Sharifbaeva K.Y., Abdurashidov I.Z., Alimardanov R.A. TRAINING OF ROAD CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERS // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 1(94). URL: (дата обращения: 14.03.2025).
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The article analyzes the improvement of the training of engineers in the road construction industry.


В статье анализируется совершенствование подготовки инженеров дорожно-строительной отрасли.


Keywords: training, higher education, road construction engineers.

Ключевые слова: обучение, высшее образование, инженеры дорожно-строительной отрасли.


A distinctive feature of the Higher School of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the requirement to train specialists in strict accordance with the educational standard. At the same time, in the Western educational system, the student is given the freedom to choose academic disciplines. The curricula of domestic universities do not provide for a wide list of optional courses, which significantly limits the opportunities for the development of students' creative initiative and fine-tuning of the educational process to modern market requirements.

In this regard, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of such an educational form as extracurricular educational activities of students. It is of great importance both for general scientific training and for the formation of special practical skills and abilities [1]. The effective organization of the student's extracurricular activities, which allows the formation of professional skills relevant to the labor market, today, is impossible without the introduction of new approaches. Many researchers working in the field of higher technical education consider this issue [2]. Of these, two areas can be distinguished that can be used together, while not canceling, but organically integrated into the existing education system. These are the formation of an educational business environment for students and the formation of complex project-oriented teams of specialists of various levels and students.

Formation of an educational business environment contributes to the implementation of theoretical lessons in practice, updating the techniques of practice-oriented learning. In such an environment, students of the road construction industry will need to act in conditions that are as close to real ones as possible, which helps to form entrepreneurial qualities, the ability to think creatively, assess the situation and resources critically, stimulates professional mobility and the willingness to make responsible decisions [3]. The presence in universities of training workshops, student business enterprises and practice-oriented sites, as well as consideration of actual problem situations with teachers during classroom work, allow forming the necessary professional competencies. This approach will help the student of the road construction industry in setting their own educational goals, enhancing cognitive activity, assessing the acquired knowledge and skills and understanding what is required in the modern labor market. A specialist trained in this way is able to more easily get involved in the production process, successfully applying the competencies acquired during training.

The formation of complex project-oriented teams in the educational institution, focused on cooperation with partner enterprises of the road construction industry, will also make it possible to implement the principles of a practice-oriented approach in the acquisition of professional skills by students. An integrated project-oriented team is an association of various specialized specialists with the necessary practical experience and a degree of scientific training, as well as students. The work of such a team is aimed at increasing the innovative potential of production processes at partner enterprises. The result of the effective interaction of the participants of such a mixed research and development team and production should be the solution of a set of problems associated with the design, manufacture and promotion of new products to the market.

Specialists who are part of complex project-oriented teams are required to comply with the following requirements:

  • high level of qualifications in their specialty;
  • experience of participation in project teams and focus on achieving the goals of innovative research and production projects;
  • competence in related scientific and industrial fields, which complements and expands qualifications in the main professional activity;

Students who naturally do not have the required experience, qualifications and competencies are pre-selected. Hence, it becomes necessary to develop an effective system for the competitive selection of applicants for training as part of semi-professional groups. In the future, it is the environment and the gradual complication of the practical tasks assigned to the student, which are relevant for production in this period, that make it possible to form the necessary professional qualities. A specialist with the listed qualities will have clear advantages over graduates trained in traditional technology. Competitiveness in the labor market of the road construction sector is manifested in such indicators as creativity, labor productivity, competence characteristics, adaptability and the ability to establish cooperation with representatives of related specialties. Such a specialist, thanks to his creative potential, will easily find a place in any project or production team.



  1. Sharifbaeva H.Ya., Togaev G.Sh., Shamsiddinova E.M. Internal factors self-organization by the student of educational activities [Vnutrennie faktoryi samoorganizatsii studentom uchebnoy deyatelnosti] // Nauchnyj zhurnal, 2018, no.9 (32), pp. 53-54.
  2. Khisamutdinova N.V. The role of practical training in the training of engineers at Dalny East [Rol' prakticheskogo obucheniya v podgotovke inzhenerov na Dal'nem Vostoke] // Oykumena. Regionovedcheskie issledovaniya, 2014, no. 3 (30).
  3. Masyuk N.N., Mezhonova L.V., Shilovskaya L.L. [Uchebnaya biznes-sreda kak innovatsionnaya ploschadka dlya razvitiya predprinimatelskih kompetentsiy Territoriya novyih vozmozhnostey] // Vestnik, 2013, no.5, pp. 88-94.
  4. Sharifbaeva H.Ya., Abdurashidov I.Zh. Application of mobile technologies in the field of education [Primenenie mobilnyih tehnologiy v sfere obrazovaniya] // Problemy pedagogiki, 2018, no.2 (34), pp. 106-107.
  5. Sharifbaeva H.Ya., Abdurashidov I.Zh. Prospects for the use of mobile technologies in the educational process [Perspektivy ispol'zovaniya mobil'nykh tekhnologiy v obrazovatel'nom protsesse] // Vestnik nauki i obrazovaniya, 2021, no.17-2 (120), pp. 85-87.
  6. Sharifbaeva H.Ya., Abdurashidov I.Zh. General methodological training of teachers of special disciplines in technical universities [Obsche metodicheskaya podgotovka prepodavateley spetsialnyih distsiplin v tehnicheskih vuzah] // Vestnik nauki i obrazovaniya, 2020, no.23 (101), pp. 49-51.
  7. Sharifbaeva H.Ya., Abdurashidov I.Zh. Experience in training technical teachers disciplines in the world's leading universities [Opyt podgotovki prepodavateley tekhnicheskikh distsiplin v vedushchikh vuzakh mira] // Vestnik nauki i obrazovaniya, 2021, no.7 (110), pp. 27-29.
Информация об авторах

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Social Disciplines, Tashkent State Transport University, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

канд. пед. наук, доцент, кафедра социальных дисциплин, Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Doctoral student, Tashkent State Transport University, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

докторант, Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Assistant, Department of Automobiles and Automotive Economy, Tashkent State Transport University, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

ассистент, кафедра автомобилей и автомобильного хозяйства, Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Журнал зарегистрирован Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор), регистрационный номер ЭЛ №ФС77-54434 от 17.06.2013
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