Cooling system performance in hot weather and ways to control it to work properly

Работа системы охлаждения в жаркую погоду и способы его контроля на работу
Muydinov D. Zokirjonov A.
Muydinov D., Zokirjonov A. Cooling system performance in hot weather and ways to control it to work properly // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2021. 6(87). URL: (дата обращения: 27.03.2025).
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In this article, we try to explain the working condition of cooling system in hot weather and providing services to maintain cooling system. We have taken several experiments in Uzbekistan and define main issues on cooling system in summer.


В этой статье мы пытаемся объяснить рабочее состояние системы охлаждения в жаркую погоду и предоставляем услуги по обслуживанию системы охлаждения. Мы провели несколько экспериментов в Узбекистане и определили основные проблемы по системе охлаждения летом.


Keywords: Cooling system, engine, nuclear boiling, radiator

Ключевые слова: система охлаждения, двигатель, ядерное кипение, радиатор.


Introduction: Summers are getting hotter in Uzbekistan, with temperatures regularly hitting 50°C. While this is great news for beach-goers and kids on their six-week summer break, it isn’t ideal for our cars – which can be affected by the heat.

Breakdown statistics show that there’s a 20% increase in roadside callouts when it’s hot, rising to 30% in coastal areas. Cars are also 50% more likely to overheat in warm weather, which is one of the leading causes of breakdowns on Uzbekistan roads.

Main Part: Most internal combustion engines are fluid cooled using either air (a gaseous fluid) or a liquid coolant run through a heat exchanger (radiator) cooled by air. Despite modern cars being built to withstand extreme changes in temperature, prolonged exposure to either freezing or sweltering conditions always has the potential to cause some problems. In the height of summer, when cars have to work in hot, dry conditions for weeks at a time, this can impact on performance and safety – so it’s important to keep on top of their maintenance and upkeep. In air cooling system, heat is carried away by the air flowing over and around the cylinder. Here fins are cast on the cylinder head and cylinder barrel which provide additional conductive and radiating surface. In water-cooling system of cooling engines, the cylinder walls and heads are provided with jacket through which the cooling liquid can circulate.

We know that in case of Internal Combustion engines, combustion of air and fuel takes place inside the engine cylinder and hot gases are generated. The temperature of gases will be around 2300-2500°C. This is a very high temperature and may result into burning of oil film between the moving parts and may result into seizing or welding of the same.

The engine in your car or truck produces heat as it runs. Keeping the heat in check is critical because if the engine gets too hot, damage can occur inside it. The cooling system in your vehicle should keep the engine cool as long as it is working properly. But if the system isn't working properly, you need to fix the problem right away to avoid long-term damage to the engine.

Engine Overheating

Over-heating problems can be the result of a lot of things, but there are some basic things to check if you are experiencing problems with overheating.

Low Coolant Level

A common cause of engine overheating is low coolant levels in the cooling system. The cooling system is a closed system, meaning it should not leak, but some problems can allow it to escape over time. If the leak is slow enough, you may not notice a problem until the temperature starts to rise.

Checking the coolant level is pretty easy, but you have to wait until the engine is cool. If you open the system while it is hot, hot coolant can spray out. The liquid gets hot enough to cause severe burns. If you do not have experience with checking the cooling system, you should take the car to a garage and have the technician check the coolant level for you.

Stuck Thermostat

Another common problem that can cause your engine to overheat is a thermostat in the cooling system that is stuck in the closed position. If the thermostat is closed, the coolant cannot circulate through the system properly and the engine will overheat.

The thermostat on most cars is typically where the coolant from the radiator enters the engine. To check and change the thermostat, a technician will likely have to partially drain the system and disassemble the water neck where the coolant enters the engine block. This allows them to expose them thermostat and perform any necessary work

Restrictions in the Radiator

If the radiator in your car is old, rust and sludge can build up inside the cooling tubes where the coolant passes through the system. The result is a lower than normal amount of water passing through the radiator and the coolant not dropping in temperature properly. As the temperature climbs, the situation compounds on itself and the engine will eventually overheat.

Mechanical Problems

The cooling system has several mechanical components in it that can cause problems if these parts stop working as well.

Water Pump Failure

The single largest mechanical part of the cooling system is the water pump. The water pump is a vane-style pump that is driven off the engine and circulates the coolant through the system. If the pump fails, the coolant flow will stop and the engine will overheat.

Most of the time, if the water pump fails, it is a bearing in the pump that seizes or the seal on the pump shaft that fails. The result is a catastrophic failure and the temperature will rise extremely quickly. Often the failure is followed by copious amounts of steam coming from under the hood and coolant leaking from the pump

Cooling Fan Failure

Most modern cars have either a mechanical fan that runs off the engine via a pulley and belt or an electric cooling fan that helps move air through the radiator. If this fan stops working, the coolant will rise in temperature and eventually overheat.

In cooler weather, the temperature change may not happen as quickly as it would in the summertime. However, the fan is still a critical part of the system. If the fan is not working, replacing or repairing it should be a priority.

Following tips introduced by experts to prevent automobiles engine in hot weather:

  1. Regularly check coolant condition and level
  2. Be aware that car thermostat properly working
  3. Radiator cooling fan should work on time
  4. Check water pump failure signs
  5. Radiator cap function test should be done by specialist
  6. Hose failure symptoms should be tested on time

Conclusion: As we explained above, regular checking tests should be done every day before we start running our engines. In hot weather, we can easily damage our vehicles engine as a result of failure on cooling system. But first thing is that we should educate drivers to check cooling system equipment and fluid level before driving. With this way, we can prevent our cars from any damages. Sometimes, engines overheat when they are being worked too hard, and other times they overheat because there is a problem with the cooling system. Driving up steep inclines for long periods of time or driving in particularly hot weather can also be problematic for engines. Your car's engine may suffer significant damage as a result of a failed cooling system or excessive engine strain.



  1. Internal Combustion Engines by H.N. Gupta
  2. Pulford, Graha W. (2007). An encyclopedic reference. ISBN 0750684372
Информация об авторах

Base Doctoral Student, Andijan Machine-Building Institute, Uzbekistan, Andijan

базовый докторант, Андижанский машиностроительный институт, Узбекистан, г. Андижан

PhD Student in Andijan Machine-Building Institute, Uzbekistan, Andijan

аспирант, Андижанский машиностроительный институт, Узбекистан, г. Андижан

Журнал зарегистрирован Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор), регистрационный номер ЭЛ №ФС77-54434 от 17.06.2013
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