THE DEGREE AND STRUCTURE OF THE CORRELATION BETWEEN THE BIOMETRIC INDICATORS OF COTTON ON A COTTON BOLLS // Universum: химия и биология : электрон. научн. журн. Kuliev T. [и др.]. 2023. 3(105). URL: (дата обращения: 02.01.2025).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniChem.2023.105.3.15072



In this article, the varieties and lines C-6524, L-1, L-2, L-13, L-22 belonging to the genus G. Hirsutum L. were taken as the object of research. The study was conducted at the experimental site of the Gulistan State University with an average salinity. The study analyzed the degree, structure, variability, as well as the degree of determinism of correlations between biometric indicators of cotton formed in cotton fabric. As a result, it was noted that the weight of cotton in one box primarily depends on the weight of the seed and fiber. When carrying out individual and gross selection work in breeding nurseries, it is recommended to pay attention to the amount of fiber, as well as the fiber index. Among the investigated cotton genotypes, Line-1 has a high fiber yield and it is recommended for use as an initial source resource in breeding work.


В данной статье в качестве объекта исследования взяты сорта и линии С-6524, Л-1, Л-2, Л-13, Л-22, относящиеся к роду G. hirsutum L. Исследование проводилось на опытном полигоне Гулистанского государственного университета со средней за селенном почве. В ходе исследования проанализированы степень, структура, изменчивость, а также степень детерминированности корреляционных связей между биометрическими показателями хлопка, сформированным в одном коробочке. В результате было отмечено, что вес хлопка в одном коробочке в первую очередь зависит от веса семени и волокна. При проведении индивидуальной и валовой селекционной работы в племенных питомниках рекомендуется обращать внимание на количество волокна, а также индекс волокна. Среди исследованных генотипов хлопчатника Линия-1 имеет высокий выход волокна и рекомендуется для использования в качестве исходного исходного ресурса в селекционной работе.


Keywords: correlation, variation, determination, correlation group, indicator, soil salinity, fiber yield, fiber index, number of seeds, cotton boll, seed weight.

Ключевые слова: корреляция, варьирование, детерминация, корреляционная группа, показатель, засоление почвы, выход волокна, индекс волокна, количество семян, коробочка хлопчатника.



 Quantitative indicators of plant traits are important objects of research in genetics and breeding. Because when choosing, creating and evaluating varieties, great importance is attached to quantitative indicators of traits. The study of quantitative symbols took a long period of time. This can be seen from the studies of Johansen, Nilsson-El, Filipchenko, Serebrovsky, Griffing, Maser, Merezhko and others. Nevertheless, quantitative symbols are still in the focus of researchers' attention. Because they are discrete, continuous and depend on the external environment [1, pp. 23-35].

In most agricultural crops, including cotton, quantitative indicators of traits tend to change. It was found that the fiber content (yield) in cotton fabric formed in one cotton bush varied from 28% to 43% [2, pp. 9-12]. This indicates how much this symbol depends on the external environment. Or take the degree of correlation between the number of fibers and the length of the fiber. It was noted that there is a weak, medium and strong correlation between the amount of fiber and the length of the fiber [3, pp. 956-959].

As it is known, one of the most important indicators of the economic value of fibrous cotton at present is to increase its quantity and improve its quality. In the following years, when digital technologies entered our lives, there were opportunities for their use in plant breeding, as well as in all areas. As a result, it was found that the degree of correlation between quantitative indicators of traits increases under stressful conditions [4, p. 308].

As we have already noted above, quantitative indicators are characterized by the symbols with which cotton fiber is associated. This, in turn, served as the basis for choosing cotton indicators in cotton bolls as the object of research. Because a cotton flap of cotton in the boll fully embodies the features of the genotype. The main purpose of this research is to determine the degree, structure, variability of relationships between biometric indicators of cotton formed in one boll, as well as to compare genotypes.

Object and methods of research

The study was conducted in 2021-2022 in fields with moderate salinity at Gulistan State University. S-6524, L-1, L-2, L-13 and L-22 lines, belonging to the type of cotton plant G. hirsutum were selected as the object of the research. All phenological observations and calculations were carried out on the basis of methodological guidelines issued by UzPITI [5, p. 308]. Statistical software SPSS-17 was used to calculate the correlation coefficients (r), determination (r2) and variation (CV,%) between the studied features [6, p. 107].

The results obtained

Primary data (Table1) showed that if the weight of cotton in one cotton boll of the control variety was 1.29 g, then the amount of seed contained in it was 7.27 g, seed weight 0.86 g, fiber weight 0.42 g, 100 seed weight 11.8 g, fiber yield 33.65% and fiber index 5.82 g. It follows from the lines studied that in L-1 the weight of cotton in bolls was 1.33 g. The number of seeds was 7.03 pieces, the fiber yield was 39.44%, and the fiber index was 8.8 g (Fig.1). It was noted that this line gives 5.7% more fiber than the control at the fiber output.

Table 1.

Biometrical indicators of ripe cotton in cotton bolls

Statistic indicators

Biometrical indicators of cotton formed in one cotton boll:

Weight of cotton, g

Number of seeds,


Weight of a seed, g

Weight of fiber, g

Weight of 100 seeds, g

fiber yield, %

fiber index, g


С-6524 type

Average indicator









Line 1

Average indicator









Line 2

Average indicator









Line -13

Average indicator









Line -22

Average indicator









Average by all genotypes

Average indicator

























Figure 1. Indicators of cotton varieties and lines by fiber yield, % (first line) and fiber index (second line)


In general, variability in the indicators of single-layer cotton fiber was noted in the primary data. This can be seen by the minimum and maximum characters. The minimum weight of cotton in one cotton boll was 0.78 g, and the maximum was -1.87 g. Or the minimum number of seeds in one cotton boll was 4 pieces, the maximum was 9 pieces. This variation was noted for all the studied symbols (Table 1).

In this case, it is advisable to analyze the features of the degrees of variability and determinism of the features (r2-determinism means that the feature is limited by the square of the correlation coefficient) (Fig.2). Based on the data in the figure, the weight of one boll (1) (numbers indicate symbols), the weight of the fiber in the boll (4) and the weight of the seed in one boll (3) are strongly deterministic were changed in turn.

This means that variations of these symbols occur in front, on which others depend. These symbols began to depend not only on the genotype, but also on the external environment. The number of seeds in one boll (2), the weight of 100 seeds (5) and the fiber yield (6) were less deterministic and moderately variable. It was noted that the fiber index (7) has a strong variability.


Figure 2. The degree of variability (CV,%)  and determinacy (r2) of biometric indicators of the cotton in cotton bolls

Note: numbers indicate symbols: 1- weight of cotton in one cotton boll,g; 2- Number of seeds in one cotton boll, pcs; 3- weight of seeds in one cotton boll, g; 4- weight of fiber in one cotton boll, g; 5- weight of 100 seeds, g; 6- fiber yield, % (proportion of fiber in the cotton of a cotton boll) ; 7- fiber index, g.


The degree of determinism of the symbols depends on the degree of correlation (Fig.3). From the data in the figure, it was found that there is a weak correlation (R= 0.3-0.5) between the weight of cotton in the boll (1) and the number of seeds in the bolls (2). This indicates that the weight of cotton in the basin increases if the number of seeds is large. There was a strong (R= >0.7) correlation with the weight of cotton (1) in one boll and the weight of seeds (3) and the weight of fiber (4) in one boll. Thus, it turns out that the weight of cotton in one wheelbarrow primarily depends on the weight of seeds and fibers. In turn, strong correlations were also noted between the fiber weight (4) and the fiber index (7) in one boll. It was found that the yield of fiber (6) moderately depends on the amount of fiber (4) and the fiber index (7). An increase in the number of seeds in one boll (2), in turn, led to a decrease in the weight of 100 seeds. Because there was an inverse correlation


Figure 3. The degree of correlation between biometric indicators of the cotton bolls


The structure of correlations between quantitative indicators of traits associated with cotton in a cotton boll (Fig.4) showed that strong connections are noted between the weight of cotton in one boll (1), the weight of seed in one boll (3) and the weight of fiber in one boll (4), forming a correlation group. This suggests that the weight of the fiber and the seed is one of the factors strongly influencing the weight of cotton in one wheelbarrow. This correlation group can be called “fiber weight". In turn, the heavy fiber content led to an increase in its index (7) and the weight of 100 seeds. The amount of seed (2) affected the weight of the cotton in the boll (1), the weight of the seed (3) and the weight of the fiber (4).

Correlations between the features of one cotton boll as a whole differed in degree, structure, variability, as well as in the degree of determinism. This means that the biometric indicators of cotton in one cotton boll can be one of the important criteria when carrying out selection work during the selection process. In particular, the fiber weight has been greatly modified and strongly determined. This suggests that this symbol is related to other symbols. It is established that the weight of cotton in one container depends primarily on the weight of the seed and fiber. The structure of correlations between one pelvic pile and related quantitative features mainly consisted of a correlation group called a “fiber".


Figure 4. The structure of correlations between biometric indicators of the cotton in cotton bolls

Note: numbers indicate symbols: 1- weight of cotton in one cotton boll, g; 2- Number of seeds in one cotton boll, pcs; 3- weight of seeds in one cotton boll, g; 4- weight of fiber in one cotton boll, g; 5- weight of 100 seeds, g; 6- fiber yield, % (proportion of fiber in the cotton of a cotton boll) ; 7- fiber index, g.


With the help of correlation analysis, the genotypes of cotton studied by biometric indicators of cotton in one boll were compared with each other [4, p. 308]. The results showed that the similarity of line -1 with the variety S-6524 was 50.3%, the similarity of line -2 with 61.3%, the similarity of line 22 with 70.2% and the similarity of line -13 with 67.6%. Recall that matrices are very similar if their similarity exceeds 90%. Based on this, the new control lines differed in terms of cotton in comparison with single-layer ones. The similarity of line 2 with line -22 was 91.4%. This indicates that these lines are similar to each other in terms of biometric indicators of cotton in one basin. Exactly the same results were recorded with the -13 line (Table 2). This can also be seen from the primary data. The fiber yield on Line 2 was 37.74%, and on Line 13-36.65%. From these data it can be seen that these fiber output lines are similar to each other.  

 Table 2.

Similarity of correlation matrices of cotton genotypes, in %







































In general, the genotypes of cotton differed in biometric indicators of cotton in the boll. It was noted that the biometric indicators of cotton in this boll are characterized by quantitative signs having the property of variability. Since then, quantitative traits have remained relevant issues of breeding and genetics.

Of course, with the introduction of digital technologies in our lives, the possibilities of studying the nature of a certain number of quantitative signs have expanded. It is noted that variations in quantitative characteristics occur independently or in unison. Strongly modified and strongly deterministic signs were recognized as eco-biological indicators, and strongly modified and weakly deterministic ones were recognized as ecological indicators[4]. In our experiment, it was found that the amount of fiber varied greatly and was determined, and the fiber yield and the weight of 100 seeds were poorly determined. It was considered appropriate to give the selection process the importance of the amount of fiber and the fiber index when determining genotypes with high fiber yield. Since these indicators are correlated, this is a factor that directly affects the fiber output. From the studied lines, the Line-1 surpassed the genotypes in fiber yield. In this genotype, the fiber yield is highly deterministic and can be used as an initial source.

It was found that in the genotypes of cotton, the amount of fiber in one boll and the weight of the seed are strongly deterministic traits. It was considered expedient to attach importance to these indicators when carrying out single and gross selection work in the selection process.

Cotton with a fiber yield of 39.44% and a fiber index of 8.80 g per Line – 1 was recommended as a source resource for breeding.



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Информация об авторах

Candidate of biological sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Republic of Uzbekistan, Gulistan

канд. биолог. наук, доц. кафедры биологии, Республика Узбекистан, г. Гулистан

Candidate of biological sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Republic of Uzbekistan, Gulistan

канд. биолог. наук, доц. кафедры биологии, Республика Узбекистан, г. Гулистан

Lecturer, Department of Biology, Republic of Uzbekistan, Gulistan

преподаватель, кафедра биологии, Республика Узбекистан, г. Гулистан

Master Gulistan State University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Republic of Uzbekistan, Gulistan

магистр, факультет Естественных наук, Гулистанский государственный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Гулистан

Master Gulistan State University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Republic of Uzbekistan, Gulistan

магистр, факультет Естественных наук, Гулистанский государственный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Гулистан

Master Gulistan State University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Republic of Uzbekistan, Gulistan

магистр, факультет Естественных наук, Гулистанский государственный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Гулистан

Журнал зарегистрирован Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор), регистрационный номер ЭЛ №ФС77-55878 от 17.06.2013
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Главный редактор - Ларионов Максим Викторович.