CHEMO-BIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF PHEROMONES IN ANT AND TERMITES // Universum: химия и биология : электрон. научн. журн. Surbhi A. [и др.]. 2023. 12(114). URL: (дата обращения: 22.12.2024).
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Pheromones are a mode of chemical communication in eusocial insects including ants and termites. The pheromones correspondent distinct social communication or activities such as counting, foraging, building, mating, and nestmate recognition. Various studies have been conducted on different types of pheromones present in ants and termites and their chemical nature. However, a lack of literature is available on the combined study of ant and termite pheromones and how pheromones of one insect affect the other. Hence, this review will be a consolidated analysis of the trail-following pheromone of the termites and ants, their chemical nature and the involvement of pheromones in ant-termite interaction. This article also discusses the different biological and commercial importance of the chemical compounds of pheromones. Such a study will give a new outlook towards ant-termite interaction and the pheromones associated with it and also help in finding other important functions of pheromone associated compounds.


Феромоны представляют собой способ химической коммуникации у эусоциальных насекомых, включая муравьев и термитов. Феромоны соответствуют различным социальным коммуникациям или действиям, таким как подсчет, поиск пищи, строительство, спаривание и распознавание товарищей по гнезду. Были проведены различные исследования различных типов феромонов, присутствующих в муравьях и термитах, и их химической природы. Однако недостаточно литературы по совместному изучению феромонов муравьев и термитов и тому, как феромоны одного насекомого влияют на другое. Таким образом, этот обзор будет представлять собой сводный анализ феромонов, следующих по следам термитов и муравьев, их химической природы, а также участия феромонов во взаимодействии муравьев и термитов. В этой статье также обсуждается различное биологическое и коммерческое значение химических соединений феромонов. Такое исследование даст новый взгляд на взаимодействие муравьев и связанных с ними феромонов, а также поможет выявить другие важные функции соединений, связанных с феромонами.


Keywords: Pheromones, trail-following pheromone, sex pheromone. 

Ключевые слова: Феромоны, феромон следования, половой феромон.


1. Introduction

Pheromones are a common form of intraspecies communication throughout the animal kingdom from insects to vertebrates (Dusses, 2010). These are the chemicals secreted by exocrine glands in eusocial insects (Meer and Alonso, 1998). Pheromones have been evolved from hormones, chemicals released on injury, host plant odors or waste products (Wyatt, 2005).  These pheromones play a variety of functions in social insects (especially ants and termites) such as trail laying for foraging, in defence against predators and in social communication (Vander Meer et al., 2019; Jaffe et al., 2012; Prestwich, 1979). Of these trail pheromones play very important role as they not only guide social insects from one point to another but also helps in regulating foraging activity in the colony via either positive or negative feedback (Czaczkes et al., 2015). Especially in the case of eusocial insects such as termites and ants, a huge set of informative chemicals are required, to maintain the intricate community interactions (Fewell, 2003; Fukao et al., 2007; Richard and Hunt, 2013; Costa and Haifig, 2014; Van et al., 2014).  In these insects, the chemically transferred information plays a very important role in kin and nestmate recognition (Richard and Hunt, 2013; Costa-Leonardo, 2009; Hölldobler and Wilson, 1990).

Termites are known to orient themselves through trail-following pheromones. These pheromones secreted from their sternal glands triggers the nestmates to leave the nest and orient themselves to the food source (Cristaldo 2018; Stuart 1961, 1981). The chemical nature of trail pheromones is well studied in various termite species (Cristaldo 2018; Bordereau and Pasteels 2011; Sillam-Dusses 2010; Costa-Leonardo However, besides trail pheromones other types of pheromones are also present in termites including alarm pheromones, sex pheromones and defensive pheromones (Bordereau et al., 2010; Stuart, 1981; Kirchner et al., 1994). Termite species such as subterranean termites use aggregation pheromones for expanding their nesting areas as they regulate the process of foraging in such termites (Mitaka et al., 2020). Moreover, termites also use faecal cement that contain cement pheromones to deposit the soil pellets and helps in pillar formation of termite chambers (Hill and Bullock, 2015). Hence, various types of pheromones present in termites perform distinct functions and play important role in their survival and reproduction.

In contrast, the trail following process in ants begins when they return to the nest after feeding. Ants leave a variety of chemical signals either through antennal contact, mandibular gland secretions, regurgitation, jerking movements or odor emission, recruiting other workers to leave the nest (Sasaki et al., 2014; Morgan, 2009). Trail following by worker ants and recruitment of workers comprises a combined study of entomologists and chemists that led to the study of the chemical nature of such pheromones. Pheromones may contain a single compound (foraging pheromones) or a blend of various compounds (sex pheromones), comprising the secretions from one or more glands (Morgan, 2009; Francke et al., 1985; Evershed et al., 1982). Hence, it is clear that both organisms use pheromones as a part of chemical communication within their community. However, these pheromones also play an important role in the interaction between ants and termites.

Besides the specific roles of ant and termites in their communities, they perform a range of ecological functions and their interaction is necessary for various ecosystem processes such as interacts with each-other due to their prey-predator relationship (DelToro et al., 2012; Philpott and Armbrecht, 2006; Bignell and Eggleton, 2000). Ant and termites frequently encounter each other in nature due to their high abundance, species richness and biomass in the same ecosystem (Dial et al., 2006). Hence, termites produce some counter-attack compounds such as repellents, toxins, anti-healing metabolites and sticky secretions from their exocrine glands that function to fight the predatory ants (Lubin and Montgomery, 1981; Sobotnik et al., 2010a). Various studies have been conducted on pheromone associated chemical compounds and their functions in ants and termites separately. However, there is a dearth of available literature on the combined study of pheromones in ant and termites and the way these pheromones affect the interaction between the two social insects. Therefore, this review focuses on various ant and termite pheromones, the chemical compounds present in these pheromones and the mechanism in which pheromones of both the insects manipulate each-others lifestyle. This study is unique because it also states different commercial and biological properties of the pheromone associated compounds present in ant and termites.

2. Ant pheromones and their functions:

Ant colonies use multiple signals to communicate and coordinate specific tasks such as nest defence, brood care and foraging (Hölldobler and Wilson, 1990). The first compound identified from trails pheromone was 4-methylpyrrole-2-carboxylate found in the venom gland of Atta texana however, this compound was also identified later in other ant species (Cross et al., 1982; Riley et al., 1974; Tumlinson et al., 1972). Various classes of chemical compounds are present in trail pheromones belonging to amines, hydrocarbons, alcohols and ketones (Cerda et al., 2014). Among them, volatile pyrazines (amines) are commonly used for food gathering and alarming behaviors in different ant species (Silva et al., 2018). For example, an alarm pheromone in ant Temnothorax rugatulus elicits different behavior in ants depending on the context. When this ant was tethered in an unfamiliar nest, it secreted a pheromone (2,5-dimethyl pyrazine) from its mandibular gland which signals other ants for nest rejection presumably to avoid the danger. However, when the same pheromone was presented near the familiar nest ants got attracted to it apparently to respond to a danger to the colony (Sasaki et al., 2014). Volatile compounds associated with pheromones may play similar or different roles in a variety of ant species.

Trail pheromones identified in six species of ants were named as six-species trail pheromone blend (6-TPB) and all of them are involved in foraging in these ants. These ant species are of two types sympatric and allopatric, based on that ant species responded differently towards the identified pheromones. The pheromones produced by allopatric species are hetero-specific for sympatric species and those produced by their own are con-specific (Meer and Alonso, 1998; Hölldobler and Wilson; 1990). Sympatric species involves Camponotus modoc, Lasius niger, Myrmica rubra and allopatric species involves Tetramorium caespitum, Novomessor albisetosus, Linepithema humilis (Chalissery et al., 2019).  L. niger contains trail pheromone 3,4-Dihydro-8-hydroxy-3-7-trimethylisocoumarin (isocoumarin) (Bestmann et al., 1992), C. modoc contains hexanolide (Renyard et al., 2019), M. rubra contains 3-Ethyl-2,5-dimethylpyrazine (Evershed et al., 1982). In T. caespitum, N. albisetosus, L. humilis the observed trail pheromones were 2,5-dimethylpyrazine (Attygalle and Morgan, 1983), 4-Methyl-3-heptanone (Hölldobler et al., 1995), (Z)-9-Hexadecenal (Key et al., 1982) respectively. In Camponotus modoc (2S,4R,5S)-2,4-dimethyl-5-hexanolide is the key trail pheromone component that also helps in foraging by attracting foragers and mediating their orientation to trail. Moreover, other compounds including 2,4- dimethylhexanoic acid, pentadecane, dodecanoic acid and 3,4-dihydro-8-hydroxy-3,5,7- trimethyl isocoumarin were found in hindgut extract of C. modoc (Renyard et al., 2019). When 6-TPB was provided to ants it showed induced trail following behaviour in C. modoc and L. niger indicated that C. modoc followed trails for both 6-TPB and its own pheromones to similar distances though L. niger followed 6- TPB for longer distances then their  own pheromone (Chalissery et al., 2019). Hence, it indicates that different ant species behaved in a diverse way to 6-TPB showing that ant community members eavesdrop on each-others trail pheromones.

3. Termite pheromones and their functions

In termites, only 9 chemicals have been identified till date, from  7 families (66 species) including basal termites (such as Mastotermitidae, Archotermopsidae, Stolotermitidae, Kalotermitidae, Rhinotermitidae, Serritermitidae) and advanced termites (Termitidae) family. The identified compounds belong  to alcohols, aldehydes, hydrocarbons and ketones. In terms of acquiring their food from outside or inside the nest, these species are distinguished for different ecological live type, namely “separated” (e.g. Termopsidae and Kalotermitidae), “intermediate” (e.g. Mastotermitidae, Rhinotermitidae) and “one-piece” (e.g. Hodotermitidae, some Rhinotermitidae and almost all Termitidae), all life types termites possess trail-pheromones, even “one-piece” life type species use it to recruit workers for defence or nest moving and orientation system is not desired (KlauseJafee 2011). The pheromone such as (give example here) in “one-piece” type may be engaged in alarm communication, in which a trail laid by termite from the point of disturbance reaches to its nestmates to defend and repair disturbance point (Sillam-Dusses 2010). Evolution of life type of termite triggers to evolve chemical nature of trail-pheromone. Even with low difference, certain phylogenetic trends can be deduced from the distribution of trail following pheromones on the tree of life.

Basal termites differ from higher termites due to their  flagellated Protozoan symbiont, which is correlated with a special type of trophallaxis, that help in  exchange of proctodaeal feeding (Ch.NOIROT 1985). Basal termite species possess branched C13, C14 or C18 aliphatic aldehydes and alcohols, present in their trail pheromones. One such example is E-2,6,10-trimethyl-5,9-undecadien-1-ol, which is present trail pheromone of Mastotermes darwiniensis (Mastotermitidae). This pheromone exists in two species of the family Termopsidae, namely Porotermes adamsoni (Porotermitinae) and Stolotermes victoriensis (Stolotermitinae) (Sillam-Dusses et al.2007). Similarly, another trail pheromone present in Zotermopsis angusticollis and Z. Nevadensis is syn 4,6-dimethyldodecanal (Bordereau However, in higher termite, various substances including unbranched mono, di- or tri-unsaturated alcohols with 12 carbon atoms were identified as trail-following pheromones. Similarly, in some cases these atoms along with a mixture of diterpene hydrocarbons such asneocembrene or trinervitatriene were also found. The trail pheromones in higher termite family Termitidae differ between subfamilies. For example, (Z, Z)-dodeca-3,6 dien-1-ol was identified as trail pheromones in subfamily Macrotermitinae of termite Ancistrotermes sp. Similarly, (Z)-dodec-3-en-1-ol was identified in Macrotermes and Odontotermesspecies although, (3Z,6Z,8E)-dodeca-3,6,8-trien-1-ol was identified in Psammotermes and Pseudacanthotermes species. Trail pheromone of subfamily Termitinaeand Syntermitinaeis mixture of two chemicals have two type of chemicals namely dodecatrienol and neocembrene although one species of subfamily Syntermitinae namely Syntermes possess only dodecatrienol. Similarly, in the case of subfamily Nasutitermitinae the trail pheromones a mixture of dodecatrienol (3Z,6Z,8E)-dodeca-3,6,8-trien-1-ol) and neocembrene in Constrictrotermes species while in the case of Nasultitermes the trail pheromone is a combination of dodecatrienol, neocembrene and trinervitat. However, Cubitermes, Drepanotermes and Termes possess only one trail pheromone which isdodecatrienol (3Z,6Z,8E)-dodeca-3,6,8-trien-1-ol).

4.Types of interactions between ants and termites

Signals through trail pheromones are used particularly for foraging. The most elaborated form of chemical communication is the odor trail system (Morgan, 2009).  Foraging is a common activity found in both ant and termites during which the risk of predation is very high. Therefore, secretion of trail-following pheromone, foraging pheromone (Czaczkes et al., 2015; Wen et al., 2014; Jaffe et al., 2012; Bordereau and Pasteels, 2010), alarm pheromones and communication for the recognition of nest-mate for precise defensive behavior are important (Kirchner et al., 1994; Evans et al., 2009; Van et al., 2014). For example, ant species such as Odontoponera transversa (termite raiding ant) track and attack termites by following the pheromones released by termites (Wen et al., 2017).

Ants often use their sting to paralyze their prey as in the case of Neoponera marginata (Aili et al., 2014; Leal and Oliveira, 1995). The worker ants use their sting during an attack to paralyze the termites and then store them in the ant nest as food reserve (Leal and Oliveira, 1995). Ant species such as Dorylus performs regular assault on termite colonies showing effective predation (Tuma et al., 2020; Abe and Darlington, 1985; Bodot, 1961).  Another communication system is through alarm pheromones which is more sophisticated and provides information according to the threatening situation (Jackson and Morgan, 1993; Sasaki et al., 2014). Counterattacking in termites is also recruited by the use of alarm pheromones. The specific defensive glands (labial or frontal) of termites are evolved to produce toxic compounds as well as alarm pheromones (Sobotnik et al., 2010b; Deligne et al., 1981; Prestwich et., 1977; Wood et al., 1975;). Alarming signals can also be produced for other colony members by the vibration of the termite body (Deligne and Blum, 1981; Prestwich, 1984; Sobotnik et al., 2010a). Alarm pheromones have dual roles to play in some cases as they attract soldiers to the site of the strike during the attack on the colony and simultaneously protecting the workers who are vulnerable (Sobotnik et al., 2010a). However, in the species with a low soldier to worker ratios workers are known to bite the invading ants and slowing them down till the time other workers bung the passage to termite nest for ants (Sheppe, 1970; Eisner and Aneshansley, 1976; Ishikawa and Miura, 2012).

How one species affects other?

The most studied interaction between ants and termites is their predator-prey relationship. Prey communication is one of the riskiest activities as it provides specific cues for predators. Some prey communicates using chemical or vocal signals to avoid the predatory attack. However, predators still use these signals through eavesdropping (Lichtenberg et al., 2014) as they are equipped with special sensors to detect unique prey signals (Magnhagen, 1991; Labarrere et al., 2011; Moreno-Rueda, 2017). One such example is the detection of termite trail odor, colony odor and alarm pheromones by their predatory ant species (Trong and Akino, 2012). Ants not only regulate termite populations as predators but also affect their environment such as decreasing the decomposition rate of wood, litter and organic matter in the soil. It ultimately affects plant growth conditions (Tuma et al., 2020).   As these two groups of social insects have intricate effects on biotic and abiotic factors of the ecosystem hence, they are considered as ecosystem engineers (Jouquet et al., 2006). To avoid the risk of predators, prey species use a variety of chemical, behavioral, mechanical and combination of defensive adaptations (Krebs and Davies, 2009). The trail may composeof multiple pheromones with different properties containing information to form a trail network (Jackson et al., 2004; Robinsonet al., 2005; Jackson and Ratnieks, 2006; Dussutour et al., 2009). Predators also use a variety of signals which are innate to earwig on their prey. In the case of social prey such as termites, most of the signals derived from social communication are highly complex (Wen et al., 2017). Trail following can work in both ways either synergistic or complementary to the other sources of information such as the memory of the individual (Czaczkes et al., 2015).

4. Other properties of chemical compounds in pheromones

Table 1.



Compound name

Type of   Pheromone

Other properties




Alarm pheromone, Foraging pheromone     

Odorant and flavouring agent

Attygalle and Morgan, 1983; Semmelroch et al., 1995; Sasaki et al., 2014; Sherwood and Boitano, 2016


3,4-Dihydro-8-hydroxy-3-7-trimethylisocoumarin (isocoumarin)

Foraging pheromone

Antimicrobial, Anti-HIV

Bestmann et al., 1992; Devienne et al., 2005; Arunpanichlert et al., 2010


(2S,4R,5S)-2,4-Dimethyl-5-hexanolide (hexanolide)

Foraging pheromone


Ito and Kubota, 2005; Renyard et al., 2019




Foraging pheromone

Coffee flavor odorant,organoleptic agent

Evershed et al., 1982; Matsui et al., 1998; NCBI Pubchem Database, 2020



Foraging pheromone, aggregation pheromone

Used in pest control

Burkholder et al., 1986; Walgenbach et al., 1987; Hölldobler et al., 1995



Foraging pheromone

Sex attractant, may have antibacterial and antioxidant property

Key et al., 1982; Choeet al., 2012; Ololade et al., 2014


Termites trail pheromones


Compound name

Type of   Pheromone

Other       properties




Trail pheromone

perfumery component

Sillam-Dussès et-al. (2007)

Kurt Bauer et al. (2002)


syn 4,6-dimethyldodecanal

Trail pheromone sex pheromone

(couldn’t find some other properties to use)

Bordereau et al. (2010)


syn 4,6-dimethylundecanol

Trail pheromone

(couldn’t find some other properties to use)

Lacey et al.




CAS No. - 32451-95-9

Trail pheromone,

sex pheromone

it is used to produce other chemicals



et al. (2009)



Trail pheromone,

sex pheromone

(Z, Z)-3, 6-Dodecadien-1-ol is found in herbs and spices; isolated from Jasminum sambac (Arabian jasmine)

Robert et al. (2004), Deng et al.




Trail pheromone

it is used to produce other chemicals


Hanus et al.





CAS No.19926-63-7

Trail pheromone, sex pheromone

it is used to produce other chemicals


Matsumura et al. (1968); Tai et al. (1969), Tokoro et al. (1989), Tokoroet al. (1991), Bordereau et al. (1993) Laduguie et al. (1994) Wobst et al. (1999) Sillam-Dussès et al. (2006) Bordereau and Pasteels (2011) Sillam-Dussès et al. (2011) Wen et al. (2014) Cristaldo et al. (2014)


(E, E, E,12R)-1,5,8-trimethyl-12-(1-methylthenyl)-1,5,9-cyclotetradecatriene for short neocembrene

Trail pheromone, sex pheromone


anticancer drug candidate

Moore (1966), Birch et al. (1972), McDowell and Oloo (1984),Sillam-Dussès et al. (2010),  Bordereau and Pasteels (2011), Cristaldo et al. (2014)

James Kirby (2010)



(11E)—trinervita-1(14),2,11-triene for short trinervitatriene

Trail pheromone, sex pheromone


compounds and their use for treatment of various microbial

infections and diseases in humans and other animals.

Sillam-Dussès et al. (2010),

US patent

2004/0029918 A1 



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Ph.D. student at Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi-NewDelhi, India, New Delhi

научн. сотр., Колледж Шри Венкатешвары, Университет Дели-Нью-Дели, Индия, г. Нью-Дели

Professor, Senior Researcher at Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Academy Science of Uzbekistan, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

профессор, ст. науч. сотр., Института биоорганической химии Академия наук Узбекистана, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Professor, Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi-NewDelhi, India, New Delhi

профессор, Колледж Шри Венкатешвары, Университет Дели-Нью-Дели, Индия, г. Нью-Дели

Scientific Researcher at Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Academy Science of Uzbekistan, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

научн. сотр. Института биоорганической химии Академия наук Узбекистана, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Student at National University of Uzbekistan, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

студент Национального университета Узбекистана, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Ph.D. Scientific Researcher at Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Academy Science of Uzbekistan and National University of Uzbekistan, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

Phd, научн. сотр. Института Биоорганический химии Академия наук Узбекистана и Национальный университет Узбекистана, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

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