Khusanova S. Imomnazarov K.
Khusanova S., Imomnazarov K. INVESTIGATION OF WAYS TO INCREASE THE SPEED OF THE RAW MATERIAL ROLLER ON THE GINNING EQUIPMENT // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 2(95). URL: (дата обращения: 07.03.2025).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2022.95.2.13010



In this paper, the reduction in seed damage is attributed to the formation of fibre content. Acceleration of the rotational movement of raw materials is achieved. This will speed up the rotation of the raw material roller.


В данной статье рассмотрены способы снижения повреждаемости семян хлопчатника, предупреждения образования дефектов содержания волокна и ускорения оборота сырья. Это ускоряет вращение вала сырья.


Keywords: Cotton, fibre, gin, equipment, variety, class, element, thread, pressure, raw cotton, acceptance of cotton, storage of raw cotton, self-heating of cotton, grade of raw cotton, air permeability.

Ключевые слова: Хлопок, волокно, джин, оборудование, сорт, класс, элемент, нить, давление, хлопок-сырец, приемка хлопка, хранение хлопка-сырца, самосогревание хлопка, сорт хлопка-сырца, воздухопроницаемость.


In this device, to accelerate the rotation of the raw material roller, the side of the working chamber of the saw fibre separator rotates around its axis, and on the surface of the side, there are special ball-shaped balls. This accelerates the rotational movement of the raw material roller, reduces friction and electricity consumption, allows to increase production productivity. As a result, we will increase the economic efficiency of ginneries [1,2,3].

Due to the lack of capacity of the raw material roller adjustment system in the working chamber of the existing gin machine in the ginneries, as well as the effect of friction of the raw material roller with the working chamber, its speed is low.

This has a negative impact on productivity and fibre quality. Therefore, it is expedient to increase the productivity and efficiency of work by introducing the proposed device to the saw gin machine and accelerating the rotational movement of the raw material roller.

R. Kattakhojayev, VI Kuzmin, DA Kotov, M. Tillayev and others researched further improvement of the demon machine. As a result of research, designs have been created that can increase productivity and improve fibre quality. As a result of scientific research, it has been shown that the speed of the raw material roller plays an important role in increasing the productivity of the sawmill [4,5,6].

To increase the speed of the raw material roller, circular balls were proposed on the sidewalls of the working chamber. A study of the designs of existing rotary accelerators has shown that they are basically of three types. 1. Plank-pile 2. Disc 3. Divided into disc types. In the centre of the working chamber, V.I. Kuzmin researched by installing a plank-pile rotary accelerator with a diameter of 130 mm. This converter gave good results when the accelerator was given different rotations. As a result of increasing the density of the raw material roller, a state of clogging was observed.

In the research conducted by D.A. Kotov, the rotating accelerators mounted on the gin working chamber were made in the form of a disk, and the rotating accelerator proposed by M. Tillayev was in the form of a paddle disk.

The pressure of the raw material roller causes friction on the sides of the working chamber apron. This friction force significantly affects the rotation of the raw material shaft. Especially when DP-130 ginners work with low-grade cotton, it was observed that there were frequent blockages in front of the sidewalls of the working chamber. This negatively affects the process of ginning cotton, leading to a decrease in productivity and fibre quality [7-10].

Scientists of the Namangan Institute of Engineering Technology have carried out the following work to accelerate the development of raw materials (Fig. 1):


Figure 1. Gin working chamber with supply roller

1 special supply drum, 2 working chambers, 3 saw cylinders, 4 grates.


The proposed new device (Fig. 1) is mounted on the working chamber at the cotton drop, rotates around its length, thus ensuring that the amount of cotton entering the working chamber is the same, and enters the working chamber. Prevents clogging at the point of arrival and friction on the sidewalls of the working chamber, reduces fibre damage and increases the speed of the raw material roller.

Reducing seed damage prevents the formation of defects in fibre content. Currently, the existing sawmills in ginneries have low productivity (8-10 kg / h of fibre per 1 saw) due to the frictional force between the two sides of the working chamber and the two edges of the raw material roller. The new gin working camera we are offering is shown in Figure 2.


Figure 2. New proposed working camera

1 side ball rotating around its axis, 2-saw cylinder, 3-column


To accelerate the rotation of the raw material, special balls are mounted on the surface of the side of the working chamber. This speeds up the rotation of the raw material roller. The fibre attached to the saw teeth separates from the grating and begins to fall under its weight.

In this device, to accelerate the rotation of the raw material roller, the side of the working chamber of the saw fibre separator rotates around its axis, and on the surface of the side, there are special balls. This accelerates the rotational movement of the raw material roller, reduces friction and electricity consumption, allows to increase production productivity. As a result, we will increase the economic efficiency of ginneries. In Figure 3, these balls help to enter and rotate the raw material roller formed in the working chamber. The installation of the paddles significantly affects the rotation of the raw material roller by attaching it more to the piles than in the piles in Figure 2. As a result, the density of the raw cotton in the chamber is uniform, which reduces the effect of friction with the surface of the working chamber, thereby increasing the speed of the raw material roller.



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Информация об авторах

Lecturer, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Uzbekistan, Fergana

старший преподаватель кафедры натуральных волокон, Ферганский политехнический институт, Республика Узбекистан, г. Фергана

Master’s Degree Student, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Uzbekistan, Fergana

магистрант кафедры натуральных волокон, Ферганский политехнический институт, Республика Узбекистан, г. Фергана

Журнал зарегистрирован Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор), регистрационный номер ЭЛ №ФС77-54434 от 17.06.2013
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Главный редактор - Ахметов Сайранбек Махсутович.