CREATION OF TECHNOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGICAL FACTORS OF TECHNICAL TISSUE PRODUCTION FROM BASALT YARN // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. Hamrayeva S. [и др.]. 2022. 3(96). URL: (дата обращения: 26.03.2025).
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The article give information about insights into the technological capabilities of ATPR-100 weaving machines for the production of basalt fabrics, the impact of raw materials and weaving mills for the production of basalt fabrics.


В статье приведены сведения о технологических возможностях ткацких станков АТПР-100 для производства текстильных изделий из высокомодульных базальтовых нитей, влиянии сырья и ткацких переплетений на производство базальтовых тканей.


Keywords: basalt texture, basalt cotton, radiation, asbestos cardboard, fiber, plate.

Ключевые слова: базальтовая текстура, базальтовая вата, радиация, асбокартон, волокно, плита.


For the first time, basalt fibers were cleared up at the sites of volcanic eruptions. Bare rock (directly basalt) falls to the surface, freezes, and it  becomes very strong filaments

Later, the natural material found began to be produced artificially. To do this, the rock is heated to 1500 degrees.The liquid stone is  solid production then which turns into fibers about 50 millimeters in length after that, it is poured into a noisy special drum with a thickness of about 7 microns. Fire-resistant basalt-roll material is a layer of canvas, sewn by a pattern-propeller method, made of glass. In the production of this product, high-quality Basalt fiber is used. It should be noted that basalt fireproof roll material belongs to non-combustible materials. The use of this product eliminates the spread of fire. Fire protection has high thermal and sound insulation properties, which is of course without environmentally friendly radiation filling.A number of features, the material guarantees the negligible thickness of the coating and, as a result, the uneven loads on the entire structure. High environmental qualities indicate a lack of binder in the product.As a result, it is allowed to use in buildings and structures of any type and purpose, both in medical institutions and preschools. The material is absolutely inert to hydroxide, alkalis, acids, organic solvents. Does not cause corrosion. In the absence of mechanical damage, the service life of the material is not limited [1].

Cardboard is made on the basis of inorganic fasteners from basalt holsters. It is used for thermal and sound insulation in industry and underground instruments, for thermal insulation of pipes, as well as for closed insulation of all facets of industry in multilayer constructions, in household appliances (gas and electric plates, ovens). Asbestos cardboard is an effective environmentally safe substitute.

The material is cut using standard construction shears or a sharp knife. In all operations with basalt cotton wool, it is necessary to take precautions for caution (eyes, masked breathing organs and hands with gloves). After working with such a dusty material, the clothes used are thrown away, because it can not be cleaned or washed. Immediately after applying the leaf to the elements of the structure (until the adhesive is frozen), the web is installed.

During installation, the edges of the material in the formed joints are fixed with aluminum tape. When cutting the canvas, at least 5 cm of joints are set aside to overlap [2]

It is very important to cover any welding equipment and insulated parts (pins and grids) with basalt fabric. Only in this way can the complete safety of the construction be guaranteed. There is no need for additional decoration of the channels.

It is important to control the quality of the joints, the correct choice of materials: basalt fire-resistant fabric with sufficient thickness and adhesive properties.

Application: Cotton cleaning filters for liquid and gaseous media; material prepared for the production of sheet and roll composite materials.

Sewing fabrics. The fabrics are made of superfine basalt fiber of glass tissue leather, or on its basis, and sewn by glazing.

Application: Fabrics are used in the manufacture of pipes for high and low temperatures, as a thermal insulator in the construction of underwater devices and other vehicles, as well as in the construction of insulation of walls, fences, floor coverings.

The plates are made of superfine (based on a thin basalt fiber based on inorganic binder). The plates are used for heat, sound insulation of ships, production equipment in the range from -260 ° C to + 700 ° C, often withstand heat and combustion weights up to 1100 ° C.

The most important criterion in assessing the suitability of rocks for fiber is the production temperature range. Tefrito-basalt and tolerant basalt liquids have the lowest viscosity, and according to the suitability criteria they are suitable for obtaining fine and coarse staple fibers [3].

Some difficulties have been noted in the liquefaction of tefritobasalt, which is due to the presence of pores in the rock, as a result of the presence of pores, a certain part of the raw material does not sink into the liquid, which adversely affects fiber quality.

It has also been observed that these sediments contain large amounts of crystallite, which prevents fiber elongation.

Observations under the microscope it became clear that the microstructure of the glass mass of toleite basalt from the Chinese mine is homogeneous, without additives, Figure 2, Syria's tefrito-basalt showed the same result. The microstructure of the basalt bottle from the Georgian mine should have physico-chemical properties, according to which the fibers are determined, depending on the conditions of operation of the fiber items. Basalt rocks-one-component raw materials, their enrichment, liquefaction and homogenization occurred as a result of the activity of the ancient volcano. The amount of iron magnetite contained in the Basalt varies. Changes occur in the mineralogical composition of basalt and the rise and boiling of various raw materials in the form of cherries.

The amount of porosity of such materials is determined by their gronulametric composition. The more homogeneous the granules are in shape and size, the higher the porosity of the material. Important technological parameters of obtaining basaltic fibers include the initial and final temperature of liquefaction of raw materials. These sizes indirectly determine the energy consumption that goes to the intake of liquid.

Basalt ultra-fine fibers and lint are a layer of canvas-shaped layer of staple fibers with a diameter of 1-3 microns. This is a basalt cotton canvas. Heat and sound insulation materials are produced on the basis of basalt canvas: beds, sewing beds, needle-permeable canvases, soft and hard slabs. Basalt fiber and wool production technologies have been sufficiently tested in the industry for 30 years and have proven themselves well.Basalt rocks are one-component raw materials, their enrichment, liquefaction and homogenization occurred as a result of ancient volcanic activity. In this case, the energy consumption for the primary liquefaction of basalts was carried out at the expense of nature. Simply put, the production of basalt coins will consist of the following processes. Basal't differs with high compatibility with plastics, plastics, adhesives,glass and uglerod fibers. Ability to produce base-based materials and items supporting various methods of forming, wrapping, pultrusion, pollination and other cold technology.


Figure 1.2. ATPR-100 is the process of obtaining tissue on a weaving loom


The obtained basal tissue elongation strength on the tan and back, and the strength of the back threads on the tan, as well as the air permeability of the tissue, and then the surface density of the tissue was determined.

In summary, the technological capabilities of the ATPR-100 weaving looms for the production of basal't tissue have been studied. It was found that in the Republic there is no production of tissues intended for basal't fabrics.


Technical description of the loom


Unit of measurement



Mark of knitting machine



The width of the blade




The rotational speed of the main shaft




Linear density of threads:

Back rope









Number of lamellar rails




Knitting reel sizes

Core diameter

Flange diameter








Flange spacing




Correlation coefficient




Tissue filling factor




The tensile strength of the basalt and back ropes.


Figure 2.1. Gistogram of basalt tissue for rupture


The tensile strength of the basalt tissue obtained along the body and back and the elongation strength of the back fibers of the body and the air permeability of the tissue were then determined by the surface density of the tissue. In conclusion, the technological potential of ATPR-100 looms for the production of basalt fabrics was studied. It was found that the country does not produce basalt fabrics. Theoretical and experimental methods were used to solve the tasks of the dissertation. Textile samples were developed by the TTESI weaving laboratory, and all experimental research was carried out by the CENTEX UZ certification laboratory at the TTESI. The influence of weaving and raw materials on the physical and mechanical properties of the tissue was studied. The maximum tensile strength of the new fibrous tissue was 123.6 kg and the maximum elongation was 9.01%.


List of used literature:

  1. Bukayev P. V. Development of parameters of optimum process of shuttleless weaving and criteria for its evaluation: Author's thesis .... D. in Technical Sciences. - Leningrad: LITLP, 1984.
  2. Mogilny A.N. Technology Development, Design Methods and Investigation of Structure and Properties of Technical Textile Materials: Abstract of Dr. Sci. D. in Technical Sciences. - Saint-Petersburg: SpGUTiD, 2000.
  3. Federenko N.A. Evaluation of rationality of fabric structure // Textile Industry. 1997 г. №2.
Информация об авторах

PhD (technology), professor, Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, Uzbekistan, Tashkent

канд. техн. наук, профессор, Ташкентский институт текстильной и легкой промышленности, Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

PhD (technology), associate professor, Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, Uzbekistan, Tashkent

канд. техн. наук, доцент, Ташкентский институт текстильной и легкой промышленности, Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

PhD (technology), assosiate professor, Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, Uzbekistan, Tashkent

канд. техн. наук, доцент, Ташкентский институт текстильной и легкой промышленности, Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

research teacher, Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, Uzbekistan, Tashkent

преподаватель-исследователь, Ташкентский институт текстильной и легкой промышленности, Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

teacher in Gulistan State University, Uzbekistan, Gulistan

преподаватель, Гулистанский государственный университет, Узбекистан, г. Гулистан

Журнал зарегистрирован Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор), регистрационный номер ЭЛ №ФС77-54434 от 17.06.2013
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Главный редактор - Звездина Марина Юрьевна.