Associate Professor of the Bukhara Engineering and Technological Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Bukhara
When extracting oil and gas, wells are treated with diluted solutions of hydrochloric acid. As a result of this, the metal structures used in the drilling process are destroyed under the influence of acid. The acquisition of effective inhibitors to prevent this corrosion is one of the pressing issues of today.
При добыче нефти и газа скважины обрабатывают разбавленными растворами соляной кислоты. В результате этого металлические конструкции, используемые в процессе бурения, разрушаются под воздействием кислоты. Приобретение эффективных ингибиторов для предотвращения этой коррозии является одной из актуальных проблем сегодняшнего дня.
Keywords: inhibitor, diatomic phenols, vinylacetilen, hydrochloric acid, monoethanolamine, corrosion rate, corrosion inhibitor effectiveness
Ключевые слова: ингибитор, двухатомные фенолы, винилацетилен, соляная кислота, моноэтаноламин, скорость коррозии, эффективность ингибитора коррозии.
INTRODUCTION. Today, research works are carried out in all developed countries of the world in the field of synthesis of inhibitors against corrosion of metals and creation of inhibiting systems based on them. As a result of the application of inhibitors to the corrosive environment, the rate of corrosion can be reduced and with their help it is possible to increase the degree of protection by almost 100% [1-3].
The effectiveness of the inhibitor is determined by its nature as well as the nature of the corrosive metal. Corrosion significantly depends on the composition and properties of the corrosive medium, as well as on the temperature of the medium in some cases. Soluble corrosion inhibitors in hydrocarbons are most effective for use in the oil and gas industry. One of the ways to improve the inhibitory and stabilizing properties of alkylphenols and increase their polarity is to add active additional groups to them. The protective properties of organic compounds are much more pronounced when the molecule is introduced into various functional groups, which include heteroatoms such as O, N, S, P [4-6].
METHOD. Sulphomethylated derivatives of alkylphenols are known to have high antioxidant and anticorrosive properties. Based on the above, the study of the sulfomethylation reaction of vinyl esters of diatomic phenols in terms of the formation of corrosion inhibitors has aroused great interest [7-9].
The ortho-oxymethyl-derivative initially formed in an alkaline medium is converted into an active electrophilic reagent that reacts with the nucleophilic sulfite anion.
Such an electrophilic reagent is likely to be an intermediate product formed as a result of dehydration of the oxymethyl product. The reaction scheme is as follows:
The sulfometylation reaction occurs only in the presence of water. In this case, formalin (40% aqueous methanal solution) serves not only as a methanal reserve, but also as an aqueous medium.
RESULTS. Effective corrosion inhibitors based on vinyl esters of synthesized two-atom phenols with vinylacetylene and methanal (methanal) of local raw materials were obtained with the following results.
Table 1.
Corrosion inhibitory effect of products of interaction vinyl esters of two-atomic phenols with formalin and sodium bisulfite
№ |
Reagent quantity, mole |
Path of process |
Time of reaction, hour |
Temperature, °С |
Change of plate mass, g |
Protective effect, % |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
1 |
4-hydroxy 1-(1-methylene allyloxy) benzene - 0,05 Sodium bisulfite – 0,06 Formalin – 0,06 ОP-10-0,08 |
At the same time |
12-13 |
80-95 |
0,0324 |
73,5 |
2 |
4-hydroxy 1-(1-methylene allyloxy) benzene - 0,05 Sodium bisulfite – 0,06 Formalin – 0,06 ОP-10-0,08 |
Formalin is added to drip after 30 min of storage without heating |
12-13 |
80-95 |
0,0243 |
79,3 |
3 |
4-hydroxy 1-(1-methylene allyloxy) benzene - 0,05 Sodium bisulfite – 0,06 Formalin -0,155 ОP-10-0,08 |
At the same time |
18 |
80-95 |
0,0225 |
79,7 |
4 |
4-hydroxy 1-(1-methylene allyloxy) benzene - 0,05 Sodium bisulfite – 0,06 Formalin -0,155 ОP-10-0,08 |
Formalin is added to drip after 30 min of storage without heating |
20 |
80-95 |
0,0185 |
82,8 |
5 |
4-hydroxy 1-(1-methylene allyloxy) benzene - 0,05 Sodium bisulfite – 0,06 Formalin -0,155 ОP-10-0,08 |
Formalin is added to drip after 30 min of storage without heating |
20-22 |
80-95 |
0,0154 |
87,08 |
6 |
4-hydroxy 1-(1-methylene allyloxy) benzene - 0,05 Sodium bisulfite – 0,06 Formalin -0,155 ОP-10 -0,08 |
Formalin is added to drip after 30 min of storage without heating |
22-24 |
80-95 |
0,0141 |
93,5 |
7 |
4-hydroxy 1-(1-methylene allyloxy) benzene - 0,05 Sodium bisulfite – 0,06 Formalin -0,155 ОP-10-0,08 |
Formalin is added to drip after 30 min of storage without heating |
22-24 |
80-95 |
0,0178 |
82,17 |
Effective corrosion inhibitors based on vinyl ethers of synthesized two-atom phenols with vinylacetylene and methanal (formaldehyde) of local raw materials, the following results were obtained. Based on the results obtained, the study on the development of corrosion inhibitors shows:
Table 2.
Dependence of the anti-corrosion characteristics of the SMKI corrosion inhibitor on the concentration.
Sample |
S, 10-4 m2 |
τ, hour |
Mass, m0, г |
Mass, m, г |
Δm=m0-m, г |
Inhibitor concentration, % |
Corrosion rate, m/S2*c |
Z, %
1 |
17 |
72 |
6,608 |
6,043 |
0,565 |
- |
4,616 |
- |
- |
2 |
17 |
72 |
6,610 |
6,425 |
0,185 |
0,001 |
1,514 |
67,2 |
3,05 |
3 |
17 |
72 |
6,701 |
6,577 |
0,124 |
0,01 |
1,011 |
78,1 |
4,56 |
4 |
17 |
72 |
6,721 |
6,661 |
0,0605 |
0,05 |
0,494 |
89,3 |
9,34 |
5 |
17 |
72 |
6,658 |
6,599 |
0,0581 |
0,03 |
0,475 |
89,7 |
9,72 |
6 |
17 |
72 |
6,687 |
6,65 |
0,0367 |
0,1 |
0,3 |
93,5 |
15,386 |
Figure 1. Dependence of steel corrosion protection level on SMKI concentration
Figure 2. Dependence of corrosion inhibitor effectiveness on SMKI concentration
DISCUSSION. Maximum protective effect - 93.5% was obtained at a temperature of 90-95 ° C for 25 hours. The resulting compound exhibits anionic surfactant properties and has anticorrosive activity at the level of standard components. In conclusion, favorable conditions for the synthesis of sulfomethylated corrosion inhibitor based on vinyl ether of diatomic phenols were identified and experimental data were presented. The synthesized SMKI corrosion inhibitor have been recommended for use in petroleum and gas chemical plants in the corrosion protection of carbon steel equipment.
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