Andreeva S. Sharapov A.
Andreeva S., Sharapov A. FEATURES OF EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING OF ORPHANED ADOLESCENTS // Universum: психология и образование : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 1(103). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/psy/archive/item/14816 (дата обращения: 22.12.2024).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniPsy.2023.103.1.14816



Based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, the article reveals the concept and main aspects of emotional well-being, identifies and analyzes the features of the emotional well-being of orphaned adolescents, as well as the factors that determine it. The authors also analyze the causes and manifestations of emotional distress in adolescents living in an orphanage and foster family. Based on this, the main conditions that contribute to the formation of emotional well-being in orphaned adolescents, correction and elimination of negative emotional manifestations are determined.


В статье на основании анализа психолого-педагогической литературы раскрывается понятие и основные аспекты эмоционального благополучия, выявляются и анализируются особенности эмоционального благополучия подростков-сирот, а также факторы, его обусловливающие. Также авторами анализируются причины и проявления эмоционального неблагополучия у подростков, проживающих в детском доме и патронатной семье. Исходя из этого, определяются основные условия, способствующие формированию у подростков-сирот эмоционального благополучия, коррекции и устранения негативных эмоциональных проявлений.


Keywords: teenager, orphan, emotional well-being, orphanage, foster family, self-esteem, anxiety, loneliness, self-acceptance, traumatic circumstances.

Ключевые слова: подросток, сирота, эмоциональное благополучие, детский дом, патронатная семья, самооценка, тревожность, переживание одиночества, самопринятие, психотравмирующие обстоятельства.


In Russian psychology and pedagogy much influence is paid to the study of the psychological problems of orphaned children but, in our opinion, the problem of emotional well-being and its correction in orphaned adolescents has not been sufficiently investigated and highlighted in the literature to date. This is expressed in the fact that most of the works consider children's age, as well as individual emotional and personal characteristics that can influence emotional well-being are investigated. Therefore, it is currently relevant to identify and study the features of the emotional well-being of orphaned adolescents.

One of the most significant and at the same time problematic stages of a person's life is undoubtedly adolescence. It, marking the transition from childhood to adulthood, has a great influence on the further development of the individual's personality. Both foreign and domestic psychologists agree that this age is a critical period associated with fundamental changes in the sphere of consciousness, activity and the system of relationships. In all directions, qualitatively new formations are being formed, elements of adulthood appear as a result of the restructuring of the body, self-consciousness, relationships with adults and friends, ways of social interaction with them, interests, cognitive and educational activities, the content of moral and ethical norms mediating behavior, activity and relationships. All these changes and neoplasms have a close relationship with the emotional well-being of adolescents.

The concept of emotional well-being has a number of interpretations in psychological literature. Based on the interpretations of G.A.Uruntayeva [6], G.G.Filippova [8], N.A.Ustinova [7] and others, it is possible to define this phenomenon as an emotional and personal state of an individual, including such aspects as self-confidence, an inner sense of security, comfort and happiness, positive self-esteem and self-acceptance, which determine the emotional attitude of an individual to themselves, to people around them and to life, to successes and failures, as well as the features of his emotional-volitional sphere, regulation of his emotional states, reactions and behavior in stressful situations. The psychological literature also highlights the main criteria for an individual's emotional well-being, such as a normal level of anxiety, an optimal level of activity and efficiency, emotionally positive well-being, self-acceptance as a person, the ability and willingness to act adequately in various life situations [8].

As noted in the psychological literature, adolescence is characterized by instability of the emotional state and problems of the emotional-volitional sphere, such as an increase in the level of anxiety and aggressiveness, vulnerability and impressionability, the manifestation of irritability and intolerance towards other people, a decrease in self-esteem, etc., which negatively affect the emotional well-being of adolescents. According to a number of researchers, these features are most acute in orphaned adolescents. As noted by A.M.Parishioners [3], N.N.Tolstykh [3], T.I.Shulga [9] and other scientists, such adolescents often experience mental and emotional deprivation, violations of the emotional-volitional sphere and personal identity, problems in self-esteem, distorted communication with adults. This is primarily due to the fact that adolescents brought up in an orphanage have such important needs as the need for love, care and attention from significant adults (in this case, parents), the need for emotionally and tactile close contacts. On the other hand, this is due to the fact that teenagers in an orphanage are much more likely to experience neutral or negative emotions and emotional states than positive ones.

It should be noted that many orphaned adolescents are characterized by the presence of certain life situations and experiences in childhood that have a significant negative impact on their emotional well-being. Among them one can distinguish such as abuse, domestic violence, neglect of their needs by parents, various types of deprivation (emotional, social, cognitive, etc.), feelings of suffering and grief associated with the loss of parents, traumatic circumstances (accidents, catastrophes, illnesses, etc.). Each of these situations has an impact on the emotional and personal development and condition of orphaned adolescents, as well as on their perception of life and relationships with other people. They can contribute to the emergence of such manifestations as frustration, guilt, negative self-attitude, high level of anxiety, aggressiveness, conflict and suspicion, dependence, tendency to submission, fearfulness, low level and communication problems, etc.

Due to the absence or insufficiency of positive experience of relationships in the family, parental love and care, orphaned adolescents most often develop an inadequate emotional attitude to the family and the images of parents, which can be expressed in fear of rejection, a weak desire for acceptance, attachment disorders, idealization of parental images, incorrect perception of family relationships and roles, distrust to other people, etc [1].

Among the features of the emotional state that are associated with the emotional distress of orphaned adolescents, it is necessary to highlight such as increased anxiety and loneliness. Their occurrence is caused by factors such as lack of communication and attention from adults, lack of parental love and care, violence, deprivation, psychological trauma of separation from family, etc. Psychologists note that the high anxiety of orphaned adolescents contributes to the formation of inadequate self-esteem, frustrated need for recognition, emotional instability, self-doubt and success, and other negative manifestations that prevent adolescents from feeling comfortable and happy [4]. The feeling of loneliness, in turn, often leads to a difficult emotional state and dissatisfaction with their lives, which is felt by teenagers as abandonment and rejection.

Based on the above, it can be concluded that orphaned adolescents are more likely to experience a state of emotional distress, which is due to both age characteristics and traumatic circumstances and experiences associated with the absence of a family, as well as living conditions in an orphanage or foster family. In this regard, it is necessary to create comfortable and safe psychological conditions for adolescents, conduct psychocorrective work aimed at eliminating negative factors and emotional manifestations, and the formation of emotional well-being. In order for this work to be effective, it must be systematic and coordinated, carried out by all specialists of the orphanage involved in the organization of life and upbringing of adolescents, with the mandatory involvement of psychologists.

At the same time, as A.Zh.Kusainov, B.A.Abdykarimov, K.A.Akhmetov and others note, psychological and pedagogical support of orphaned adolescents aimed at creating conditions for the development of effective decision-making skills in various life choice situations is very important [1]. A necessary aspect of the formation of emotional well-being is the study of psychological traumas and the correction of their consequences, which are characteristic of most orphaned adolescents.

Based on the identified and described above features of the emotional well-being of orphaned adolescents, a number of main tasks of psychocorrective work with them can be identified:

- formation of a positive self-perception and self-esteem;

- formation of the ability to adequately express feelings and emotions;

- formation of the ability to build trusting relationships;

- development of empathy;

- reducing the level of anxiety.

According to scientists, for the formation of the emotional well-being of orphaned adolescents, their living in a foster family is more favorable [2; 4]. This is due to the fact that, living in a family, a teenager satisfies his needs for acceptance, parental love and care, unity and emotional connection with loved ones. The family provides him with the necessary psychological support and protection, which give him a sense of security and emotional comfort, develop trust in other people and the world around them, reduce anxiety and loneliness. On the other hand, in some cases, as the researchers note, adolescents brought up in foster families have emotional manifestations that negatively affect their emotional well-being. As noted by T.A.Popova [4] and V.N.Oslon [2], they are most often caused by changes in the social situation and place of residence of a teenager, overprotection, increased control and anxiety of parents about his upbringing. This contributes to the emergence of a teenager's fear of self-expression, inconsistency with the expectations of others (in particular, foster parents), poor resistance to stress.

Thus, based on the above, it can be concluded that orphans are characterized by a manifestation of emotional distress, which manifests itself in increased anxiety, aggressiveness and suspicion, inadequate self-esteem, problems in self-acceptance and trust in other people, a sense of loneliness. At the same time, emotional distress is more typical of teenagers living in an orphanage, which is due to the lack of family comfort, parental love and care [5]. Living in foster families, as a rule, has a more favorable effect on the emotional well-being of adolescents, but it depends on the psychological climate in the family, the parenting and communication style of parents and the teenager, as well as their personal qualities. Therefore, in order to form and preserve the emotional well-being of orphaned adolescents, both living in an orphanage and in a foster family, it is necessary to create favorable and safe psychological conditions for their life, an atmosphere of love and care, unconditional acceptance, emotional support and necessary assistance in overcoming problems and difficulties.



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Associate Professor of the Department of General and Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Pedagogical Institute NRU BelGU, Russia, Belgorod

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