Khasanova O.
Khasanova O. THE NEED FOR PORTABLE PUMPS TO IRRIGATE GARDENS WITH SNOW AND RAINWATER IN THE FOOTHILLS // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2021. 12(93). URL: (дата обращения: 18.12.2024).
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The article discusses the creation of export-oriented plantations of Manchurian walnut (J.manshurica Maxim), Siebold (J.sieboldiana Maxim), black (J.hydra) and gray (Y.cinerea) in the foothills, as well as the selection of fruit seedlings in cold-resistant wetlands , the importance of portable pumps for irrigation with snow and rainwater is emphasized.


В статье обсуждается создание экспортно-ориентированных плантаций ореха маньчжурского (J.manshurica Maxim), зибольда (J.sieboldiana Maxim), черного (J.hydra) и серого (Y.cinerea) в предгорьях, а также селекции  саженцев плодов в холодоустойчивых заболоченных землях, подчеркивается важность переносных насосов при орошении снегом и дождевой водой.


Keywords: Floods and melted snow, vegetation period, flat relief, rocks, ridges, steep slopes, irrigation rate.

Ключевые слова: Паводки и талый снег, вегетационный период, равнинный рельеф, скалы, гребни, крутые склоны, поливная норма.


Increasing the volume of agricultural production to provide the population with food and industrial raw materials will be achieved by increasing the productivity of crops on these lands by improving the reclamation of existing irrigated areas. As a continuation of this work, we can say that the importance of rain and snow water is incomparable. Due to the natural climatic conditions of the regions of the country, the introduction of modern technologies for the creation of high-yielding, disease-resistant, fast-ripening varieties of water crops, water conservation, soil fertility, almond, handon in farms located in the foothills. Experiments have shown that planting trees such as pistachios and walnuts can lead to a positive change in the reclamation of their lands through the establishment of intensive orchards.[6]

But floods and melting snow wash away these fertile soils, which is also a sensitive issue. All kinds of fruit can be grown on dry lands in the mountains and hills, as well as on the plains. It is desirable to grow almonds, walnuts, pecans, large fruit hawthorn, unabi and handon pistachios. The fruits that bear fruit in the foothills and foothills live 200 years, walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts and pistachios 60-80 years. One walnut tree yields 100-200 kg, almonds 15ts and more, pistachios and hazelnuts 20ts. [1]

There are peculiarities of growing fruit trees in the foothills and foothills. First of all you need to choose the right fruit varieties. These varieties should be as drought-resistant as possible, ripen quickly and have a short growing season. Varieties that are transferred to higher climbs should also be more resistant to frost. On the slopes of the mountains, ie in areas with a rainfall of 350-400 mm, it is possible to grow pistachios and unabi from very drought-resistant varieties. When planting these fruits, it is advisable to choose lands with as flat a terrain as possible, without cliffs and ridges, without large stones. It is good that the slope of the slopes on which the garden is built is up to 15 0. For almonds, steep slopes with a slope of 30-350 are preferred. [6]

The walnut tree ripens in the second half of September, early October. The fruit contains 40-50%, in rare cases 60% of the core. The walnut tree is long, with some bushes living up to 300 years. Nuts are usually propagated by seeds. The twigs that grow from the root take better root than the cuttings. The twigs from the stems also grow well and come into fruition in the third year. The walnut tree is a warm and light-loving plant, but its cold-tolerant varieties are also found.

Of these, Manchurian walnut (J.manshurica Maxim) .This walnut is grown as a forest tree and ornamental tree. Relatively drought and winter hardy. Used as a graft for ordinary nuts. Other species of walnut include Zibolda (J.sieboldiana Maxim) and Y.cordiformus, which grow in Japan, and black (J.hydra) and gray (Y.cinerea), which grow in the United States.

The average annual rainfall and snowfall per square meter in the world is 100 mm in vertical height. from 800 mm. This means that every square meter of land receives an average of 100 liters to 800 liters of rain and snow per year. This figure is confirmed to be about 200 mm to 300 mm for our Republic, based on long-term data, and this figure is 240 mm for Andijan region. are shown in the statistics. [7]

As we have all witnessed, some of the rain and snow that falls on the ground can be swallowed up on the ground and some can evaporate. This issue is one of the most pressing issues of today, which is the need for fresh water and will help to solve the problem, at least in part, as it grows day by day.

It is no secret that in many parts of the country the amount of unused land is a large part of the total land area, especially in the foothills and foothills, where it is impossible to cultivate or irrigate.

Therefore, in such places, an accumulator device for collecting rain and snow water was created in the future. in this case, it will be possible to select a pump in order to fill the device and continue watering again by pumping the water flowing from the canal, or ditches passing through the low slopes of the area.

It is enough to water almond, walnut fruit seedlings over three years old, without losing their condition, at least 3 times a year from 5 liters to 10 liters for 1 seedling during the hot summer months of the year.[2]

Irrigation norms are determined by the age of fruit trees, the mechanical composition of the soil, the level of groundwater, high and low yields, and other factors.

The irrigation norm used for young gardens varies from 500 m3 per hectare, and for irrigated gardens the irrigation norm varies from 800 to 1000 m3 / ha.

In areas with gravel, groundwater, this norm is reduced to 300-500 m3 per hectare. The water supply rate is 1200-1500-2000 m3 per hectare. [5]

To do this, assume that the height of the selected location of the device is 30-35 m, and the length of the ditch or canal in the flowing low to the location of the device is 2000 m. The selection of the pump type for the selected test site is done as follows. We determine the water transfer of the pump by filling the water storage tank over time.[4]


where W - is the reservoir volume, t - is the water transfer time, s

t=6 ∙ 3600=21600

Pump pressure:   Н=Нг+hw   [1]

Here: Нг=˅Юссmax-˅Mссmin

˅Yuссmax- geodesic marking of the maximum water level in the cuv reservoir

˅Mссmin- the minimum geodesic mark of the water in the muv source

hw- the sum of the pressure losses due to the local and longitudinal resistances of the pump in the pipes

hw=hl+hм - pressure losses along the length of the pipe, m

 hl= i х l - where l is the length of the pipe, m;

i - the hydraulic slope is assumed in the initial calculations to be i = 0.003-0.004.The pressure loss to local resistances is assumed to be hm = 0.7 ÷ 2.0 m. Once the dimensions of the suction and pressure pipes are determined, the actual values of the pressure losses in them are found on the basis of hydraulic calculations.[3]

Based on the water transfer Q and pressure H of the pump defined above, we select the pump type.



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Информация об авторах

Senior lecturer of Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies, Uzbekistan, Andijan

старший преподаватель Андижанского института сельского хозяйства и агротехнологии, Узбекистан, г. Андижан

Журнал зарегистрирован Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор), регистрационный номер ЭЛ №ФС77-54434 от 17.06.2013
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Главный редактор - Ахметов Сайранбек Махсутович.