Kabulov N. Kholmatov O.
Kabulov N., Kholmatov O. AUTOMATION PROCESSING OF HYDROTERMIC PROCESSES FOR GRAINS // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2021. 12(93). URL: (дата обращения: 18.12.2024).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2021.93.12.12841



In this article developed a device for controlling grain moistening in production, which is supposed to be used at a flour-grinding enterprise in the Andijan region. The paper considers the basic principles of constructing grain moisture control systems, analyzes existing technologies, and also develops a structural, schematic diagram of a control device, algorithms and control program. The selection of the main elements of the control device has been made and on the basis of this a humidification control device has been developed. A plan for the further development of the system is presented.


В этой статье разработан прибор для контроля увлажнения зерна в производстве, который предполагается использовать на мукомольном предприятиях. В статье рассмотрены основные принципы построения систем контроля влажности зерна, проанализированы существующие технологии, а также разработана структурная, принципиальная схема устройства управления, алгоритмы и управляющая программа. Произведен выбор основных элементов устройства управления и на его основе разработано устройство управления увлажнением. Представлен план дальнейшего развития системы.


Keywords: Grain, conditioning, physical and mechanical, gluten free, milling, hydrothermal, milling, wheat, IR sensor.

Ключевые слова: зерна, физико-механических, глютина, кондиционирование, фрезерование, пшеница, гидротермической, помол, ИК-датчика.



The main goal of TRP in mills is to change the initial technological properties of grain in a given direction in order to stabilize them at an optimal level. The grain supplied to the enterprises usually has a low moisture content, structural and mechanical properties endosperm and membranes differ slightly. As a result, it is difficult to separate them, it is difficult to process such grain. When conducting TRP, first of all, they strive to enhance the difference in the properties of the membranes and the endosperm [1].

In this case, the process in the mill is carried out in such a way as to reduce the strength of the endosperm and increase the strength of the shells.

At the same time, the more noticeable the changes occur, the higher the efficiency of processing grain into flour will be. The degree of change in the technological properties of grain is determined by the specific method of TRP and the peculiarities of the interaction of grain with water. The main factor under the influence of which the transformation of grain properties occurs during the TRP is a change in its moisture content [2].


In accordance with the development of this process, the milling properties of grain also change: the extraction of endosperm increases, the yield of flour, and the energy consumption for grinding decreases. However, it should be borne in mind that the period for reaching the maximum degree of endosperm loosening depends on the initial characteristics of the grain. For example, in experiments with spring white wheat it was found that the optimal duration of the first stage of heating is 6 hours, spring red-grain wheat - 10...12 hours, winter red-grain wheat - 16 hours. As the temperature rises, the length of this period decreases and increases the degree of loosening of the endosperm. The optimum temperature for different grains is in the range of 45...55 °C [3].


Figure 1. Functional diagram of automatic hydrothermic treatment


Modern technology of flour in the preparation of grain by the method of cold conditioning allows you to get 76...78% of flour, including up to 75% of the highest 33 grade. Under the influence of specially selected MGO modes, the biochemical characteristics of the grain can be significantly changed. So, with an increase in humidity from 14 to 17...18%, the activity of grain enzymes increases significantly, which is reflected in the state of the carbohydrate and protein complexes of the grain. There is also the possibility of a targeted effect on the properties of gluten [4]. It is known that the amino acid composition of weak and strong wheat does not have noticeable differences; therefore, the "strength" of the grain is determined by the special structural properties of the gluten complex. These properties of gluten are largely determined by the presence of disulfide bonds and sulfhydryl groups in protein macromolecules. A major change in the gluten complex. As a result of the studies carried out, the elasticity of the gluten increased markedly, the weak gluten moved to the satisfactory group. When organizing and maintaining the TRP, it is important to select such process parameters that would provide the maximum technological effect [5].


Figure 2. Humidifying machine ZZM-2


The grain entering through the intake pipe falls on the impeller 9 and sets it in motion. The wheel, through the gear transmission 10, transfers the rotation to the water-filling wheel 4 with buckets installed on it, which scoop up water from the reservoir 2 and pour it into the funnel 5. The water flows through the pipe 1 into the auger, which also receives the grain to be moistened. The auger must be at least 6 m long. For better mixing, it is recommended to install two augers one above the other. In this case, the grain hoppers are filled from the lower auger. The amount of water supplied to the auger is set by chute 6, the position of which is adjusted by a screw adjuster 11. The less the chute covers the funnel, the less water is drained back into the tank and the more it is sent to the auger of the machine to moisten the grain [6].

Experimental results.

This method for determining moisture content is based on the absorption and reflection spectra in the infrared range characteristic of each substance. The sample is irradiated with monochromatic, i.e., one wavelength, near-infrared light. Some part of this radiation is absorbed by the sample material, the other part is reflected from its surface. A photosensor is used to quantitatively measure the reflected light beam and convert it into an electrical signal. The moisture value can be inferred from the signal size using a calibration curve. This method gives fast results and does not depend on the contact phenomena on the electrodes as when measuring electrical conductivity), which can make a negative contribution to the measurement error. For this reason, this method is often used for online monitoring of the production process, for example, on conveyor belts.


The flour and cereal industry is one of the most socially significant sectors of the agro-industrial complex. Bread, bakery, pasta, cereal and confectionery products made from flour are essential for families at any age. That is why the main criterion for the country's food security is the stable provision of the average per capita consumption of grain products. Bread group products have a high nutritional value. The fifth part of the daily diet of Uzbeks is made up of precisely the products of the grain group. The technology of milling production is a set of scientifically grounded methods of processing grain to maximize the use of the resources inherent in its endosperm, and combines both scientific concepts and practical methods of production into a coherent system.



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Информация об авторах

Doctor of Philosophy, Andijan machine-building institute, Uzbekistan, Andijan

д-р философии технических наук, Андижанский машиностроительный институт, Республика Узбекистан, г. Андижан

Assistant, Andijan machine-building institute, Uzbekistan, Andijan

ассистент, Андижанский машиностроительный институт, Республика Узбекистан, г. Андижан

Журнал зарегистрирован Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор), регистрационный номер ЭЛ №ФС77-54434 от 17.06.2013
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Главный редактор - Ахметов Сайранбек Махсутович.