Нazratova H.N.
Нazratova H.N. PROVISION OF SOME MINERAL SUBSTANCES TO PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS // Universum: химия и биология : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 6(120). URL: (дата обращения: 22.12.2024).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniChem.2024.120.6.17704



The article presents a comparative analysis of the amount of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron in a daily food of 7-10-year-old schoolchildren and their concentration in the blood. According to the results, the amount of calcium in their daily food is 47.3%, phosphorus is 77.4%, iron is 151.9%, and magnesium is 129.05% on average. The concentration of these minerals in the blood showed 74-89% (calcium), 77.4-94% (phosphorus), 85-95% (iron) and 95.3-97% (magnesium) compared to the norm. When assessing the supply of children with micronutrients, identifying and analyzing the above-mentioned indicators is of great scientific and practical importance.


В статье представлены сравнительный анализ количества кальция, фосфора, магния и железа в ежедневном питании школьников 7-10 лет и их концентрации в крови. Согласно результатам, количество кальция в их ежедневном рационе составляет в среднем 47,3%, фосфора – 77,4%, железа – 151,9%, магния – 129,05%. Концентрация этих минералов в крови составила 74-89% (кальций), 77,4-94% (фосфор), 85-95% (железо) и 95,3-97% (магний) по сравнению с нормой. При оценке обеспеченности детей микроэлементами выявление и анализ вышеуказанных показателей имеет большое научное и практическое значение.


Keywords: students, mineral substances, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, daily diet, concentration of minerals in blood, actual nutrition.

Ключевые слова: студенты, минеральные вещества, кальций, фосфор, магний, железо, суточный рацион, концентрация минеральных веществ в крови, фактическое питание.



It is known that adequate supply of micronutrients to schoolchildren is necessary for their growth, mental and physical ability, resistance to various unfavorable factors of the environment, good mastery of subjects and other indicators. serves a special purpose. In addition, it has been determined that the conditioned reflexes, memory, and thinking processes of children depend on the food they eat and their quality. Mineral substances can be included among such necessary substances [1, p.10; 2, p.309; 3, p.8-13; 4, p.131-138; 5, p.83].

It is known from the results of many studies conducted on studying the actual nutrition of students, that serious changes in their nutrition at one level or another, in most cases, are observed due to the lack of necessary nutrients. These changes are characterized by a negative impact on the health level of the studied contingent of the population, as well as on the normal growth and development. Another important aspect of the matter is that sharp changes in the actual nutrition of children are characterized by a negative impact on their mental activity. This, in turn, has a negative impact on educational indicators and efficiency of the young generation, processes related to memory and logical thinking [1, p. 8; 3, p.8-13; 5, p.83; 9, p.7603-7608].

During the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026" No. PD-60 dated January 28, 2022, the ruling class in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and Khorezm Region on August 25, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted the resolution "Measures for further provision of healthy nutrition in secondary education needs in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and Khorezm region" Adoption of Resolution No. 472  and its Regulations were approved. This practical event shows the great attention paid by our government to the young generation. After all, the proper organization of children's rational nutrition is one of the most important factors in the development of healthy adults.

A large-scale work is being carried out to organize the proper nutrition of the growing young generation and make them healthy in all respects [7, p.12; 8, p. 56-60]. However, there are still many problems that have not been solved in this regard, in particular, there are a number of deficiencies in the study of practical nutrition and the organization of healthy nutrition of students living in the southern regions of our country [12, p.436; 13, p.116].

Taking into account the above, during our observations, we aimed to determine the actual nutrition and concentration of certain mineral substances in the blood plasma of schoolchildren of small age studying at schools in  Kasbi district of Kashkadarya region.

Material and methodology

Questionnaires were used to study the actual nutrition of students, and the concentration of some minerals in the blood was analyzed using immunoenzymatic methods [11, p. 95]. The tests were carried out in the laboratory belonging to "Diagnostic center Habiba Aya" LLC in Karshi.

The research was conducted in April 2023 on 7-10-year-old students who were randomly selected from schools No. 26, 31 and 37 in Kasbi district of Kashkadarya region.

Determining the concentration of mineral substances in blood plasma is of great importance in the study of nutritional deficiencies, analysis of biochemical and physiological processes in tissues and cells. In particular, determining the amount of iron is useful in the diagnosis of hematological diseases, in the prevention of disorders related to iron metabolism in the body, and in the study of various levels of anemia.

The concentration of iron, magnesium and calcium in the blood was determined by the immunoenzymatic method. In this case, the modern biochemical analyzer MINDRAY VA-88A, (WH-92109032. The place of manufacture is SHINZHEN MINDRAY BIO-MEDICAL ELECTRONICS CO., LTD Mindray Building, Keji 12th Road South, High-Tech Industrial Park, Nashan, Shenzhen, 518057, P.R. China Appropriate measurements were made using Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (Europe) Eiffestrabe 80,20537 Hamburg, Germany .Date of manufacture 23.02.2019).

According to the questionnaire method, students recorded all the food products they consumed during 1 week in a special questionnaire. The students' parents and teachers were interviewed and their help was used. The amount of some macro- and micronutrients in the products listed in the questionnaires was determined. In this case, the chemical composition of food products was calculated using special tables [10, p. 86]. Windows Microsoft Excel 2010 and Windows Origin 6.1 programs were used for mathematical calculation and statistical processing of the data in the questionnaires. The obtained results were analyzed from the point of view of mathematical statistics by the age groups.

Results and analysis

During the observations, the daily meal plans of the students in the selected objects in 2021-2023 were analyzed. In particular, the amount of some mineral substances (calcium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium) in their daily food was determined. According to the results, the amount of calcium in the students' daily food was 47.3% on average, phosphorus was 77.4% on average, and iron was 151.9% and magnesium was 129.05% on average.


Figure 1. The amount of certain mineral substances in the students' daily food (percentage compared to the norm)


When analyzing the food products taken by the students in their daily meals, it can be said that they consumed relatively a small amount of milk and milk products, and also foods made from legumes such as beans, peas, mash, in their daily diet. Fast foods (hot dogs, hamburgers, etc.), as well as pasta dishes such as manti, lagman, dumplings occupying the main place in the respondents' menu. Kefir was mainly consumed from dairy products. Therefore, it can be noted that the amount of calcium and phosphorus in the daily diet of schoolchildren is less than the norm. In addition, due to the relatively high consumption of various greens, bread products, spinach dishes, especially farm-grown almonds and similar products in the early spring, the amount of iron and magnesium in the daily diet is low. it can be seen that it is close to or exceeds the norm indicators.

The results of the study of the concentration of some mineral substances in the blood plasma of students are presented in the table 1 below.

Таблица 1.

Concentration of some minerals in the blood plasma of the students

Age groups

Ca, mmol/l

P, mmol/l

Fe, mmol/l

Mg, mmol/l











(2.15 - 2.01)



(1,87 - 1,69)



(20,02 - 18,18)



(0,71 - 0,53)




(2,18 - 2,08)



(1,65 - 1,61)



(20,69 - 18,01)



(0,89 - 0,79)




(2,38 - 2,24)



(1,85 - 1,79)



(17,54 - 16,16)



(0,92 - 0,88)




(2,56 - 2,4)



(1,84 - 1,72)



(20,31- 16,89)



(0,97 - 0,91)



As can be seen in the table, it can be noted that the concentration of Ca in the blood of 7-10-year-old students is lower compared to the norm, and P is below the upper limit of the norm and slightly higher than the lower limit. Also, the concentration of Fe is higher than the lower limit of the norm, and the concentration of Mg is low.


The obtained results show that there is a correlation between the amount of mineral substances in daily food and their concentration in the blood. Research conducted in recent years shows that children's unhealthy diet at home and at school causes certain deficiencies in their supply of appropriate nutrients and minerals. Based on our observations, it can be said that the deficiencies in the nutrition of elementary school students studying in rural schools (disordered eating habits, eating habits, appetite disorders, etc.) will not be provided. The continuation of such a situation, in turn, can have a negative impact on the health and normal development of children.



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Информация об авторах

Doctoral student of Samarkand State University by named Sharof Rashidov, Uzbekistan, Samarkand

докторант Самаркандского государственного университета имени Шарофа Рашидова, Узбекистан, г. Самарканд

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