Ismailova M.
Ismailova M. EFFECT OF EMULSIFIER AMOUNT ON OBTAINING EMULSIONS FOR MOLD LUBRICATION // Universum: химия и биология : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 12(102). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/nature/archive/item/14638 (дата обращения: 12.01.2025).
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Emulsions - finely dispersed mixtures of oil (oil content is usually on the order of 5-10%) and water - were originally developed for absorbent wood, fibrous pressed materials. In this work, the influence of the amount of emulsifier on the production of emulsions for mold lubrication was studied. The resulting emulsions can compete with imported emulsions in terms of viscosity and surface tension. Increasing the amount of added emulsifier to 5% made it possible to obtain a long-term homogeneous non-decomposing emulsion. The results of the study are presented in the form of tables, as well as images from a microscope showing the effect of the amount of emulsifier on the production of emulsions.


Эмульсии – мелкодисперсные смеси масла (содержание масла обычно порядка 5-10%) и воды - изначально были разработаны для впитывающей деревянной, из волокнистых прессованных материалов.  В данной работе было изучено влияние количества эмульгатора на получение эмульсий для смазки форм.   Полученные  эмульсии могут вполне конкурировать с импортными эмульсиями по вязкости и поверхностному натяжению. Увеличение количества добавляемого эмульгатора до 5% позволило получить длительно сохраняющуюся однородную не распадающуюся эмульсию. Результаты исследование приведены в виде таблиц, а так же получены снимки с микроскопа показывающие  влияние количества эмульгатора на получение эмульсий.


Keywords:  Emulsol, tincol, dovidol, tivax, molds, raw, dispersion, salomas,amount.

Ключевые слова: Эмульсол, тинкол, довидол, тивакс, плесени, сырье, дисперсия, саломас, количество.


Today, the demand for bread and bakery products is increasing day by day, which also leads to an increase in their quality. It is certainly done by including quality raw materials in their composition. But it is also possible to improve the quality of the finished product by developing the cooking processes, that is, by lubricating the molds with different emulsions. Various kinds of special emulsions such as Emulsol, Tincol, Tivax, “Dovidol” and other types are widely used for the lubrication of molds [1].

In the traditional method of preparing oil emulsions, according to GOST P 51785-2001, it is mixed at high speed for 10-15 minutes [2,3]. Its composition includes 75% water, 15-17% vegetable oil and 5-7% phosphatide concentrate. In Russia, the emulsion is used by 1.5-8% of baking enterprises. The correct preparation of the emulsion leads to long-term savings for bread and does not lose its quality.

Today, various surfactants are widely used as emulsifiers in obtaining emulsions [4,5]. Such substances can include lecithin. Nowadays, making emulsions using widely imported lycetin and using them to lubricate molds increases the quality of the obtained product. It was aimed to obtain an emulsion based on refined cotton and sunflower oils, which are available and produced on a large scale in the republic. Emulsion preparation was carried out in the following sequence. 12-20 g of oil was taken and its temperature was heated to С, 2-4% emulsifier (lecithin) was added to it, and after complete mixing, 68-81% required amount of water was added. After that, the temperature is raised to C, and it is continuously mixed for 20 minutes using a homogenizer at 1500-1700 rpm. After the mixing is completed, it is placed in a glass cup with a lid and observed after carrying out the same experiment under different conditions. The following table shows the results of emulsions obtained in various states and proportions.

Table 1.

Compared consumption and indicators of the prepared recipe compared to the existing emulsion



Proposed content


Oil, %




Emulsifier  (lecithin), %




Salomas, %




Water, %




Density, kg/l




Humidity, should not exceed %




Acid number, mg, КОН




Number of perkis, mmol ½ О/kg




Storage period, month




Finding the optimal amount of emulsifier in obtaining an emulsion is one of the vital factors the emulsion can turn into a straight or reverse emulsion by changing its amount. Therefore, their optimal amount was determined. The obtained emulsions were observed with the help of a microscope, and the obtained pictures are presented below.

It is known that the physicochemical properties of emulsions depend on the dispersion and size of the particles. The smaller they are and the closer they are to each other,  this emulsion would be more stable. Therefore, it is common to grind them using hydrodynamic and cavitation processes under the influence of mechanical force. In particular,  the drops are the same compared to other methods under the ultrasound influence.


Figure 1. Microscopic view (at 100 times magnification) of the emulsifier (lecithin) used as an emulsifier added to the emulsion at 1%


It can be seen from Figure 1 that the added licitin emulsifier was not able to fully perform its function, i.e. transfer oil and water particles into a homogeneous system. Such emulsions are less stable and separate quickly into water and oil (phase and medium) layers.

When the amount of emulsifier is increased by 3%, it can be observed that the water globules in the emulsion are reduced, i.e., it starts to transition to a homogeneous system.


Figure 2. Microscopic view (at 100 times magnification) of lecithin used as an emulsifier when added to an emulsion in the amount of 3%


From Figure 2, as a result of increasing the emulsifier consumption by 3%, the oil and water phases began to transition to a homogeneous system. It was found that the stability of the emulsion was not inferior to that of the imported emulsion by increasing its amount to 5%.


Figure 3. Microscopic view (100x magnification) of lecithin used as an emulsifier when added to an emulsion in an amount of 5%


It can also be seen from Figure 3 that the oil particles are finely grounded and almost homogenous. The stability compared to the previous samples was also determined.

Thus, it was determined that the optimal amount of emulsifier to obtain emulsions for mold lubrication based on locally refined cottonseed and sunflower oils, according to which the use of 5% lecithin is the most optimal condition. It was found that reducing the amount of lycetin from this leads to an unstable emulsion, and increasing it leads to an increase in the price of tan.

The viscosity and surface tension of obtained emulsions were determined using a viscometer. The viscosity of the emulsion was calculated using the following formula:


Here: -density of solution, P0-density of water,

- is the solution flow time.  Time to drain the water.

The surface tension of the samples is determined by the following formula:

Here: -water droplet number, -emulsion droplet number,

-water density, -emulsion density.

Table 2.

Physical properties of the obtained emulsion -IM


Viscosity, µ Pa·s.

Surface tension, δ, N/m




Proposed emulsion (Emulsion IM)




Thus, obtained emulsions can easily compete with imported emulsions in terms of viscosity and surface tension. Increasing the amount of added emulsifier up to 5% made it possible to obtain a long-term homogenous, non-separating emulsion.



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  4. Yudina T.P.  Primenenie rastitelnykh emulgatorov v proizvodstve emulsionnoy produktsii / Yudina T.P., Nikitina I.N., Tsybulko E.I., Ivanova O.I., Kurganova I.V.  // Khranenie I pererabotki selkhozsyrya.  – 1997. No. 6.
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Информация об авторах

Basic doctoral student, Namangan Institute of Engineering Technology, Republic of Uzbekistan, Namangan

докторант, Наманганского инженерно-технологического института, Республика Узбекистан, Наманган

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