DISTRIBUTION DYNAMICS OF Tetranychus urticae Koch. IN STUDIED VINEYARDS // Universum: химия и биология : электрон. научн. журн. Turabekova D.B. [и др.]. 2024. 5(119). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/nature/archive/item/17450 (дата обращения: 16.03.2025).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniChem.2024.119.5.17450



This article presents the results of control of 127 hectares of vineyards of 13 farms specializing in viticulture and horticulture in the Syrdarya region of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the basis of phytosanitary and entomological observations. The degree of spider mite infestation was determined by the Vlasova method. A total of 13 studied vineyards were divided into 3 groups according to the proximity of their location. In the 1st group, the greatest damage was observed in the vineyards of "Isroil ota", in the 2nd group, the greatest damage was observed in Isayev Umit Ergashevich, and in the 3rd group, the greatest damage was observed in the vineyards of Zukko Ziyo Lochin, it was found that the average damage was 52 .19 percent.


В данной статье представлены результаты контроля 127 га виноградников 13 фермерских хозяйств, специализирующихся на виноградарстве и садоводстве Сырдарьинской области Республики Узбекистан на основе фитосанитарных и энтомологических наблюдений. Степень зараженности паутинным клещом определяли методом Власовой. Всего 13 исследованных виноградников были разделены на 3 группы по близости их расположения. В 1-й группе наибольший ущерб наблюдался на виноградниках «Исроил ота», во 2-й группе наибольший ущерб наблюдался у Исаева Умита Эргашевича, а в 3-й группе наибольший ущерб отмечен на виноградниках Зукко Зие Лочин, установлено, что средний ущерб составил 52,19 процента.


Keywords. Tetranychus urticae Koch., economic damage, spider mite, vineyards, dangerous mite.

Ключевые слова. Tetranychus urticae Koch., экономический ущерб, паутинный клещ, виноградники, опасный клещ.


Introduction. Insect pests are one of the main factors reducing the productivity of agricultural plants. Although various products are used worldwide against pests, chemical pesticides remain one of the main places for effective control from an economic point of view. But the most harmful aspect of pesticides is that they can also cause negative effects on other organisms and overall environmental pollution [3, pp. 644–648; 4; 5, pp.101–139]. According to the observations of scientists [6, pp. 57–61], the use of biological preparations in the protection of natural plants and the fight against harmful insects is considered more effective, since it does not harm the environment [16, pp. 76-86]. Many researchers are testing and developing alternative plant extracts as pesticides for use against insect pests [7, p.5].

The spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch.) is a herbivorous species of spider mite and probably the most dangerous mite pest found in greenhouses and field crops worldwide [9, pp. 16-22.]. Population dynamics of Tetranychus urticae Koch. are greatly influenced by weather [10, pp. 140-145]. It is known from scientific sources that the Tetranychus urticae Koch. is a very dangerous pest because it can feed on any plant leaves [8, pp. 117-122]. It has now been noted that the spider can feed on at least 28 plant species and cause up to 50% economic damage to field productivity [11, pp. 4-9].

Materials and methods. The experiment was conducted according to the methodology of Zeynalov et al. For this purpose, the level of infection with Tetranychus Urticede Koch. was studied in 13 vineyards located in the territories of Syrdarya region. Samples were taken every 7-10 days, with 5 leaves selected from each vine. On the same day of sampling, presence of spider mite was checked under N-300M Trinocular microscope model (s MD101, 5.0M, screen 11") in laboratory conditions. During the inspection, the level of spider mite distribution on the leaf surface was studied. Considering that they leave up to 7 generations per season, they have the highest number in June-July [16, pp. 76-86].

The intensity or degree of plant disease was determined based on the scales developed by E.A. Vlasova and others. These scales determine the degree of disease development [14].

0 score - there are no disease symptoms;

1 score – 10% caused symptoms;

2 score - 11-25% caused symptoms;

3 score – 26-50%  caused symptoms;

4 score – 51-75% caused symptoms;

5 score – More than 75% infected.

The prevalence rate was determined based on the following formula:

P = n / N ×100

Here: P – spread of disease; n – infected plants; N – the total number of plants under investigation.

The degree of disease development was determined based on the following formula:

Here: R – disease progression (in % or points);

  – the number of infected plants (a) the corresponding score or percentage of disease (b);

N- the total number of plants under investigation.

Results and discussion. It is known from scientific sources that there are visible and hidden signs of pest insects [1, pp. 223–230; 2, pp. 43–55]. During the mycological phytosanitary observations, it was noted that clearly visible pest insects cause a large amount of damage to the leaves of vines (Fig. 1). On the basis of entomological indicators, it was determined that this disease is a spider mite (Tetranychus urticede Koch.) [13, p. 200].

Observation of spider mite can be concluded from the affected parts of the leaves of the plant damaged by it, since they can only be seen with microscopic observation [12, pp. 202-215].


 A    B

Figure 1. Spread and damage of spider mite (Tetranychus urticede Koch.) on vines (vine leaves with A-damage rate up to 35%, B-damage rate up to 30%, 2020, Syrdaryo region)


The body of the spider is oval, 0.4-0.65 mm in size, color changes depending on the season, including yellow-green in summer, reddish in spring and autumn. Access is widely described in scientific sources. However, you can deduce whether it is present or not by looking at the net curtains it creates.

The views shown in Fig. 1 are characterized by the fact that spider mites damage vine leaves and have a high risk of spreading. As a result of phenological observations of vineyards, it was found that there are almost no signs of fusarium wilt on the leaves of the vine. It is necessary to carry out additional entomological research for a more complete assessment of these processes. Therefore, along with mycological phytocontrol, the distribution dynamics of the spider mite (Tetranychus urticede Koch.) in the studied vineyards was monitored.

The area of the Syrdarya region is 4.28 thousand kilometers, and the soils consist of moderately saline areas. The soils of the experimental vineyards are mostly of the same type, i.e. moderately and highly salted. There is no specific age limit in the vineyards, since diseased or frostbitten bushes are cut out and replaced with new vine seedlings. It was established that the drugs Vertimek, Oktara, Engio, Sunmite, Fitoverm, Bitoxibacelin, Oktelik were used in vineyards before spider mite damage was detected. 10 vine plants per hectare were studied to study pest infestation in field conditions. one hectare area was divided into 10 and 1 grape bush was randomly examined from each divided area. (Table 1).

According to the obtained results, in the vineyards located in the 1st group, in the vineyards of ‘Agroekotechnologiya’ LLC, on the 10 hectares studied, the rate of spread of the spider mite was observed to be 36.14% on average, while in the vineyards of ‘Global Ideal’ LLC It was noted that the average spread of spider mites on the 20-hectare area was 39.61%.

Also, it was found that the average damage in 5.0 hectares of vineyards of ‘Israel father’ LLC was 51.26%, and in the vineyards of Muhammed Khomeinbogi farms, the average damage was 42.18%. In the course of the research, it was noted that the total studied areas of the 1st group were 48 hectares, and the average rate of spider mite infestation was 42.30%.

Table 1.

Indicators of spider mite infestation (Tetranychus urticede Koch.) in vineyards in Syrdarya region (2020, Syrdarya region)

The name of a farm specializing in viticulture

Agricultural vineyards, he.

Spider infestation,


Number of studied vines

Group 1 vineyards


«Agroekotechnologiya» LLC (Xaqiqat SIU)





«Global Ideal» LLC (Uzoqov SIU)





«Isroil ota» LLC (Siddiqov SIU)





Muxammad Xumoyinbogi (Siddiqov SIU)




Total damage by group 1.




Group 2 vineyards



Bakhovuddin Naqshbandi (Bobur SIU)





Erkulota orzusi LLC (Gulistan district)





Jakhongir Mirza (Bobur SIU)





Alisher Sunnatilla (Bobur SIU)





Isayev Umit Ergashevich (Bobur SIU)




Total damage by group 3.




Group 3 vineyards



Erkin Madadkor (Boyovut SIU)





Sanjarbek Jurayev (Boyovut SIU)





Zukko Ziyo Lochin (3-Boyovut SIU)





Alijon Quvonchbek bogi (Gulistan district)




Total damage by group 3.




 According to the total studied vineyards





According to the obtained results, in the vineyards located in the 2nd group, in 6.0 hectares of vineyards of Bakhovuddin Naqshbandi farm, 43.52%, in 10.0 hectares of vineyards of Erkulota orzusi LLC, it was found that, the average damage by spider mites is 53.21%.

Also, 46.24% of vineyards of Jakhongir Mirza farm, 52.42% of vineyards of Alisher Sunnatilla farm, 58.38% of vineyards of Isayev Umit Ergashevich farm, which have vineyards of 10 hectares each spread was noted. It was found that the average rate of spider mite infestation in 46.0 hectares of studied vineyards of group 2 was 50.75%.

As a result of the conducted research, 65.38% in the 7.0 hectare vineyards of the Erkin Madadkor farm located in the 3rd group, 62.72% in the 10-hectare vineyards of the Sanjarbek Jorayev farm, and 62.72% in the 10 hectare vineyards of the Zukko Ziyo Lochin farm. 68.52%, 57.43% spider mites were found in the 6.0-hectare vineyards of the Alijon Kuvonchbek garden farm. In total 33.0 hectares of studied vineyards of the 3rd group, it was noted that the average infestation with spider mites was 63.51%.

Based on the conducted phytosanitary and entomological observations, it was determined that the average infestation with spider mites in 127 hectares of vineyards of 13 farms specializing in viticulture and horticulture of the Syrdarya region is 52.19%. The obtained results showed that it is necessary to fight not only the symptoms of fusarium disease in these areas, but also the measures to fight against the spider, which is one of the most dangerous pests.

According to the dynamics of the spider flare spread of, the number of spider flares in the vineyards belonging to the 2nd group was 5.17% lower than in the state farm ‘Isaev Umit Ergashevich’ (58.38%), but the total number of spider flares in the 2nd group group of 11 spider mites.

Spread on the Zukko Ziyo Locin farm from the vineyards of the 3rd group of vineyards of Erkulota orzusi LLC, where the spider mite infestation rate was 2.46% higher than the average (50.75). 09% showed a low rate, and also showed a rate of 6 .08% lower than the average. For further experiments, the dynamics of the spread of spider mites in the 3rd group of the Alijon Kuvonchbek bogi, Gulistan district, was selected.

Conclusion. This article is based on phytosanitary and entomological observations carried out on 127 hectares of vineyards of 13 farms specializing in viticulture and horticulture in the Syrdarya region of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which is the most frequent due to the proximity of the studied vineyards in location. 50 bushes of the Isroil Otal vineyard were examined, where infection with Tetranychus urticede koch. 51.26% was identified, in the Isaev Umit Ergashevich vineyard the infection was 58.38% and in the Zukko Zie Lochin vineyard 68.52% - out of 100 studied vines. this indicates improper use of the drugs used and improper adoption of other measures.



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Информация об авторах

Senior teacher Gulistan State University, Department of Food Technologies, Uzbekistan, Gulistan

ст. преп., Гулистанский государственный университет, кафедра пищевых технологий, Узбекистан, Гулистан

Doctor of biological Sciences, professor, Department of Biotechnology, Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

д-р биол. наук, проф., кафедра Биотехнология, Ташкентский химико-технологический институт, Республика Узбекистан, Ташкент

Assistant teacher Qarshi State University, Uzbekistan, Qarshi

ассистент Каршинский государственный университет, Узбекистан, Карши

Assistant, Gulistan State University, Department of Food Technologies, Uzbekistan, Gulistan

асситент Гулистанский государственный университет, кафедра пищевых технологий, Узбекистан, Гулистан

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