Boqieva G.
Boqieva G. CLASSIFICATION OF THE TRAINED ORGANISM AND THE NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES OF OVERTRAINING // Universum: химия и биология : электрон. научн. журн. 2023. 12(114). URL: (дата обращения: 26.12.2024).
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Physiological and biochemical systems, which are of greatest importance during work, develop and improve during training. Physical exercises make the body adapt to physical loads.The ability of the body to transform energy in aerobic and anaerobic bioenergetic processes increases more and more. All physiological and biochemical characteristics of physical performance improved with the increase in training level (skill) of sportsmen. However, overtraining can reduce an athlete's level of fitness, negatively impact sports performance, and lead to injuries. Overtraining weakens the immune system, making athletes more susceptible to illnesses such as infections and upper respiratory tract infections. This can result in frequent illnesses and a prolonged recovery period. And it can contribute to psychological issues such as mood swings, increased irritability, anxiety, and even depression. The constant physical and mental stress can take a toll on an athlete’s overall well-being. Prolonged  overtraining overtraining may have more severe and long-term health consequences, including cardiovascular issues, metabolic imbalances, and potential damage to organs..


Физиологические и биохимические системы, имеющие наибольшее значение в работе, развиваются и совершенствуются в процессе тренировок. Физические упражнения заставляют организм адаптироваться к физическим нагрузкам. Способность организма преобразовывать энергию в аэробные и анаэробные биоэнергетические процессы все больше возрастает. С повышением уровня тренированности (мастерства) спортсменов улучшались все физиолого-биохимические показатели физической работоспособности. Однако перетренированность может снизить уровень физической подготовки спортсмена, отрицательно повлиять на спортивные результаты и привести к травмам. Перетренированность ослабляет иммунную систему, делая спортсменов более восприимчивыми к таким заболеваниям, как инфекции и инфекции верхних дыхательных путей. Это может привести к частым заболеваниям и длительному периоду выздоровления. И это может способствовать возникновению психологических проблем, таких как перепады настроения, повышенная раздражительность, беспокойство и даже депрессия. Постоянный физический и умственный стресс может сказаться на общем самочувствии спортсмена. Длительная перетренированность может иметь более серьезные и долгосрочные последствия для здоровья, включая проблемы с сердечно-сосудистой системой, метаболический дисбаланс и потенциальное повреждение органов.


Keywords: hypertrophy, adaptation, lung ventilation , training, innervation .

Ключевые слова: гипертрофия, адаптация, вентиляция легких, тренировка, иннервация.


Introduction.  An actively oriented adaptation process of the body to physical exercises that enable the development of muscle strength, high-powered and long-term workis called sports training [1,2] .

According to E.B. Sologub, sports training is the process of adaptation of the human body to the demands of the chosen sport over many years[2].The correct organization of the training process determines the athlete's adaptation to specialized loads or the state of training. This increases the functional capacity and economy of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and muscular systems of the body[3,5].

In a person who is less active, the function of the respiratory and circulatory organs decreases. Such people do not feel any discomfort when they are sitting still, and with the slightest muscle movement, the lungs and heart cannot meet the correspondingly increased demand for oxygen (because their function is reduced). Such a person gets tired quickly, the amount of lactic acid in his blood increases.

In athletes , the improvement of the coordination of movements, the increase in the efficiency of breathing and blood circulation leads to a decrease in energy consumption for standard work, that is, it increases the useful work coefficient of athletes [4,6] .

In particular, in athletes who have just begun to exercise and who require a lot of endurance during training,the MDO ( defined as the maximum demand for oxygen ) is 40-45 ml/kg.min, in contrast  the MDO is 80-90 ml/kg.min in highly skilled athletes . As a result of regular training over many years, athletes ' aerobic power performance improves by 2 times and aerobic volume performance by more than 4 times.[1,2,10,22] .

All these indicators occur through the gradual adaptation of the body to physical loads." Adaptation" to physical exercises and " training" of the human body are closely related. The essence of adaptation to physical loads is to open biochemical and physiological mechanisms that transform untrained organisms into trained ones [5,6 ] .

Movement apparatus of skilled athletes differs in that the bones are thicker and more mature, the active hypertrophy of muscles, their high lability and contractibility, the transmission of impuls through motoneurons at a higher speed, the presence of more glycogen and myoglobin reserves in the muscle , and the higher activity of enzymes. The improvement of muscle innervation is confirmed by evidence of the thickening of neuromuscular synapses and their increased number. Athletes have high rates of voluntary muscle tension and at the same time  good relaxation, that is, a large amplitude of muscle stiffness [2,7,15, 20,23] .

Oxygen intake of athletes is more effective due to increased lung capacity (up to 6-8 l ), i.e., increased breathing surface. The depth of breathing increases, which improves lung ventilation. Respiratory muscles are better developed and become more durable. Maximal pulmonary ventilation is significantly higher in exercised individuals at around 150-200 L/min −1 compared to non-exercised individuals (60-120 L/min −1 ) . The duration of breath holding increases especially in weightlifting, synchronized swimming, diving, rowing sports, and this indicates good anaerobic capacity and low excitability of the respiratory center [2, 8,12,15,19] .

Strength exercises (weightlifting, gymnastics , acrobatics , etc.) leads to the greatest increase in muscle mass, that is, it occurs with an increase in the synthesis of muscle structural proteins [5,11,13,16] .

The reconstructions of all the listed functional indicators show the general adaptation of the athlete's body to physical loads, including special functional preparation for exercises in the selected sport.

But due to the large amount of physical load, insufficient time between recovery, improper organization of the rest period, incorrect distribution of the load in relation to the body mass, non-observance of the law of adaptation " from small to large" in sports, a situation of overtraining occurs. Exercising without sufficient recovery during training can cause overtraining. Even after a specific workout, training without a recovery process can harm the health of the athlete and negatively affect his positive results.[9,14,21,24] .

Materials and methods of research:

A number of 25 men weightlifting athletes were invited to the research process. Physiological and morphological changes in them were examined every three months. The phenomenon of overtraining is widespread in modern sports. It was found that 28% of the 25 athletes who have a rank and participated in international and national competitions have undergone excessive training. As announced on the website of the Islamic Republic of Iran,    one of the countries with a developed weightlifting sport, 15% of Iranian weightlifting athletes have overtraining. Therefore, these statistics also show that studying the symptoms, causes and consequences of overtraining in weightlifting sports is of urgent importance. As physical load and skill increases, the likelihood of overtraining also increases. In particular, overtraining was noted in 30% of cases among high-class athletes specializing in weightlifting in the world ranking

Research results and discussion.

Overtraining can reduce an athlete's fitness level, negatively impact sports performance, and lead to injuries. Weightlifting can cause heart and blood vessel diseases. Therefore, the athlete should control his training limit and sense of fatigue.

Special questionnaires were administered to weightlifters to determine the causes of training disorders. According to this, due to high physical load-40%, insufficient time between recovery-15%, improper organization of the rest period-10%, wrong assignment of the load in relation to body mass-10%, in sports non-observance of the law of adaptation " from small to large" - in 25% of cases, it was found that overtraining and training disorders occurred. This is reflected in diagram 1.


Figure 1 . Identified causes of exercise impairment


Anatomical and physiological changes caused by training disorders that affectedthe athlete's performance have been studied. As a result of physiological investigations,  the following morpho-functional disorders were identified:

1. Crooked legs

2. Curvature of the spine

3. Vascular diseases

4. Spinal hernia

5. Violation of thermoregulation

6. Increased sensitivity to stressful situations

7. Hypoxia

A number of 25 men weightlifting athletes were invited to the research process. Physiological and morphological changes in them were examined every three months. The phenomenon of overtraining is widespread in modern sports. It was found that 28% of the 25 athletes who have a rank and participated in international and national competitions have undergone excessive training. As announced on the website of the Islamic Republic of Iran,    one of the countries with a developed weightlifting sport, 15% of Iranian weightlifting athletes have overtraining. Therefore, these statistics also show that studying the symptoms, causes and consequences of overtraining in weightlifting sports is of urgent importance. As physical load and skill increases, the likelihood of overtraining also increases. In particular, overtraining was noted in 30% of cases among high-class athletes specializing in weightlifting in the world ranking [Vladimir Platonov . Article. Перетренированность в спорте. 20-p]. The results of our research also show how important physiological tests are in weightlifting and how these tests have a positive effect on athlete performance, training status, and sports success. Also, overtrained 7 athletes with the morpho-functional disorders en were studied separately and evaluated physiologically. According to the results, 100% of the 7 highly trained athletes showed increased sensitivity to stressful situations. In 28.5% of cases, it was found that the legs were crooked, in 14.2% of cases, herniated spinal disc, in 42.8% of cases, thermoregulation disorders, in 57% of athletes, hypoxia, in 71% of cases, vascular diseases, in 28.5% of cases, curvature of the spine .

Excessive exercise during the early period of sports participation significantly increases the likelihood of overtraining compared to adults who are well adapted to heavy training.Excessive training missed early significantly weakens the body's protective properties, increases the risk of developing diseases caused by excessive training in the future.


Figure 2. Disturbances in the morpho-functional state of highly trained athletes

(n=7). 1-stressful situation, 2-legs  crook, 3-herniated spinal disc, 4-thermoregulation disorders, 5-hypoxia, 6-vascular diseases, 7-curvature of the spine


During this period, the problem of overtraining of young athletes, caused by the incredible preparation and pursuit of sports achievements, has attracted the attention of researchers for many years. Due to the high number of diseases caused by the violation of the golden rule that sport is first for health and then for results, especially in weightlifting, the number of people practicing this sport is decreasing regressively. However, quitting sports is not the solution to this problem, especially in connection with the constant expansion of the calendar of youth and junior competitions, it is recommended to properly organize sports loads, prevent the above reasons, and conduct physiological examinations.


Based on the materials described above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. A trained organism has much greater energetic and functional potentials for muscle activity than an untrained organism.

2. Compared to an untrained organism, a trained organism has the ability to use energy resources faster and more fully during work and restore their reserves faster during the rest period after work.

3. The trained organism has a great opportunity to quickly mobilize the chemical energy embodied in the ATF molecule and convert it into mechanical energy - muscle contraction.

4. A trained body can perform physical work of such high intensity and duration that an untrained body cannot.

5. Without high physical loads the trained body is distinguished by the efficient operation of its physiological systems at rest. And it has the ability to make these systems work at such a high level that an untrained body cannot achieve. For example, during standard work, a trained athlete accumulates less lactic acid in the blood than an untrained or undertrained athlete. At the same time, such biochemical changes are possible in the body of highly trained athletes during high-intensity and high-duration exercises, for example, the greatest absorption of oxygen (up to 80-90 ml/kg.min), the highest index of oxygen debt (O 2 - up to 90-95% of the need) and the maximum amount of lactic acid (up to 2.5 g/l and more), these cannot be achieved by an untrained body.

6. Resistance to harmful effects and adverse factors of internal and external environments increases in the trained organism.



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Assistant, Alfraganus University, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

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