Development of lighting control software for “Smart class”

Разработка программного обеспечения управления освещенностью для “Умного класса”
Djurayev X.F., Uvayzov S.K., Murtazoyev A.S. Development of lighting control software for “Smart class” // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2021. 5(86). URL: (дата обращения: 18.12.2024).
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This paper presents the results of using the software of the automatic control system for artificial lighting. To automatically control lighting used microcontroller Arduino-Uno, which includes a special program software. A control algorithm has been developed to record the continuity of changes.


В данной работе представлены результаты использования программного обеспечения системы автоматического управления искусственным освещением. Для автоматического управления освещенностью использован микроконтроллер Arduino-Uno включающей специальное программное обеспечение. Для фиксации непрерывности изменений разработан алгоритм управления.


Keywords: photoresistor, motion sensor, thermometer, resistance, actuator, microprocessor, radio frequency identification, remote control, interface.

Ключевые слова: фоторезистор, датчик движения, термометр, сопротивление, исполнительный элемент, микропроцессор, радиочастотная идентификация, удалённое управление, интерфейс.


Conservation of energy resources, efficient use of energy, and production potential is one of the important tasks of modern society.

Currently, solving lighting problems is a very urgent issue. The load on the human eye, particularly in an educational institution is very significant and, for this, requires high-quality illumination in classrooms.

The system of automatic lighting control developed by us allows reducing the energy consumption in the educational institution when controlling the switching off light in places where the level of illumination is sufficient for conducting classes. Also, with the help of a motion sensor, autonomous work with illumination in the classroom is achieved.

The aim of the perfect work is the development and manufacture of a typical classroom with fully automated individual lighting, as well as the development of a remote control system based on the Arduino UNO microcontroller [3].

As a rule, it is recommended to use luminaires with a prismatic diffuser to illuminate classrooms.

The developed automatic lighting control system is proposed to be used to create comfortable conditions in the classroom and save energy. When using an automated lighting control system, luminaires with light-level control sensors are used. A photoresistor sensor is installed in the luminaires to automatically maintain a given illumination level. A photoresistor sensor detects the intensity of external light coming through the windows. In clear sunny weather, when the resistance of the photoresistor changes, the luminous flux in the luminaire is automatically reduced, in cloudy weather or at night, the luminous flux in the luminaires automatically increases.

The adjustment is smooth, almost imperceptible to the human eye, in the range from 5 to 100% of the luminous flux of the lamp. When regulating, a given standard illumination level is maintained.

In addition, there is a motion sensor in the automatic light control system. With the help of a motion sensor, the switching on and off of illumination is controlled when there is movement in the classroom. That is, this system allows you to automatically turn on the lighting when a person is in the room. But this compares indications of current natural lighting, based on which and lighting changes. When there is no person in the room, completely disable the light, regardless of the current state of natural light.

Unfortunately, the solution to the issue of additional automatic switching on of artificial lighting depends solely on the individual attitude of teachers to this issue, among whom there is still a widespread opinion about the dangers of mixed lighting, and they prefer to study even in the twilight. This opinion is very harmful to the human eye, as an adaptation to low light is accompanied by excessive eye strain. With frequent repetition, this can be one of the causes of visual impairment.

Meanwhile, research shows that mixed lighting is harmless. It is only necessary to ensure that under mixed lighting, two completely separate light fluxes are not felt.

Due to this fact, when using additional artificial lighting, the best and most promising solution is to use an automatic control system for artificial lighting. This system automatically turns on artificial lighting when the level of natural light drops below 400 lux.

The developed smart classroom control system is based on artificial lighting control, automatic door lock control (entry-exit control), remote control of the tribune, as well as a video control system in the classroom [9].

The smart class system uses a photoresistor, motion sensor, RF-ID, and DHT -22 as control sensors.

To control light in the classroom using an LDR sensor. A photoresistor (or LDR) is a component that changes resistance depending on the amount of light falling on it. In complete darkness, it has a maximum resistance of hundreds of Kilo ohm, and as the illumination increases, the resistance decreases to tens of Kilo ohm.

On its basis, it is very easy to create a circuit (Fig.1), which provides information about the illumination level in the form of an analog signal to the controller. For this chain, a voltage divider created, wherein a resistor is a photoresistor, a second – a resistor 100 ohms.

The Arduino motion sensor allows you to track the movement of objects that emit heat in a closed area. The developed system uses a PIR-sensor (Figure 2) : passive infrared transducer to or pyroelectric second sensor, which first react to movement.


Figure 1. Photoresistor connection diagram


Radiofrequency identification (RFID) is a technology for automatically contactless identification of objects using a radio frequency communication channel.

Objects are identified by a unique digital code, which is read from the memory of an electronic tag attached to the identification object. The reader contains a transmitter and an antenna, through which an electromagnetic field of a certain frequency is emitted. RF tags that fall within the coverage area of the reading field “respond” with their own signal containing information (user data). The signal is picked up by the reader's antenna, the information is decrypted and transmitted to the controller for processing.


Figure 2. Connection diagram of the motion sensor


The DHT-22 sensor is used to control the temperature and humidity in the classroom (Fig.3).

The sensor consists of two parts – a capacitive temperature sensor and a hygrometer. The first is used to measure temperature, the second is for air humidity. The chip inside can perform analog-to-digital conversions and output a digital signal that is read by the microcontroller [1].

The DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor have one digital output, so you can take readings no more often than once every 1-2 seconds.


Figure 3. Wiring diagram for temperature and humidity sensor


An electromagnetic lock is used as an actuator in the automatic door opening control system.

The electromagnetic lock is a locking device based on magnetic interaction.

The Arduino UNO microcontroller is used for software control.

Arduino is an electronic designer and a convenient platform for the rapid development of electronic control systems. The device is programmable via USB without using programmers.

Arduino – based devices can receive information about the environment through various sensors, and can also control various actuators.

The microcontroller on the board is programmed using the Arduino language and the Arduino development environment.

The Arduino platform, used in the designed system is based on a microcontroller and Atmel ATmega328.

The Arduino device programming language is based on C / C++.

To create remote control and data exchange with the server, an Arduino Ethernet shield is used.

Ethernet shield comes in shield format, i.e. installs on top of the Arduino board. The board has a slot for connecting microSD cards. The Arduino board communicates with both the W5100 and SD card using the SPI protocol. At the same time, it can be active on only one device.

To connect the Arduino board to the network, you need to configure the IP addresses.

The Ethernet library is used to program the networking.

By default, the interface is shown in Fig.4.


Figure 4 . The appearance of the application interface

1- main menu; 2- main screen; 3- information window.


When opened, the size of the application adapts to the user's screen. Optionally, you can resize the application window.

When you open the application, the video surveillance is displayed on the main screen. It is also possible to view an archive of video recordings of a smart class.

The main menu contains the “Report” item. When you click on the “Report” item, a report on the conduct of classes in a smart class is generated. The report reflects the data by whom and at what time the office was opened, the duration of the activation of artificial lighting, a projector, and an intelligent tribune, as well as the amount of electricity consumed.

The information window displays information about the current state, that is, the degree of openness of the door, the degree of natural and artificial illumination, the degree of operation of the projector, and the smart stand.


Figure 5. Report form


The developed lighting control system for the “Smart Class” was implemented at the Bukhara engineering and technology institute. The following results were obtained based on analysis of system performance: with daily average electricity savings in the classrooms, E was about 12%, and in the office for the teaching staff - about 20-25%, and also extends the life of the service lighting with Independent user 200-250 hours.

Studies have shown that in classrooms located in the northern part of the building of the institute, based on one-day working time, the duration of the use of artificial lighting is on average 5.5 hours. After the introduction of an automatic lighting control system, the duration of the use of artificial lighting is reduced by 35 minutes.

The current electricity tariffs for budgetary organizations are 450.0 soums per 1 kWh (according to the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 30, 2019 No. 633). With the introduction of the lighting control system, the economic efficiency will average 72 thousand sums per day for each office.

It should be emphasized that the district National Board of the use of electricity, is one of the most important tasks for the preservation of natural resources.



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Информация об авторах

Doctor of technical sciences, professor, dean of the faculty of technological process control systems, Bukhara Engineering and Technological Institute, Uzbekistan, Bukhara

д-р техн. наук, профессор, декан факультета «Системы управления технологическими процессами, Бухарского инженерно-технологического института, Узбекистан, г. Бухара

Assistant of the department of information and communication systems for controlling technological processes, Bukhara Engineering and Technological Institute, Uzbekistan, Bukhara

ассистент кафедры «Информационно-коммуникационные системы управления технологическим процессами», Бухарского инженерно-технологического института, Узбекистан, г. Бухара

Master of Bukhara Engineering and Technology Institute, Uzbekistan, Bukhara

магистр Бухарского инженерно-технологического института, Узбекистан, г. Бухара

Журнал зарегистрирован Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор), регистрационный номер ЭЛ №ФС77-54434 от 17.06.2013
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