Khodjiev A.A., Choriev A.D., Mehmonov B.I. STUDY OF THE PROPERTIES OF THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF LEMON FRUIT // Universum: химия и биология : электрон. научн. журн. 2023. 4(106). URL: (дата обращения: 16.01.2025).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniChem.2023.106.4.15225



The chemical composition and nutrients of lemon fruit for the human body were studied. Lemon serves as the first aid in colds. But besides this, it has a lot of useful properties, so it has been used since ancient times.


Был изучен химический состав и питательные вещества плодов лимона для человеческого организма. Лимон служит первой помощью при простуде. Но помимо этого, он обладает массой полезных свойств, поэтому его использовали с древних времен.


Keywords: lemon, vitamin, sugar, minerals, useful substances.

Ключевые слова: лимон, витамин, сахар, минералы, полезные вещества.



Lemon fruit today dominates cosmetics and perfumes, vitamins and all kinds of food additives in almost all sochas with its aroma.

Sometimes we come to the pharmacy looking for one or another medicine and spend a lot of money finding the right medicine on the counter and buying it. However, there are equally effective, but cheaper green pharmacy products that can be used to prevent and treat many diseases. Among them, lemon occupies a special place.

Literary review

A small, evergreen tree with spiny branches of the Rutaceae family with a lemon seedling height of 3-7 m. Lemon flowers are bright white with a purple corolla, fruits are egg-shaped, with a yellow peel, sour juicy pulp divided into 8-10 lobes. The fruit bearing tree yields lemons weighing 200-400 g . The name of the lemon comes from the Malay word "le mo". In India, lemon is called "nimu", and in China - "li - mung", which means "useful for mothers". The lemon is native to China or India, where it grows wild in mountainous areas at the foot of the Himalayas. From here, a long time ago, he penetrated into Mesopotamia, where he acclimatized. In the IV century BC, lemon came to Italy from the Mussel. But it became widely used in Italy only when it got there for the second time: in the X century AD, the Arabs brought it to Palestine, and from there the Crusaders brought it to Sicily and Italy. According to an ancient legend, the Greeks, delighted with the color and aroma of lemon, decided to make it an emblem of that festive day when the Earth goddess received the news of the marriage of Zeus and Hera. Since that time, lemon has been used in Greece during marriage ceremonies. Currently, lemon is bred in the subtropical zone of the Caucasus, in Moldova and Central Asia, in the Mediterranean countries, in California and in Florida. It is widely cultivated as a houseplant. Lemon trees are prolific, bearing ripe fruits almost all year round. They are easier to transport than other citrus fruits. Lemon trees are wonderful indoor ornamental plants. They grow quickly, bloom and bear fruit all year round. A flowering lemon tree fills the room with a delicate delicate aroma. Lemons have bactericidal properties, their phytoncides kill harmful bacteria. The ripe fruit can remain on the plant for up to two years, changing color to green, and then turns yellow again. Lemon belongs to citrus plants. It is a hybrid between citron and lime. Its closest relatives are orange, tangerine, pomelo, grapefruit, citron, lime. [1].

There are 4 varieties of lemon

Lemon is ordinary

It is distinguished by rather large fragrant oval or oval-elongated fruits (up to 6.5 cm in diameter and up to 8.5 cm in height) with sour greenish-yellow juicy flesh" represented by 7-12 slices. The fruits have good taste and healing properties, have significant nutritional value, and are widely used fresh. They are used in the food, confectionery, pharmaceutical and perfume industries. The jamboree variety, or lemon rough, appears to be a hybrid between lemon and citron. The fruits are large, roundly oval, up to 10-13 cm in height, with a thick (up to 10 mm) peel, juicy, very sour, coarse-grained flesh. There are up to 40 seeds in 10-14 slices. However, the quality of the fruit is low. Therefore, they are more often used as a substitute for lemon, and seedlings are used as rootstocks for orange, lemon, grapefruit.Lemon Cantonese, or Meyer is a natural hybrid between lemon and orange or lime. The fruits are almost rounded to 7 cm in height, with tender, juicy, yellowish-orange, moderately acidic flesh. Lobules – 6-10, Seeds – 3-15. The quality is lower than that of the fruits of the common lemon. The yield is high. The fruits are used as a substitute for ordinary lemon and for the preparation of candied fruits and drinks [2].

A variety of bergamot or pear-shaped, apparently a complex hybrid of citron, lemon, bigaradia and lime. The fruits are pear-shaped or round, large (up to 7-9 cm in height), with greenish, sour, juicy flesh. Lobules – 8-12. Seeds – up to 30. Bergamot is grown in Italy, Spain, France, Greece and other Mediterranean countries, as well as in India. Fruits are mainly processed into juice. The essential oil used for the preparation of perfumes and cologne is obtained from the peel. Less often, the fruits are consumed fresh as a substitute for lemon. The plants are quite decorative. There are a great many varieties of lemon. They all differ in taste, size, skin thickness, leaf shape and tree height. Lemon has an abundance of citric acid, mineral salts and vitamins. Therefore, the use of this citrus in food is very useful and extremely important for the human body. The presence of citric acid in this fruit is one of the main factors that determine the healing properties of lemon. But do not think that this citrus has only water and citric acid. The chemical composition of lemon is extremely diverse. However, the presence of citric acid in this fruit certainly prevails. The amount of citric acid concentrated in the lemon pulp can reach 8 percent. There is also malic acid in the fruit pulp. But this organic acid in the fruit is significantly less than citric acid [3].

Sugar. The amount of glucose in a lemon does not exceed 0.8%. Sucrose in this fruit is even less (no more than 0.75%), and fructose – no more than 0.6%. The pulp of the fruit is extremely poor in proteins, the amount of which usually does not exceed 0.9%. Lemon also cannot boast of a high fat content about 0.1%.

Vitamins. Lemon contains many vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the human body. Of all the vitamin series, first of all, it is worth highlighting vitamin C, which is involved in the nutrition of tissues and contributes to the normalization of metabolism. No less important for the human body are other vitamins that are contained in this citrus: vitamins A, B, B1, B2, E, D and vitamin P. By the way, vitamin P, better known as citrine, is characteristic only of citrus fruits. The chemical composition of this vitamin is a complex phenolic compound, which is characterized by both excellent medicinal qualities and high biological activity.

Minerals. There are also mineral elements in the fruits of the lemon tree. Potassium salts in this fruit are the most. But the calcium in lemon is almost four times less than potassium. In addition, citrus contains iron, sulfur, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, cobalt, sodium and other minerals. The benefits of lemon have been known for a long time. Every year scientists find more and more new advantages of this wonderful citrus. Due to its beneficial properties, lemon can be found in every home. It is added to tea, juice and tinctures are made from it. Lemon is one of those rare fruits that can be consumed both by themselves and in combination with various drinks and dishes. What is lemon useful for and why is it so praised? The benefits of lemon are a huge amount of useful substances and minerals that make up its composition. Thanks to these substances, lemon is able to have an antiseptic and bactericidal effect on the human body. Lemon has been known since ancient times as an excellent antiseptic. To this day, the inhabitants of Egypt use its antiseptic properties for bites of scorpions, snakes and various insects [4].

This is done as follows. The fruit is cut in half. One half is applied to the bite site, and the other is slowly eaten. However, do not think that the useful properties of lemon are limited only to this! This fruit provides truly invaluable therapeutic assistance for various diseases. Lemon, like all other citrus fruits, is a good remedy against putrefactive processes, especially in the liver. In many cases, it helps to remove those deposits of toxic substances that cannot be removed in any other way. Lemon drinks are great when you need to get rid of toxins. The sour taste of lemon does not mean that it is an acid for the body, since this taste is due to organic acids that do not remain in the cells. It has been experimentally proven that prolonged use of lemons leads to the production of potassium carbonate in the body, neutralizing excess acidity in the humoral environment. Lemon juice diluted in water neutralizes the increased acidity of gastric juice and blood. Lemon is good for fever, high temperature: in this state, it is more pleasant for a person to eat fruits containing citric acid than any other food. Lemon increases the excretion of toxins through the skin and thereby reduces the temperature. Inhaling the smell of lemon and orange sharpens vision. Lemon is used in folk medicine in many countries for the treatment of various diseases: scurvy, jaundice, dropsy, kidney stones, pulmonary tuberculosis, palpitations, gastric catarrh, hemorrhoids, acute rheumatism, gout, aches and lumbago. Italian folk medicine recommends a decoction of lemon (together with the peel) as a good treatment for malaria. Lemon is widely used as a preventive and therapeutic agent for atherosclerosis. Lemon fruits are an effective treatment for diabetes mellitus and other diseases accompanied by metabolic disorders. The pectin substances contained in lemon have the ability to remove heavy metals from the body. Lemon peel also has healing properties, which strengthens the gums, eliminates yellow plaque on the teeth and prevents nail delamination. A light massage with lemon juice helps to relieve leg fatigue. With the help of this fruit, you can also cope with calluses and soften roughened skin areas.

There are the main varieties of lemon fruit in Uzbekistan and Namangan region is also adapted to the Tashkent cities of Andijan and Fergana.For drying, ripe fruits with a dense structure are selected. as a result, dried fruits change .In dried fruits, the accuracy of information is lost, and dried fruits of bitter, but sugary varieties taste good [5].


It has powerful antiseptic and bactericidal properties, thanks to which it perfectly fights infection, and vitamin C helps the body to restore strength.



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  2. Calder, P.C., 2018. Very long-chain n-3 fatty acids and human health: fact, fiction and the future. Proc. Nutr. Soc. 77 (1), 52–72.
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  4. Ioannou, I., Chekir, L., Ghoul, M., 2020. Effect of heat treatment and light exposure on the antioxidant activity of flavonoids. Processes 8 (9), 1078.
  5. Adxam X., Abdusattar C. RESEARCH OF DRIED DATES PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY //American Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Development. – 2022. – Т. 6. – С. 88-91.
Информация об авторах

Doctoral student of Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Republic of Uzbekistan, Namangan

докторант, Наманганского инженерно-технологического института, Республика Узбекистан, г. Наманган

Associate Professor of Tashkent Technical University named after I. Karimov, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

доц. Ташкентского технического университета имени И. Каримова, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Student of Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Republic of Uzbekistan, Namangan

студент, Наманганского инженерно-технологического института, Республика Узбекистан, г. Наманган

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