Umaraliyev N. Ergashov K.
Umaraliyev N., Ergashov K. INFLUENCE OF THE PROBABILISTIC NATURE OF THE CHANGE IN THE MEASURED QUANTITY ON THE MEASUREMENT ERROR // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2021. 12(93). URL: (дата обращения: 03.07.2024).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2021.93.12.12817



The results of an analytical study to determine the influence of the probabilistic nature of the change in the measured quantity on the measurement error of two-wave optoelectronic devices are presented. By minimizing measurement errors, expressions for the optimal parameters of two-wave optoelectronic devices are obtained. The conditions for choosing the value of the initial flows, as well as the conditions for choosing the wavelength of the reference and measuring channels, the observance of which ensures the minimization of the relative measurement error are given.


Представлены результаты аналитического исследования по определению влияния вероятностного характера изменения измеряемой величины на погрешность измерения двухволновых оптоэлектронных устройств. За счет минимизации ошибок измерений получены выражения для оптимальных параметров двухволновых оптоэлектронных устройств. Приведены условия выбора величины начальных потоков, а также условия выбора длины волны опорного и измерительного каналов, соблюдение которых обеспечивает минимизацию относительной погрешности измерения.


Keywords: two-wave optoelectronic device, reference and measuring channels, non-destructive testing, time and temperature instability.

Ключевые слова: двухволновое оптоэлектронное устройство, эталонный и измерительный каналы, неразрушающий контроль, временная и температурная нестабильность.


Introduction. In works, [1-15] two-wave optoelectronic devices for solving problems of non-destructive testing are considered. In all these works, to describe the operation of devices, the following mathematical model was applied based on the law Booger-Lambert-Beer:



Where  Q is the measured parameter; k1, k2 are absorption coefficients at wavelengths λ1 and λ2.

In works [16-24] it was assumed that the measured parameter Q is a deterministic quantity with an optoelectronic two-wave device and its measurement is reduced to measuring τ (the time of alignment of the signals of the reference and measuring channels of two-wave devices. In practice, one has to deal with random variables.

Main part. Based on the above, we assume that the measured random variable Q is distributed according to the normal law, which more accurately describes the real situation, i.e.


We will look for the function of the relative measurement error from F1 in the following form:






We expand the last factor in a series in powers of  and, limiting ourselves to five terms of the series, we obtain the following:


After some changes we have:            


In order to find the minimum of the function of the relative measurement error dτ / τ from F1, we differentiate it by F1 and equate it to zero:






After some transformations we have:

,                         (12)



 - coefficient of variation of the measured parameter, and:


Solving equation (12) by the method of dividing the interval in half for all values of β and V, which are of practical interest, with respect to x, we obtain the optimal ratios F1/F0



We normalize (14) to (15) for the convenience of the estimate:


The C factor shows how different the optimal ratio is.

 (at ) from  (at )

In fig. 1 and fig. 2 shows the dependencies respectively:


Thus, using (17) and (18) for the given average values of the measured parameter Q and, accordingly, β, it is possible to determine the effective value F0 for the selected measuring and reference wavelengths for the two-wave measurement method.      

Conclusion: 1. A mathematical model is proposed for studying the processes of transformation of primary information. 2. Analytical studies were carried out to minimize the relative error of two-wave optoelectronic devices.


F_1/F_2 (opt)

Figure 1. The curve of the optimal flow ratio taking into account the coefficient of variation of the measured parameter


3. The conditions for the choice of the magnitude of the initial flows and the wavelength of the reference and measuring channels are obtained, the observance of which ensures the minimization of the relative measurement error in the near-IR range. 4. The results obtained allow us to conclude that the use of LED parameters in two-wave optoelectronic devices makes it possible to improve the metrological characteristics in general.


Figure 2. The degree of influence of unevenness (coefficient of variation) of the measured parameter by the value of the optimal ratio of flows F0 and F1



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Информация об авторах

Associate Professor of the Department of Electronics and Instrumentation, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Uzbekistan, Fergana

доцент кафедры Электроники и приборостроение, Ферганский политехнический институт, Узбекистан, г. Фергана

Department of Metrology, Standardization and Product Quality Management, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Uzbekistan, Fergana

старший преподаватель кафедры Метрологии, стандартизации и управление качеством продукции, Ферганский политехнический институт, Узбекистан, г. Фергана

Журнал зарегистрирован Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор), регистрационный номер ЭЛ №ФС77-54434 от 17.06.2013
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Главный редактор - Ахметов Сайранбек Махсутович.