METHODOLOGY FOR ASSESSING THE QUALITY OF SERVING PIGGYBACK TRANSPORTATION // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. Ergashev B. [и др.]. 2022. 4(97). URL: (дата обращения: 22.12.2024).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2022.97.4.13388



Within the framework of this article, the choice of the form of transport service with the help of ranked systems of criteria will be considered. When planning as the initial stage of quality management of logistics services, relationships with the client are fundamentally important. It is necessary not only to determine the composition of external and internal customers and their needs for logistics services but also to offer them service options, taking into account cost restrictions on the principle of "price-quality".


В данной статье рассмотрен выбор формы транспортного обслуживания с помощью ранжированных систем критериев, который заключается в прямом сравнении суммарного рейтинга перевозчиков полученного по алгоритму, рассматривающего вопросы управления качеством продукции и процессов. При планировании, как на начальном этапе управления качеством логистического обслуживания, принципиально важны взаимоотношения с клиентом. Необходимо не только определить состав внешних и внутренних клиентов и их потребности в логистическом обслуживании, но и предложить им варианты обслуживания с учетом затратных ограничений по принципу «цена - качество».


Keywords: transport, piggybacker, piggyback transportation, transport service, process quality, hierarchical property decomposition, hierarchy analysis method

Ключевые слова: транспорт, контрейлер, контрейлерная транспортирование, услуга транспортная, качество процесса, иерархическая декомпозиция свойства, способ анализа иерархий



In foreign practice, piggyback transportation has been used since the second half of the 20th century. The leading countries in this segment of transportation are the USA, Canada, Australia, and the EU countries [1-4]. As a result of their use, a solution is made to the currently important task of forming clean ecological systems - "green technologies" that reduce the bad impact of vehicles on the environment around. It is taken into account that, in fact, the leading part of the path, auto transport methods move along the steel carriageway, by placing them on the railway rolling stock [1, 4]. Transport methods have every chance of being represented by single onboard cars, road trains, semi-trailers, and trailers, collectively called piggybacks. [5].

Currently, the CIS is actively working on the introduction of this transport technology, which provides modern interaction between road and rail transport. The implementation of the technology can improve the quality of transport services and increase the load on the country's transport corridors. The main stakeholder is the railway associations, as this will increase the volume of goods transported by rail. For any large company, it is always a priority to ensure the high quality of the services provided. The launch of these transportations in the CIS is limited by poor elaboration of a set of issues: technical, technological, organizational, economic, and regulatory [1-3].

The group of regulatory and legal issues to be resolved also includes the need to develop regulatory documents containing a range of quality indicators for piggyback transportation carried out by rail in international, long-distance, and local communications. The procedure for choosing the nomenclature of quality indicators, includes, among other things, the definition of:

- name (content) of the transport service;

- initial nomenclature of groups of quality indicators;

- the purposes of the application of the nomenclature of quality indicators.

Since the container, like the cargo in it, is an object of transport service for the railway, it is necessary to clarify the content of this concept defined by the standard [6]. In this case, the quality of a transport service should be understood as a set of characteristics that determine their suitability to meet the needs of cargo owners in the transportation of piggybackers and work related to their movement. A quantitative characteristic of one or more consumer properties of a service that makes up its quality is called an indicator of the quality of a transport service [6]. The set of characteristics forms a system of indicators of the quality of the transport service.


It is proposed to use the following quality characteristics to evaluate and standardize the quality of piggyback transportation: timeliness, safety, economy [6, 7]. The safety of transportation is a characteristic of the transport service, which determines the transportation of piggybackers without loss, damage, loss, and pollution. Timeliness of delivery - determines the arrival of the piggybackers at the final destination following the period established by the contract. The economy of delivery - causes the transportation of piggybackers with a minimum of transport costs.

At present, along with quantitative factors of the economic development of enterprises, qualitative factors are increasingly being put forward for decision-making. The main criteria for assessing the quality of transport:


Figure 1.  Criteria for assessing the quality of serving piggyback transportation


The quality of transport operation is a set of system properties that determine its ability to meet the organization's needs for transport services at a minimal cost. If we reflect the quality of the applied forms of organization of transport services in the form of an objective function, then it will look like this:

C = C main.sim => min

where Cmain. is the operating costs associated with the acquisition and operation of the rolling stock.

Сsim. - costs associated with downtime of the main production due to lack of transport,

The purposes of applying the nomenclature of quality indicators are determined following the objectives of quality management. Possible purposes of applying the nomenclature of quality indicators can be the establishment of nomenclature of quality indicators for the transportation of piggybackers for:

- inclusion in national standards and standards of organizations, as well as in the rules for the transportation of piggybackers by road and rail modes of transport;

- carrying out work on the development and implementation of quality management systems for transport services;

- carrying out research and development work aimed at improving the quality of transport services and the efficiency of the transportation process;

- inclusion in the terms of contractual obligations.

Results and discussions 

Another reason for such a conclusion may be an analysis of the cost of shipping, in terms of reliability, delivery time, the safety of cargo during transportation. [8-15]. In this paper, the scheme for choosing the form of transport service using ranked systems of criteria (Table 1) is a direct comparison of the total rating of carriers obtained according to the algorithm shown in Figure 2 [15-17].


Figure 2. Algorithm for the choice of transport serving piggybacks transportation


Table 1.

The main criteria for choosing the form of transport service

Content of criteria


Delivery time reliability


Costs (tariffs) for transportation


Total delivery time


Readiness (flexibility) of the carrier to change the fare


Financial stability of the carrier


Technical readiness of rolling stock


Availability of additional cargo handling equipment


Availability of additional services for packaging and delivery


Safety of cargo (loss, theft)




Personnel qualification




The readiness (flexibility) of the carrier to change the service


Route flexibility


Order procedure


The quality of the organization of services for the sale of transport services


Special equipment



The following indicators are accepted as the main criteria for choosing the form of transport service (the ranks corresponding to them are given in brackets):

- delivery time reliability (1);

- freight rate (2);

- carrier's financial stability (5);

- technical readiness of rolling stock (6);

- cargo safety (9);

- the readiness (flexibility) of the carrier to change the service (13).

The degree of satisfaction of carriers with the chosen system of factors was assessed by independent experts according to a three-point assessment:

1 - good, 2 - fair, 3 - bad. The calculation of the carrier's rating for each factor was made taking into account the weight coefficients obtained from the calculation of the total number of factors divided by the corresponding rank. According to experts, the total rating was 12 and 13, taking into account the rank of factors with a weighting coefficient showed that the transport services of the motor depot are preferable.

After conducting an initial analysis of the efficiency of transport services in the car depot, transport costs were analyzed in detail. For their analysis, the method of calculating costs by processes was used. This toolkit is used more and more often in practice, as it allows for accurate calculations of the actual costs for each process.  


Analyzing the above structure, the following should be noted: A key factor in ensuring the quality of logistics services is the availability of an accurate and objective assessment of its results. Evaluation of the effectiveness of logistics services is to compare the actual values ​​of service quality indicators with the planned (normative) values. It can be both qualitative and quantitative. In a qualitative form, the assessment is the answer to the question - does the logistics service for the considered set of properties meet the requirements of the client, exceed them, or is inferior to them? In quantitative form, the assessment is expressed by the numerical value of the indicator of the quality of logistics services. When planning, as the initial stage of managing the quality of logistics services, relationships with the client are fundamentally important. It is necessary not only to determine the composition of external and internal customers and their needs for logistics services but also to offer them service options, taking into account cost restrictions on the principle of "price-quality".



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Информация об авторах

PhD student, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent

аспирант, Ташкентский государственный транспортное университет, Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Doctor in Economics, Professor of the Department "Transport Logistics" Tashkent state transport university, Uzbekistan, Tashkent

д-р экон. наук, профессор кафедры «Транспортная логистика» Ташкентский государственный университет путей сообщения, Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

PhD, associated professor  Tashkent State Technical University is named after Islam Karimov, Uzbekistan, Tashkent

канд. техн. наук, доцент, Ташкентский государственный технический университет имени Ислама Каримова, Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Assistant  Tashkent State Technical University is named after Islam Karimov, Uzbekistan, Tashkent

ассистент, Ташкентский государственный технический университет имени Ислама Каримова, Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

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