Sultanova D.F.
Sultanova D.F. FUNCTIONAL ADAPTATION OF STUDENTS WITH DIFFERENT READINESS AT THE INITIAL STAGE OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY // Universum: химия и биология : электрон. научн. журн. 2023. 11(113). URL: (дата обращения: 22.12.2024).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniChem.2023.113.11.16224



This article determines the level of speed and dynamics of performance of athletes with different levels of adaptation to specific muscle activity. The results of the study show that as the level of education increases, the coefficient of variation, which reflects the level of preparation of student-athletes in the group, decreases, that is, the levels of preparation of athletes approach each other. another. In particular, the coefficients of change among the handball players of the first stage students ranged from В=12.96% to В=15.98%, while for the students of the second stage, this indicator was В=12.29% and reached values between V=15.22%, but it can be observed that in stage III they decreased (i.e. improved) to values of V = 11.58% and V = 14.37%.


В статье определен уровень скорости и динамики работоспособности спортсменов с разным уровнем адаптации к конкретной мышечной деятельности. Результаты исследования показывают, что по мере повышения уровня образования коэффициент вариации, отражающий уровень подготовки студентов-спортсменов в группе, снижается, то есть уровни подготовки спортсменов приближаются друг к другу. В частности, коэффициенты изменения у гандболистов студентов первого этапа варьировались от В=12,96% до В=15,98%, тогда как у студентов второго этапа этот показатель составлял В=12,29% и достигал значений между V= 15,22%, но можно заметить, что на III стадии они снизились (т.е. улучшились) до значений V=11,58% и V=14,37%.


Keywords: physical activity, functional system, adaptation, functional parameters, adequate change, reaction speed.

Ключевые слова: физическая нагрузка, функциональная система, адаптация, функциональные параметры, адекватное изменение, скорость реакции.


Introduction. Currently, there is a clear understanding of sports training as a process of adaptation of the athlete’s body to physical activity, expressed in increasing its functional capabilities [1,2]. In this case, long-term adaptation of the functional systems of the athlete’s body consists of the physiological essence, optimization of the unity of the functional body capabilities and the reactive properties of its systems [3]. Medical and biological studies of student health show that studying at the university is stressful in nature and is accompanied by a decrease in the body’s adaptive capabilities. The adaptation of the body to muscle tension and the conditions for high physical performance of the athlete are of utmost importance. The level of ability to mobilize the physiological functions of the body, expressed in the rapid rise of physiological systems to the required level. The level of functioning at the initial stage of physical activity, as well as increasing the maximum capabilities of the body during specific muscle activity. This lack of participation in physical activity has contributed to a greater prevalence of pediatric obesity, a decrease in fitness and a greater risk for disease [4]. All factors of high functional capabilities achieved by an athlete as a result of sports training must be realized through adequate changes in the speed with which the physiological systems of the body can change their functional parameters at the beginning of physical activity. Thus, the adaptation of this feature of physiological systems acts as an executive mechanism of homeostatic control. At the beginning of physical activity, the rate of change in functional parameters at the required level is optimized in the process of adaptation, based on increasing the capabilities of the executive organs of physiological systems [3]. The ability to quickly achieve the necessary changes in the functional parameters of the body at the beginning of physical activity, mobilize physiological systems as quickly as possible at the beginning of work and restore them as quickly as possible during sports. Especially during exercises performed at varying levels of physical intensity, it is very important to demonstrate the ability to work hard [5].  This is determined to a greater extent by such variables as the level of training of the athlete and the level of individual typological characteristics of their body [3]. The behaviors and traits of today’s children, along with their genetics, are determinants of their growth and development; their physical, mental, and psychosocial health; and their physical, cognitive, and academic performance. Technological advances of modern society have contributed to a sedentary lifestyle that has changed the phenotype of children from that of 20 years ago. Children today weigh more and have a higher body mass index (BMI) than their peers of just a generation earlier [6]. The strategy of pedagogical education in the field of physical culture involves development and self-development of future teacher [7, 8].

The main goal of this study is to study the level and dynamics of functional indicators of students adapting to specific activities.

Materials and methods: 2.1. The study involved students (n=30), close to each other in age and functional readiness, involved in the sport of handball.

2.2. The rate of oxygen consumption. At the beginning of the study, the level of oxygen consumption in all groups was measured, and parameters of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems were recorded at rest. Then, participants were offered to perform dosed muscle loads with a standard strength, heart contractions at the level of 120-150 beats/min, with an individual frequency. Heart rate (HR), pulmonary ventilation (VE), respiratory rate (fb), breath volume (VT) and oxygen consumption (VO2) were recorded during physical exercises.

2.3. Increase heart rate. At the beginning of physical activity, the rate of change in functional indicators at the required level and heart rate increase. (HRW1/HR at rest), increased ventilation of the lungs (VEW1/VЕ at rest), increased respiratory rate (fb W1/ fb at rest), increase in breathing volume (VТ W1/VТat rest) and oxygen consumption (VO2W1/VO2 at rest) during the first minute of exercise were assessed relative to rest.

Results. The development laws of the athlete’s body, the mechanisms of rapid change in functional parameters to the required level and the possibilities of mobilization is one of the most important factors contributing to the rationalization of the functional training process of, adequate control and objective assessment of the functional training of athletes. Studying the features and patterns of the change rate in the functional parameters of athletes at the required level and functional mobilization at various stages of long-term sports training is an important task, the solution of which can be used to determine the directions and ways of mobilizing the abilities of athletes, means, methods and modes of training influence. Based on the above, collective spiroergometric experiments were carried out with the participation of handball athletes belonging to three age and qualification groups - first-year students (n=10), second-year students (n=10) and third-year students (n=10) ready. Studying the influence of the age-qualification factor on the parameters of the rate of change of functional indicators to the required level in handball players, locomotion in handball is determined by the fact that locomotion in handball refers to cyclic and acyclic physical exercises in approximately equal proportions according to its biomechanical structure. This allows us to conclude that the results obtained can, to a certain extent, be extended to most other sports.

Athletes who participated in the experiments were asked to undergo a standard functional test. During this process, parameters such as heart rate (HR), pulmonary ventilation (VE), respiratory rate and depth (fb and VT), and oxygen consumption (VO2) were recorded. The speed of achieving the required level of change in functional indicators at the beginning of physical activity - reaction speed, increase in heart rate (HRW1/HR at rest), increased ventilation of the lungs (VEW1/VЕ at rest), increased respiratory rate (fb W1/ fb at rest), breath volume (VТ W1/VТ at rest) and assessed oxygen consumption (VO2W1/VO2 at rest) in the first minute of exercise compared to rest. In addition, the absolute values of heart rate, HR, VE, fb, VТ ва VО2, recorded in the first minute of physical activity of standard power, were compared. The main statistical descriptions of the average values of the studied indicators in student-athletes of different ages and training at the initial stage of performing standard muscle loads and an assessment of the statistical reliability of the absolute difference in their arithmetic average values are presented. Table 1 compares the relative differences of these arithmetic averages Fig. 1.

Table 1.

At the initial stage of performing standard muscle loads. Basic statistical characteristics of reaction speed indicators for student handball players of 1st, 2nd and 3rd categories, (X ± σ)

Verified parameters


Significance of differences

category -I (n=10)

category -II (n=10)

category -III (n=10)




HRW1, beats/min







2W1, ml/min







VE W1, l/min







Fb W1, cycle/min







VТ W1, ml







HRW1/HR at rest, %


140,4 ±18,44





VEW1/VЕ at rest, %







VТ W1/VТ at rest, %







Fb W1/fb at rest, %







VТ W1/VТ at rest, %







2W1/VО2 at rest








The data presented in the table shows that as the level of education increases, the coefficient of variation, reflecting the level of student-athletes training of in the group, decreases, that is, the levels of athletes training of approach each other. In particular, the coefficients of variation among student handball players of the first stage varied between V=12.96% and V=15.98%, while for students of the second stage this indicator reached values between V=12.29% and V=15.22%, however, at stage III it can be observed that they have decreased (i.e. improved) to values between V = 11.58% and V = 14.37%.

 Thus, among the relative differences in the arithmetic mean values of the reaction speed indicators of student handball players of different stages, the largest value is 28.94%, which corresponds to the VO2W1 results of student-athletes of stages I and III. , and the smallest relative increase is 9.97%. Equality was observed between the arithmetic mean values of the fbW1 results of handball students of the I and II levels. In general, the relative differences in the arithmetic mean values of the reaction speed indicators among 11 student handball players of the I and II stages of the study amounted to an average of 13.63%, the relative difference in the arithmetic mean values of the results of student handball players of the I and III stages was 25.01%, and the relative difference the arithmetic average values of the results of student handball players of the II and III levels was 14.92% (Fig. 1).


Figure 1. Perform standard muscle exercises at the initial stage of different ages and training reactions of different handball players arithmetic average of speed indicators relative differences in values, (%)


The statistical reliability of the arithmetic mean values and absolute differences of results for each studied indicator is assessed based on the calculation of the critical values of the student distribution between the results of student handball players of the I and II levels in two groups. In total there are 11 indicators, they are as follows: good (R<0.01), satisfactory in seven (R<0.05), reliable at significance levels and unreliable at a satisfactory (R>0.05) significance level in three more. Between the results of level I and III handball students, out of 11 indicators, nine are high (P<0.001), two are good (P<0.01) and one is satisfactory (P<0.05) at significance levels. Lastly, students of the II and III levels - between the results of handball players, five out of 11 indicators showed good (R<0.01), reliable - in four - with a satisfactory (R <0.05) level of significance, in two more - unreliable positive changes with a satisfactory (R<0.05) level of significance and (R>0.05) of significance levels.

Conclusion. A comparative speed work analysis of the physiological systems of the body in response to physical activity of standard power to achieve the required level of change in functional parameters made it possible to observe their uniform change in athletes from one qualification age group to another. The greatest changes were observed in 1st year student-athletes of the III sports category. The rate of change in the functional indicators of the vegetative systems at the required level is characterized by the increase in these indicators from 160.5±22.44 to 379.7±49.24% (with an average range of 236.5%) during work in a state of relative rest. At the same time, the reaction of the autonomic systems of second-year student handball players in response to physical activity of standard strength is expressed in an average increase in the analyzed indicators by 239.7% (ranging from 137.4±18.26). up to 329.4±40.54%). The level of training is very high - the speed of achieving the required level of functional indicators among students of the Sh-course handball players of the 1st category and SAN group is average - 243.0% (from 118.8±15.22 to 288.7±33.43% in the range) characterized by change.



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Информация об авторах

Doctoral student, Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sports, Republic Uzbekistan, Chirchik

докторант, Узбекский государственный университет физической культуры и спорта, Республика Узбекистан, г. Чирчик

Журнал зарегистрирован Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор), регистрационный номер ЭЛ №ФС77-55878 от 17.06.2013
Учредитель журнала - ООО «МЦНО»
Главный редактор - Ларионов Максим Викторович.