Eshniyazova N., Jo’raev M., Mamasoliev U. PHYSICO CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF SULFOCATIONITE BASED ON WALNUT SKIN NUMA // Universum: химия и биология : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 7(97). URL: (дата обращения: 22.12.2024).
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Sulfocationite was obtained by modifation of sulfuric aad to cellulose from walnut shell static exchange capacity (SEC). IR spectuim and structural morphology of the obtained sulfocatione were studied on the basis of microphotographs obtained using a scanning electron microscope.


Сульфокатионит получали модификацией серной кислоты в целлюлозу из скорлупы грецкого ореха при статической обменной емкости (СОЕ). ИК спектр и структурную морфологию полученного сульфокатионита исследовали на основании микрофотографий, полученных с помощью сканирующего электронного микроскопа.


Keywords: sulfocationite, cellulose, wallnut husk

Ключевые слова: сульфокатионит, целлюлоза, шелуха грецкого ореха.



The rapid development of the chemical industry the increase in the use of transport are leading to the release of large amounts of waste into the environment. Pollution of the environment (water, air, soil) leads to distruption of of the normal functioning of the hydrosphere and biosphere, climate change the extinction of plant and animals species and the deterioration of human health. The problem of environmental pollution of the hydrosphere with waste water is becoming more urgent in the world, including in Uzbekistan. Among the most common wasters in nature the ones that contain cellulose biopolymer are the main ones [1-2]. When studying the chemical structure of cellulose, it was found that poly b-(1,4)-b-glucose has a linear polymer chain with a syndiotactic configuration of high- ratio colllobiose repeating units with a width of 2-50 nm and a lengths [4-5]. As it is a hydroxyl group, it reacts with sulfur (S) alkali metals and bases. Physicochemical processes also take place in the series,ie cellulose is crushed.

Because cellulose is a recyclable, stable and biodegradable polymer,sulfo groups are added to it can be synthesized by attaching sulfocationite [3].

In the following work, the physicochemical properties of sulfocationite were synthesized from the puip of walnut husks discarder as waste.

Methodical part

Method FT-IR

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Metod SEM

Combine field emission SEM (FE-SEM) technology with analytics. Profit from proven Gemini electron optics. Choose from a variety of detector options: image particles, surfaces, and nanostructures in materials science, investigate semiconductor or medical devices, geological or biological samples. Save time with the semi-automated 4-step workflow of Sigma: structure your imaging and analysis routines and increase productivity. FE-SEM users of all disciplines in research and industry labs now benefit from a resolution of 1.3 nm at 1 kV in ZEISS Sigma 500 and better usability all around.

Experimental part


This study was based on the value of the static exchange capacity of sulfocationite obtained from allulose based on walnut shell. Modification of sulfuric acid to walnut husks were studied. To do this, walnut shells with a size of 2 mm in distilled water with 20% of sulfuric acid the solution is boiled for one hour and the solution is filtered and washed in distilled water until the pH of sample becomes neutral. One gram of the resulting sample is immersedin 100 ml of 0.1 N solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) for one day and washed again in distilled water until the pH value becomes neutral. The sample is then treated with a solution of hydrochloric aad to activate it. The neutral cationite is left in a solution of 0.1 N hydroxide for one day. The cation of hydrochloric aad to determine the SEC value for the cationite.

The following formula was used to casailate the SEC value of the cationite:

k1 - V (ocid) / V(sodium hydroxide)=1 theoretical, k2-V(initial sodium hydroxide) / V(ocid). The volume of of acid expended on a-sorbed NaOH, a sorbent mass, SEC mg eq/g.


 Results of IR-spectroscopic analysis

IR (infrared)-spectral analysis was performed to identify the synthesized sulfocationite. IR spectral analysis of walnut shell cellulose,a sample after the addition of sulfo group (sulfokationite) and a sample after Na metal. The IR spectrum of the sample was  studied after calcium was attached to the sulfocationite.The appearance of new absorption area in the 1700cm area indicates the presence of Ca metal in the sulfocationite composition.


Figure 1. IR spectra of (a) cellulose, (b) sodium sodium cellulose (c) calcified cellulose and (d) sulfocationite


Of glucose, an absarbtion region was abserued indication the valence ascillations of the – OH and group at a wavelength of 3100 sm-1, as well as oscillations of the – СН2 group at 2900 sm-1 and in the area of 1423 – 1321 sm-1

-OH, -CH – group, 1000 – 1150 sm-1 – C – O – C – valence oscillations of cather bonds are obserued in the interial.

In the spectrum of the sample (1-(6) picture) attacted to the cellulose Na metal, one of wrich shows additional absorptions at 1623 sm-1, which are the obsorption domains apecific to Na metal.

Sulfocationite infrared – spectroscopic (1(b) picture) study the analysis of the data shows that the cationite contains sulfogurux. Descriptive indication of the presence of valence oscillations in the samples of sulfon (R – SO3H) group and 1700 sm -1 area and sulfate (S=O) groups in 1000, 1015 sm -1.

Absorption lines were observed. Absorption maxima characterizing the valence oscillations of the sulfate groups (C-O-S bonds) in the areas of 1000, 1015, 1150 sm-1 in the presence of a sulfating agent in the formation of sulfocationite were determined.

For all the samples (2-(a,-b,-c) picture) absorption lines were observed in circles 2966, 2922, and 2862, 2933 sm -1, which contained C-C, in the polymer chain, C-H are CH2 are characteristic of deformation vibrations.

Prior to and after the modification of the synthesized samples, the morphology of the structure was studied on the basis of microbhology of the structure was studied on the basis of microphotographs obtained using a scanning electron microscope.  Microphotographs of cellulose from the first walnut shell, sodium metal absorbed cellulose, calcium metal absorbed cellulose and polymers containing sulfogroups are shown in the following figures. When we look at the cellulose surface, we can see pores with an average size of 5.5 nm (Figure 2 (a)). It can be seen from the micrographic structure of the sample containing suflfo groups in the cellulose (Figure 2(6)) that all areas of the surface of this sorbent consist of pores of almost the same structure. This structure improves the adsorption of metal ions  on the sorbent surface. In Figures 2 (c and a) it can seen that the morphological of sulfocationite metal ions.


 a    b


 c    d

Figure 2. CEM microphotographs of (a) meyulose (b) sulfocationite containing COH (c) sodium metal ingested sulfocationite and (d) calcium metal ingested cellulose sulfocationite polumers


Sulfocationite based on cellulose from walnut shell has the property of sorption of metal ions from various solutions, and the CAS on NaOH was found to be 3.36 mgeqv/g.


Sulfocationite was obtained by the of sulfuric acid aad allulose sulfuric and from walnut husks. Determine that the value of the obtained sulfocationite (SEC) in 3.36 mgeqv/g. The metals ca and Na were ingested into the samples obtained. Absorption of Ca and Na metal was determined using an IR spectrum and a scanning electron microscope.



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Информация об авторах

Researcher, Chirchik State Pedagogical institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Chirchik

науч. сотр. Чирчикского государственного педагогического института, Республика Узбекистан, г. Чирчик

PhD., researcher, Chirchik State Pedagogical institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Chirchik

PhD., науч. сотр. Чирчикского государственного педагогического института, Республика Узбекистан, г. Чирчик

Researcher, Chirchik State Pedagogical institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Chirchik

науч. сотр. Чирчикского государственного педагогического института, Республика Узбекистан, г. Чирчик

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