Xomidov A.A., Tursunboyev M.A. ELIMINATING CONGESTION ON INTERNAL ROADS // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 2(95). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/13079 (дата обращения: 22.12.2024).
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This article discusses the current conditions of congestion on modern highways and internal roads, the factors that cause them, effective measures to prevent congestion, finding solutions to existing problems with modern technologies and their benefits to the transport system of our country.


В данной статье рассматриваются текущие условия загруженности современных автомагистралей и внутренних дорог, факторы, которые их вызывают, эффективные меры по предотвращению заторов, поиск решений существующих проблем с использованием современных технологий и их преимущества для транспортной системы нашей страны.


Keywords: congestion, technology, problems, traffic lights, camera, public transport, stop.

Ключевые слова: заторы, технологии, проблемы, светофоры, камеры, общественный транспорт, остановки.


No matter how advanced technology is, human needs are constantly evolving. Of course, where there are developments, there are problems and disadvantages. New technologies, new requirements, new challenges.

Transport is a "transport" in itself. Transport is an integral part of the modern world transport process. Everyone has problems, but transport problems indirectly affect all areas. And so we must say that this problem needs to be addressed.

In fact, there are many transport problems that need to be addressed. But one of the most important of these is congestion.

Why is congestion an important problem? There are several reasons for this.

It is well known that congestion is a major contributor to delays at work or school. It also increases urban air pollution, which means that cars parked in cities emit more toxic gases (due to excessive braking and acceleration). Of course, congestion also affects the economy. Any product that stays on the road for a long time will at least increase in price or, even worse, the quality of the product may deteriorate and be lost.

What Causes Congestion?

- Lack of alternatives;

- Our main roads are not wide enough for traffic;

- Our intersections cannot react to the flow of cars coming from different directions;

- Drivers do not follow traffic rules and stop for a long time on the side of the road;

- The presence of construction or repair work on the roads;

-Closing some roads for holidays, celebrations or sports games;

- Excessive pedestrian crossings and traffic lights are not properly distributed in accordance with the traffic flow;

-Increasing the number of taxis and route taxis on the route;

Of course, the list goes on and on.

Of course, solving these problems is a priority task for the transport system. It is often a misconception that congestion can be solved with one big idea.

For example:

- Expansion of roads;

- Add or remove bus lanes;

- Construction of tunnels and bridges;

- turn off the traffic light or extend the green light time;

- Encourage cycling or walking;

- Closing the road to private cars for city centers;

- Construction of additional parking lots;

- Introduce tolls for congestion.

Problems can be solved with similar suggestions. However, it must be admitted that this work has already been done and is bearing fruit. However, the number of traffic jams did not decrease significantly. In such cases, we need to look at how effectively Europe manages transport systems in the busy cities of developed countries. Take, for example, cities such as Copenhagen and Freiburg that have effectively tackled congestion: they have studied the needs and requirements of the population, passengers, businesses, visitors and tourists and have taken effective action.

Thus, we need to take a Western approach to congestion. We already see promising work in our capital Tashkent, but in some cases we still face lingering traffic jams. The fact that we have focused on the technologies above means that we need to find solutions to the problems we face with modern technology. We will consider a number of current trends that can reduce the potential workload in our country.

1. Smart traffic lights and smart cameras

We have seen a lot of negotiations to make traffic lights more efficient. Over the past 5 years, the term “smart traffic light” has been introduced in our country. That is, these traffic lights have the ability to analyze traffic flows in each direction and leave the road more open to congested routes. Simply put, on green roads with heavy traffic, the green light stays on longer. There were many proposals for this project, but the problem of their implementation remains. So it needs to be improved. It is necessary to develop not only a “smart traffic light”, but also a “smart traffic light and smart camera” project. How do we do it? Will this lead to a fine for the cameras we know? Such questions are relevant. On the contrary, these smart cameras are designed to provide drivers with a range of amenities. At intersections or in connection with road closures for certain reasons, it is necessary to install smart cameras that simultaneously analyze traffic jams on roads with smart traffic lights. In this age of technology, there are many different types of smart cameras, so it doesn't take long to create such cameras.

How does smart traffic light and smart camera project work?

We have information about the smart traffic light operating system. Smart cameras analyze congestion in front of every traffic light, especially at intersections, as described above. We need to connect these cameras to a special application so that drivers can see in which direction the roads are congested and which direction is best to go. In the neighboring Kyrgyz Republic, streets, especially in the city center, are connected to a special program that allows every citizen to directly observe what is happening there. So it is understandable that developing such cameras and applications will not be a big problem.

Conditions for making a special program.

The app only needs to be connected to smart cameras and you can get everything at once from this app. in this case, such software should be designed to show congestion in every direction when scanning roads. There are 4 different levels, each of which must be marked with a separate character. The use of colors in the marking is the most optimal option. They come in red, yellow, blue, and green.

Red means there is excessive traffic in that direction, yellow means that the traffic level is usually higher now, blue means that the traffic level is lower, and green means that the traffic is normal in this case.

The benefits of smart cameras.

Basically, these special cameras and apps should give you some very useful tips for using a taxi. Of course, taxi drivers make good use of this program. And with that, we can increase the potential efficiency of taxis. On the other hand, it ensures that residents, employees and students arrive at their destinations without delay. Of course, as mentioned above, this program will be open to everyone and will be useful to individual car drivers.

In addition, these cameras are expected to reduce one-way traffic congestion and prevent large congestion.

2. Development of public transport using modern technologies

It is known that urban public transport is one of the most effective ways to get rid of congestion. However, today we must admit that on average 50% of the population of our country travels by public transport. This suggests that public transport does not meet the needs of the population. This has resulted in an influx of taxis or private vehicles heading to city centers, which remains a key aspect of creating direct traffic jams. There are two types of problems and the correct solution can be found for them.

I. Demand control for public transport:

First of all, it is necessary to equip public transport with new, modern technologies and attract people. Thereafter, the requirements for each route can be scrutinized and the demand management situation can be improved by increasing public transport traffic and reducing the interval for high demand routes. Of course, we will try to find a modern solution to this problem. It installs devices that can analyze the flow of passengers on each route, determine which days and hours are in high demand, and transmit them to a centralized database. Here, depending on demand, you can see an increase in public transport traffic to a certain place of the day.

II. Modernization of stations, that is, "smart stations", which we have heard about many times:

When we say smart station, we mean trying to spend time meaningfully. In fact, smart stations with their own name have to work smartly. That is, we need to link these stations with programs that answer the question of where public transport is now and how long to wait. Programming like this may sound complicated, but it’s actually very simple. Take Yandex Taxi, for example. You can see where the car you ordered is coming from, how long to wait, and even the driver's personal phone number.

How can these technologies benefit us?

First of all, the above developments attract the population to public transport and can create a range of amenities for public transport to effectively manage these needs. This automatically reduces the need for a private car or taxi, and also reduces the flow of cars.

On the other hand, it attracts residents to wait at the stations. Meeting passengers on public transport outside stations, as well as boarding and exiting public transport outside stations, not only increases congestion, but also increases the risk of road accidents. Public transport (buses) often stops at bus stops. But we have all seen that this is not the case in 70% of places, especially in rural areas. Therefore, an effective way to attract people to a station is to show a map of the route and addresses at these stations, the arrival time of the buses.



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Информация об авторах

Assistant, Andijan Machine Building Institute, Uzbekistan, Andijan

ассистент, Андижанский машиностроительный институт, Узбекистан, г. Андижан

Student, Andijan Machine Building Institute, Uzbekistan, Andijan

студент, Андижанский машиностроительный институт, Узбекистан, г. Андижан

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