation frequency, rp/min ………………………………..……....1530

insulation class:

for coils of skeleton……………………………………………………………...В

for armature windings……………………………………………………….....F

cooling air quantity, m3/min……………………………………………..…...95

mass (weight), kg……………………………………..…………………....4600

To date, the traction unit PE - 2M is operated on electrified sections of the AGMK railway tracks in the open pit of the Kalmakyr mine, as well as outside it, and therefore the technical condition of the traction motor DT - 9N plays a significant role in ensuring traffic safety and increasing the efficiency of transportation work on transportation copper ore and its constituents.

Repair of traction electric motors DT - 9N is organized in the electric machine shop of the AGMK locomotive depot and begins with the diagnostic section, where they arrive with dismantled gears and removed motor - axial bearing caps, previously cleaned and washed.

Here they measure the insulation resistance of the traction electric motor circuits, check the operation of the brush apparatus, collector and anchor bearings, and also measure the radial clearances and the axial takeoff run of the armature in them.

Next, the traction electric motor is moved to the disassembly department position, where he it is installed on a tilter of the EK-20-61 type and dismantled by assemblies is carried out with the subsequent repair of these assemblies. After the node-by-nodal assembly, the final assembly of the traction motor is carried out and its control tests are carried out, followed by painting and transfer to a representative of the technical control department (QCD). Then, the traction motor enters the workshop for the repair of traction rolling stock to the assembly position of wheel - motor blocks (units).

Similarly [2], norm the time for the repair of one traction motor DT - 9N is determined by the formula:

Тt = Тоp + Тpr.fa + Тwm + Т                                                                             (1)

wherе Тоp - operating time for the accounted amount of work, norm - min or normo - h;

   Т pr.fa – preparatory - final actions, norm - min;

   Тwm – workplace maintenance, norm - min;

   Т – regulation breaks for locksmith work, norm - min.

The total time that falls on preparatory and final actions, taking into account the time for servicing the workplace and routine breaks for locksmith work, according to the recommendation [3], is 9,3 percent of the operational time for the accounted amount of work.

The last time is calculated on the basis of the technological and normalization map developed by the authors for the traction motor DT - 9N of the traction unit PE - 2M, which indicates the name of the work and the type of repair, as well as their content, taking into account recommendations for the use of tools, fixtures and equipment, based on the volume taken into account repair work per unit of measure.

In order to determine the costs of operational time for those individual elements of the normalized operation that were performed using technological equipment that differed from that adopted in the typical norm, one of the well-known methods of technical normalization was used - photo timing to perform of repair work for each operation, that is, the duration of each normalized operation was recorded in minutes.

Then, the operational time for the entire volume of the current repair of TR-3 of one traction electric motor DT - 9N is Tоp = 3450,7 standard - minutes. Based on the foregoing, the norm of time for the mentioned repair will be equal to Tt = 1,093·Tоп = 62,86 standard - hours.

It should be noted that in the process of carrying out the specified photo timing, additional reserves were discovered that ensure an increase in the efficiency of repair production, primarily associated with a reduction in operational time by eliminating non-production repair operations and through of increase of the specific gravity parallel works and improving the level of qualifications of production workers.

The results of the study obtained by the authors are the starting point for the subsequent development of a production process on organizing the current repair of the TR-3 traction electric motor DT-9N of the repair of depot of the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine.



  1. Traction DC unit type PE - 2M. Technical description and operating instructions. OTP 466.028. Mechanical part, volume 3. - 1984. – 124 p.
  2. Turgunbaev Zh. M. On the issue of modernization of the wheel-motor block of the electric locomotive "Uzbekistan" [Text] / Zh. M. Turgunbaev, O. S. Ablyalimov, O. T. Kasimov // Vestnik TashIIT / Tashkent Institute of Engineering. railroad transport. - Tashkent: 2009. No. 1. - рр. 50 ... 53.
  3. A collection of typical technically justified time standards for locksmith work during the depot repair of VL60K electric locomotives. - M.: Transport, 1975. - 464 p.
Информация об авторах

Candidate of Technical Sciences, professor, professor of the chair «Loсomotives and locomotive economy», Tashkent state transpоrt university, Uzbekistan, Tashkent

канд. техн. наук, профессор, профессор кафедры «Локомотивы и локомотивное хозяйство» Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет, Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Master student by the chair«Loсomotives and locomotive еconomy» Tashkent state transpоrt university, Uzbekistan, Tashkent

магистрант кафедры «Локомотивы и локомотивное хозяйство», Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет, Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Master student by the chair«Loсomotives and locomotive еconomy» Tashkent state transpоrt university, Uzbekistan, Tashkent

магистрант кафедры «Локомотивы и локомотивное хозяйство», Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет, Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Журнал зарегистрирован Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор), регистрационный номер ЭЛ №ФС77-54434 от 17.06.2013
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Главный редактор - Ахметов Сайранбек Махсутович.