Yavuz E.G.
Yavuz E.G. A THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVE ON SURVEY METHOD FROM QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS // Universum: психология и образование : электрон. научн. журн. 2023. 4(106). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/psy/archive/item/15254 (дата обращения: 22.12.2024).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniPsy.2023.106.4.15254



This research was conducted to contribute to a better understanding of the survey method. The reason for this research is some conceptual disagreements in the literature on survey research. In this context, the study includes issues such as the approach on which the survey method is based, what survey research is, how the data are collected in this method and how the sampling technique is used. The study was conducted based on document analysis method within the scope of qualitative approach. The literature on the survey method was reviewed and the publications on this subject were examined. As a result, it was understood that survey research is conducted to describe the characteristics of the population with data taken from a sample representing a certain population. In this method, which is frequently used in quantitative approach, the findings have the feature of being generalizable. Because survey research, which is based on the description of the characteristics of the population through the sample, tries to reach generalizable information instead of in-depth information. This feature of survey research does not allow the establishment of cause-effect relationships or the development of theories. In quantitative survey method, data are generally collected through scales and questionnaires. It can be said that data collection techniques in this method are more economical and easier compared to data collection techniques in other methods. The quantitative survey method is carried out in two ways depending on the time interval: cross-sectional and longitudinal.


Данное исследование было проведено с целью внести вклад в лучшее понимание метода опроса. Причиной данного исследования являются некоторые концептуальные разногласия в литературе по исследованию опросов. В связи с этим в исследование включены такие вопросы, как на каком подходе основан метод опроса, что такое опросное исследование, как собираются данные при этом методе и как осуществляется техника выборки. Исследование проводилось на основе метода анализа документов в рамках качественного подхода. В ходе исследования был проведен обзор литературы по методу опроса и изучены публикации по данной теме. В результате было выяснено, что опросное исследование проводится для описания характеристик населения с помощью данных, взятых из определенной выборки, представляющей конкретную совокупность. В этом методе, который часто используется в количественном подходе, выводы имеют свойство быть обобщающими. Поскольку опросное исследование, основанное на описании характеристик населения через выборку, пытается достичь обобщающей информации, а не углубленной. Эта особенность опросных исследований не позволяет установить причинно-следственные связи или разработать теории. При количественном методе исследования данные обычно собираются с помощью шкал и анкет. Можно сказать, что методы сбора данных в этом методе более экономичны и просты по сравнению с методами сбора данных в других методах. Количественный метод исследования проводится двумя способами в зависимости от временного интервала: поперечным и продольным.


Keywords: Quantitative Approach, Survey Method, Population, Sampling, Data Collection.

Ключевые слова: Количественный подход, метод обследования, население, выборка, сбор данных.



Quantitative research is a kind of research that focuses on solving problems using numbers. It's based on testing a theory or hypothesis, and it uses statistical techniques to measure how well it's working [1]. According to Creswell [2], Quantitative research is a way of collecting data through experiments and measurement tools. Some studies rely on qualitative research, but there are continuing debates about which method is better [3].

There is a lot of disagreement among researchers about how to study literature, and this has led to a dispute about how to view literature. The root cause of this war is the different beliefs held by the two approaches to philosophy. The quantitative approach believes in the objectivity and clarity of reality, while the qualitative approach stresses the subjectivity and therefore the uncertainty of reality. This is why the positivists have chosen the quantitative approach while the naturalists have chosen the qualitative approach. Epistemological orientations, or ways of looking at knowledge, can have different impacts on the way research is conducted. Quantitative researchers tend to be objectivists and positivists, which means that they focus on using measurable data to make conclusions. Qualitative researchers, on the other hand, are subjectivists and anti-positivists, which means that they focus on using their own thoughts and observations to make conclusions [4, 5]. Applied scientists have learned that it is important to use both approaches when working on projects. While some scientists believe that art and science cannot be combined [6], others argue that the most important thing is finding a solution to the problem. This group of scientists, known as pragmatists, believe that both art and science can be used to help reach that goal [7].

There is some confusion about research methods, with some people using the term "survey" to mean both quantitative and qualitative research. But in quantitative research, surveys usually follow a trend of being quantitative [8]. Survey research is used to learn more about how different groups of people think, act, and feel [9]. Survey research is a type of research that uses statistical data to study a group of people, in this case, all of the people in the population. This type of research is based on the idea that if you can generalize the characteristics of the sample (the people involved in the study) to the whole population, then your survey research is valid. This is because surveys are designed to be as general as possible, in contrast to research that focuses on specific cases or individual experiences.

The lack of a complete consensus on the survey method in the literature made it necessary to define the survey method in detail. The conduct of this study also stemmed from this necessity. In this study, which is based on the question "What is the survey method?", the definition of the survey method, data collection and sampling techniques in this method are given and the application of the survey method is explained.

Survey method

The quantitative survey method is used to collect information from a sample of people, which can then be used to generalize information about the population as a whole. According to the Oxford Learner's Dictionary [9], Surveys are ways of learning about people's opinions, behaviors, and so on. Sometimes, people may be asked to answer questions about themselves. This information is then used to understand people better. According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary [10], survey is a way to collect data from a group of people in order to learn more about their behavior, needs, or opinions. It also means to look at something in detail and think about it carefully.

In survey research, we use sampling techniques to collect data from a group of people. This allows us to get a snapshot of what is happening in that group. We also use data collection tools to help us collect this information. And finally, we use data analysis techniques to figure out what these data mean [11]. Questionnaires are used to answer questions and solve problems, assess needs, set goals, determine whether goals have been achieved, form the basis for future comparisons, analyze and explain trends over time, and what generally exists, in what amount and at what level [12]. According to Kraemer [13], quantitative survey research has the following three characteristics: (1) A survey is a way to gather data about a group of people. This data can tell you things like how many people there are, what their ages are, and what kinds of things they like. (2) Quantitative surveys involve collecting data from people, which means that the results can be subjective. (3) Quantitative survey research involves selecting a small number of people from the larger population to study. This helps to provide information that can be used to generalize to the larger population.

Quantitative surveys involve collecting lots of data from a lot of people. This information is used to learn more about a specific thing, like what percentage of people have a certain characteristic. Quantitative survey methods are best used for research questions that are based on individual opinions. Questionnaires are a good way to collect data if the answers to the questions can tell us something about the levels of variables. In research like this, the researchers ask lots of questions about many different things all at the same time, measure lots of different things, and see if any of their hypotheses about the things being studied are true [14].

Researchers study different variables in order to see if there is a relationship between them. They create a model to explain what is likely to happen between the variables, and then ask people about their thoughts, feelings, and opinions.

Sampling in Quantitative Survey

This type of research needs a large enough sample size to accurately represent people who are important to the study's purpose. To get a good idea of how people feel (e.g., lecturers who are subjected to mobbing), a sample of people is chosen. This sample is smaller than the population (e.g., those who receive psychological support after being subjected to mobbing), but it is still a good idea to estimate how people in the whole population feel. By taking a large number of people in the study, it is more likely that the results of the study reflect the entire population. This is because the people in the study share many of the same characteristics as the population as a whole. To conduct a study, you'll need to know the characteristics of the population you're studying well and take a random sample of that population in which everyone has an equal chance of being included. Quantitative research uses a different sampling method than qualitative research. Quantitative research randomly samples people or things, while qualitative research purposefully selects people or things to study.

The sample group should be composed of individuals who represent the target population in terms of gender, age, and socio-economic characteristics. For example, Kutlay [15] studied how often English instructors at a university's School of Foreign Languages do research. The researcher studied a sample of English language instructors in Turkey and found that some of them may have similar characteristics to those who teach in Turkey as a whole. However, the results of this study are only as good as the sample is similar to the population as a whole.

Different methods may be used to select a sample from a population, depending on the size and makeup of the group, the environment where the sampling is taking place, and the cost. Sample sizes vary, but they should be as large as possible to be as accurate as possible. Sometimes it's not possible to know the exact population size, but the sample should be as close to the actual population as possible. Attewell and Rule [16] say that in some cases it is possible to estimate the population based on what is known about the group in question. This is called theoretical sampling, and it is important that the researcher identifies individuals who match the characteristics of the group they are studying.

Data Collection Techniques in Quantitative Research

Quantitative survey methods involve using questionnaires and scales to collect data. Questionnaires and scales are often used in social science research to measure people's behavior [17]. Questionnaires are a type of survey that can be used in social science research to gather the views of a particular group of people. They can be done on a street corner, or at the exit of a supermarket. Questionnaires can be very simple or they can be part of a more rigorous study. Market research is a type of survey that is used to learn about people's opinions on products and services. Political surveys and opinion polls are also types of surveys.

Questionnaires have been used for a long time to collect opinions from people, but they are also being used to collect data from sample groups in a careful and scientific way. Researchers use tested strategies to make sure the questionnaires are valid and reliable. The forms can be used by the researcher himself/herself or by an expert. When you use a measurement tool, you will often find a set of statements that reflect the purpose of the research. These statements will tell you things like what the tool is measuring, how it was measured, and who was involved in the measurement. In addition to the items in the measurement tool, the demographic characteristics of the sample group can also be included in the research [18].

The researcher has explained the purpose of the study to you in the introduction. You can now answer the questions honestly, based on what you know. A measurement tool can be given to the research participant in either paper or electronic form. There are different ways to do things, and some ways are better than others. You can either prefer one way or several ways can be used together. In this study, you can choose how you want to participate [19]. This way of doing research means that people in the population can participate in the study as much as they want. If someone doesn't have a computer or the internet, they won't be left out. Some surveys can be administered by the person doing the survey themselves, or by sending the survey out over the internet [20]. This is a cheaper way to get a large sample group, since it doesn't involve hiring a professional.

Strengths of the Quantitative Survey Method

Compared to other data collection tools, Questionnaires and scales are simple ways to gather data about people. The census is a way to collect information about the characteristics, actions, and opinions of a large population of people [21]. Quantitative survey techniques allow you to collect more information about the sample group than just the characteristics you would like to measure [22]. Quantitative survey methods can help researchers measure attitudes and opinions that are difficult to measure with observational methods. Briefly, the following can be listed as the strengths of the quantitative survey method: (1) Quantitative surveys allow you to collect a lot of information from a lot of people. (2) Survey techniques are very flexible, so they can be combined with other methods to get more accurate results. (3) If the sample chosen is representative of the population as a whole, the data collection tool is likely to be accurate and reliable. (4) Quantitative survey techniques are cheaper and faster than other data collection methods. (5) Quantitative survey techniques allow researchers to collect information about people's attitudes using numbers.

Weaknesses of the Quantitative Survey Method

Quantitative survey research is used to learn more about a particular topic. There is a chance that the data from a large group of people may not accurately represent the views of the individual participants, or that the researcher may have chosen the questions in the measurement tool in a way that favors their own views. In addition, some of the data collected from quantitative survey-based research cannot be used to test hypotheses or develop theories [23]. Survey methods can't provide precise measurements, but they can give estimates for a particular group of people.

The quantitative survey method is a way of describing the current situation of a problem. This feature helps predict what might happen in the future. However, it doesn't always work out perfectly, because there is no one-to-one correspondence between what is happening now and what should happen. Not all survey results are equal. Some are better than others, and you shouldn't use the best one to decide what to do. Quantitative surveys can't tell us which factors are causing people's behavior or attitudes [24].

Quantitative survey methods are not the best way to study things like events and phenomena. They can't capture all the details, so they may not be very accurate. In addition, the accuracy of the results from a quantitative survey is not always certain. Some people might give wrong answers on tests to hide their less-than-perfect qualities. Since people's answers can vary based on things like their mood and environment, sometimes respondents might give different answers to a question at another time. The weaknesses of quantitative survey techniques can be briefly listed as follows: (1) Do the sample numbers accurately represent all the people in the population? (2) Quantitative surveys only measure how many people answered a question, without considering how good the information is. (3) Quantitative surveys can sometimes have errors and biases.

Research Process in Quantitative Survey

The survey method involves taking different steps to gather information. To study a topic, you need to choose one. After that, you need to figure out what you want to know by asking a question. Finally, you need to find a way to measure what you want to know by using a sample. After reviewing the literature, a research tool is developed to test the hypothesis. Then, data are collected using this tool. After the data have been collected, the researchers analyze them to see if they support the research question. They also collect information about the people involved, such as their age and sex. This information about the people in your community can help us learn more about them. The stages of the quantitative survey method can be listed as follows: (1) To accurately measure what people think and feel, we need to know what we're trying to study. This is called the purpose of the survey. (2) Looking at some studies that were conducted using the survey method can help the researcher understand the topic better. (3) Choosing the right survey design is important if you want to get accurate results from your study. (4) To collect data, we need a sample. This means we'll pick a group of people and study them. To choose the right group, we need to think about the selection frame. This is the group from which we'll choose our sample. (5) Sometimes people collect data by using different kinds of instruments. (6) We will need to collect some data to help us understand what is happening. (7) The data is being analyzed to see what can be learned from it. (8) In order to publish the results of your research, you will need to prepare an easy-to-read report.


The survey method is a way to collect information about a lot of people, which can help us learn more about what they think and feel. The survey method is a research method that is used to collect data that is not as detailed as data that is collected using other methods. This makes the survey method easier to understand and use, which is why it is often used in quantitative research. Relational research is a type of research where scientists study relationships between different things. For example, they might study how people interact with each other, or how different groups of people interact. Survey research is a type of research where scientists ask a lot of people a lot of questions. In the survey method, researchers collect information about a specific group of people. This is different from correlational research, which investigates the relationship between two or more variables.

Surveys are used to collect data about different things, such as how many people own a car or how often they vote. Cross-sectional surveys take data at a single time and look at what kinds of things are happening among the people in the sample. Longitudinal surveys look at how people's behavior changes over time, and they use the same sample of people at different points in time. A study in which the same people are studied over time is called a cohort study. Questionnaires and scales are used to collect data in surveys. Survey research is based on the idea that data from a sample of people can be generalized to a wider population. Questionnaires and scales are different from other types of data because they can produce information that is generally applicable. Survey research is good at collecting data that is broadly representative of the population, but it can't always determine why things happen or provide detailed information.



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Информация об авторах

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, assoc. prof. Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Letters, Kyrgyzstan Turkey Manas University, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

д-р пед. наук, доцент, Департамент педагогических наук, факультет литературы, Кыргызско-Турецкий Университет «Манас», Бишкек, Кыргызстан

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