Turakulov A.E.
Turakulov A.E. THE BENEFITS OF USING THREE-DIMENSIONAL MODELING IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS ' KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS IN COMPUTER GRAPHICS SCIENCE // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2021. 11(92). URL: (дата обращения: 27.12.2024).
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This article provides information on the use of three-dimensional modeling in the development of students ' knowledge and skills in the subject of computer graphics.


В данной статье представлена информация об использовании трехмерного моделирования в развитии знаний и навыков студентов по предмету компьютерная графика.


Keyword: computer graphics, automated design, technique, pedagogical control, pedagogical play, modeling.

Ключевые слова: компьютерная графика, автоматизированное проектирование, метод, педагогический контроль, педагогическая игра, моделирование.


Introduction. Modern computer technology as an inseparable part of our lives, creates the conditions for carrying out the non-typical teaching process in institutions of higher learning. This is the ultimate goal, as an indispensable tool for the success of work in the enterprise, it is precisely for this reason that it is impossible to train future specialists in their professional development, modern engineers without the use of computer technologies, to introduce students to the production of scientific achievements using computer technology in the process of teaching, first of all.[1]

The use of computer technology is not only for teachers, but also as a tool for students to carry out tasks such as mastering the subject of computer graphics, performing graphic tasks, processing, creating acceptable, preparing for control test assignments, creating a presentation consisting of new materials on the topic of independent work.

Automated design - this is an automatic preparation of the graphic operations of the project, which is subsequently used in production and verification of compliance with the requirements of the manufactured product. The modeling of Bunda drawings and schemes using the latest produced graphical software tools is a technique from the application of new information tenologies in the process. The project is an expression from the implementation of computer graphics 2D and 3D modeling tool, in the design of structural operations to the extent that they can achieve an accurate result.

There are various forms and tools of formation of students ' knowledge and skills in a particular subject, which are now being used in the educational process. As an example to them it is possible to draw the following:

- pedagogical means of control is a means of determining the indicators of control and mastering of students ' knowledge and giving them a correct and reasonable assessment of their knowledge. To them oral and written control questions, test assignments, base vocabulary, independent work, experimental assignments;

– didactic tools used in the pedagogical process-serve as the main tool in the process of teaching, explaining the subject, repeating and using methods and techniques that are convenient and effective. These include electronic multimedia manuals, textbooks, software pedagogical tools, distribution materials;

- pedagogical game tools-are interactive methods and pedagogical technologies of education that force students to actively participate and think in the process of lessons. 

Literature review. Timur Rixsiboyev's textbook on 3D modeling, entitled Computer Graphics, provides the following basic and methodological information.[2] However, in carrying out this process, it is desirable to develop new tools for the formation of students knowledge and skills in the subjects of computer graphics, taking advantage of the opportunities of graphic programs, which are now being improved in this area.

Because computer graphics is a science that is inextricably linked directly with computer, therefore, the use of computer technology as a pedagogical tool in the learning process represents a solution to the problem of double success teaching.

Research Methodology. Engineering is an expression of the use of the above-mentioned methods and tools of shaping students 'knowledge and skills in the teaching of computer graphics, as well as the modeling tool with the possibility of graphic programs, through which they first develop students' interest in the science and create the basis for their excellent mastering of their knowledge in this regard.

Modeling - in this traditional way, it is possible to understand two or three-dimensional images of objects in a plane, as well as images, models, drawings, schemes, diagrams, drawn on the basis of parameters with or without a mathematical model, such as a different scheme diagram. When modeling with the help of modern information technologies, mathematical modules obtained with precision or experimental testing are understood images on the computer screen, built using expressions, parameters obtained on the basis of equations. [3]

In Figure 1, given 2D of the complex detail related to engineering graphics (1-a, figure) and 1-b, the 3D model is shown in the figure.


Figure 1. 2D of the complex detail related to engineering graphics (1-a, figure) and 1-b, the 3D model is shown in the figure


Students use 2D when they build the 3D model of this detail. But in the process of its implementation, of course, it will be necessary to pay attention to the level of complexity. 1-the 3D model of the detail presented in the picture is carried out in three stages: 1. The top view of the detail is separated and a copy is moved to the desired location of the screen. All measurements are thrown away. 2. Using the graphic program capabilities of the detail, the base and top parts are grown in size. 3. Combining the base and the top part and removing the unnecessary parts according to the conditions given in the required size 2D model is carried out using the command of automatic merging of the transition line. This is how the main part of the creation of the 3D model of the given detail will end.

Analysis and results. This will save the student from boredom, tension of his mental activity.

3D modeling - large-scale methods and tools provide for the construction of new mesh (set) Information object models. They carry out the preparation of the rollers for the action show. Mesh information model is the construction of a vector model of images by summarizing the experience, only three-dimensional objects are used in describing them through personnel. Using three-dimensional modeling, the possibilities of designing engineering graphics processes with high precision as well as high-quality design are very wide. [4]

In order to carry out this process, continuing with our above thought, it is the same provision to start the student's knowledge of modeling from the construction of a model of simple and complex details. For example, the following 2-a, let it be necessary to build a 3D model of the detail in the picture. Even without finding the third view of this detail, its 3D model (2-b, image) can be found quickly and accurately using the modeling capabilities of the AutoCAD graphics program. If you pay attention to 2-v, then each of the parts of the interior of the detail described in the picture is shown using different colors. This is a reflection of the fact that the student should pay attention to each part of the detail and use the modeling tool correctly. [5]

Conclusion. If the construction of the detail model shown in Figure 1 Above is carried out in two stages, then in order to model the detail presented in Figure 2, basically four stages must be completed. 1. 2D model of the detail is drawn. 2. In the process of growing the base and the top part, perform by paying attention to the conditions given in the 2D model of the detail.


2D model of a-detal

B-3D model of detail

forty given views of the v-3D model

Figure 2. Model the detail


3. To remove unnecessary parts and give them a color to stand out, combine the transition line using the automatic combine command 4. By giving the finished detalga forty, the actions are brought to an end. 2-v, the picture is given forty in order to clearly show the interior of the 3D model of the detail. Having seen this detail clearly, the inner parts, which seemed incomprehensible to the student, will have knowledge of what is actually depicted in the drawing and will strive for creative activity. In the process, several psychological factors at the same time in the student all come to action.


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Информация об авторах

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (PhD), Termez State University, Uzbekistan, Termez

канд. пед. наук, Термезский государственный университет, Узбекистан, г. Термез

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