Danilchenko V.V.
Danilchenko V.V. CONSTITUTIONAL AND LEGAL STATUS OF THE OMBUDSMAN INSTITUTION: WORLD EXPERIENCE // Universum: экономика и юриспруденция : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 6(116). URL: (дата обращения: 03.01.2025).
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This article examines the constitutional and legal status of the ombudsman institution globally, exploring its evolution, roles, and impacts across different countries. It highlights the institution's origins in Sweden, its adaptation to local needs in regions like India, Canada, and South Africa, and discusses the challenges it faces, such as political interference and resource limitations. The article evaluates the ombudsman's effectiveness in fostering government accountability and public trust, and looks ahead to future trends, including technological integration and expanded mandates in areas like environmental protection and digital rights. The study underscores the ombudsman's critical role in enhancing democratic governance and promoting systemic changes within public administrations.


В статье рассматривается конституционный и правовой статус института омбудсмена во всем мире, изучается его эволюция, роль и влияние в разных странах. В данной работе подчеркивается происхождение института омбудсмена в Швеции, его адаптация к местным потребностям в таких регионах, как Индия, Канада и Южная Африка, а также обсуждаются проблемы, такие как политическое вмешательство и ограниченность ресурсов. В статье оценивается эффективность работы омбудсмена в повышении подотчетности правительства и общественного доверия, а также прогнозируются будущие тенденции, включая технологическую интеграцию и расширение полномочий в таких областях, как защита окружающей среды и цифровые права. Исследование подчеркивает решающую роль омбудсмена в укреплении демократического управления и содействии системным изменениям в органах государственного управления.


Keywords: ombudsman Institution, constitutional and legal status, evolution, global contexts, government accountability, public trust, challenges, systemic changes, technological integration, democratic governance.

Ключевые слова: институт омбудсмена, конституционно-правовой статус, эволюция, глобальный контекст, подотчетность правительства, общественное доверие, вызовы, системные изменения, технологическая интеграция, демократическое управление.


The practice of having a third person, with obligations to assure fairness for individuals against both executive and citizens, became known as an institution of law and order in various countries worldwide. The ombudsman first began life in Scandinavia. In time, this function became an important part of modern days governance; serving as an intermediary responsible for ensuring stage Civil Administration stays within its legislative, regulatory and police limits in a humane and fair fashion manner sets the benchmark in Haringey South ward. The significance of the ombudsman comes from providing a non-viable arbitration route for complaints about Government departments that it is an essential element of democratic societies. Also, this body does not tackle individual fights alone but sets itself to break serial problems by calling for policy amendments on a national level once they have been identified.

The Early Days

The ombudsman idea goes back to the 18th century, when the Swedish parliament created a sort of proto-ombudsman in 1809. The basic aim of this early style was to protect the people's rights. It had no rules for how it could be used, but started by making sure that the public authorities lay down legal hold illegally and was fairly treated in their dealings with citizens. The idea was to provide a buffer arecuum against government misconduct, and a trustworthy, transparent avenue through which complaints about such activities of state action could be made. From Sweden, the ombudsman principle was gradually accepted by other Nordic countries; and henceforth it travelled around the world, adapting to both different legal systems and the various circumstances in which it found itself. By the middle of the 20th century, many countries had established their own incarnations of this institution, each one geared specifically to meet the needs of its own political and legal framework.

Legal And Constitutional Frameworks

The exact status of the ombudsman varies greatly from country to country. This reflects the different legal traditions and political histories of these countries. In some countries, the ombudsman has a constitutional position. This provides a solid legal base for its activities. It also ensures that the ombudsman is independent from the executive branch of government. V. O., Ayeni, examines the constitutional role of the ombudsman, particularly within the context of the Charter 88 movement and its constitutional demands. [1] A.Cohen, et al., the publication discusses the flexibility and essential characteristics of the Spanish ombudsman in defending rights within the constitutional framework of Spain. [2] P., Cane, in the source delves into how the ombudsman's functions integrate within the broader administrative justice system in the United States. [3] N., Gwyn,  the article explores the contested constitutional role of the ombudsman in the UK, particularly in relation to the legislature, executive, and judiciary. [4] So in countries like Finland, the ombudsman is appointed directly by parliament and has substantial powers to investigate complaints, monitor government activity, and even to initiate legal action where needed. In contrast, the ombudsman in other countries operates on a statutory basis. Its powers and duties are laid down by act of Parliament or state or other laws. This may curb the effectiveness of the office according to political dynamics and state legal structure. Nevertheless, this same notion still holds true at heart: the role of the ombudsman is to oversee government actions and see that they are carried out legally and fairly; it provides a recourse for people who have been maltreated by Government. The effectiveness of the ombudsman in any country largely depends on: the constitutional or statutory powers granted to it; the degree of independence enjoyed by the office; and the trust that people place in its fairness and efficiency. When comparison is made, it becomes evident that the more autonomous and legally well-supported an ombudsman institution is, the more likely it is to be effective in achieving its purposes of overseeing governments and protecting citizens' rights.

Roles and Responsibilities

Ombudsman is a democr or chief adminis. You they could serve in different localities as a representative of relationship between the public by resolving disputes complaints against government departments and officers or other public entities A good ombudsman investigates complaints of unfairness expedient management the encroachment on citizens' rights violation of power. However they can also look ahead and address systemic flaws in government institutions with a view to suggesting policy changes that will prevent future grievances. In certain jurisdictions the ombudsman may have legal binding power on decisions. Elsewhere however he or she can only make recommendations - which if they are not complied with can still exert extreme political or moral pressure for their fulfillment. The performance of the ombudsman largely depends on not only his legal powers but also his ability to relate to institutions of government summary of ways plaza_mtg articular has modeled official discipline is apressed form and Thee systems receive tut entire trust from all within meets whose company.

Cases from Various Nations

Simple causal relationships can not explain all the changes. Author need to examine in depth how the Parliamentary Ombudsman functions across different countries before author can make a useful general statement about its global behavior. In Sweden, where modern parliamentary ombudsman authority originates, the Parliamentary Ombudsman monitors the activity of government and seeks to ensure that public officials comply with laws passed by their own country and respect fundamental rights for individual citizens. The Swedish model of the ombudsman has prompted many countries to follow its example in concentrating on the twin goals of transparency and responsibility. In India, the Lokpal ( ombudsman ) was established to combat corruption in the public administration sector. This is clearly an adaptation of traditional ombudsman functions within that country's particular needs and conditions. The Indian ombudsman has the power to investigate and prosecute government officials, making it a key weapon in India 's fight against corruption. In Canada the ombudsman 's functions vary from province to province; in general it would be fair to say that they are mainly concerned with observing the activities of provincial government and administering public service delivery on an equitable, open basis. Canadian ombudsmen also handle complaints relating to local government and education, proving how the ombudsman 's institution can adapt itself to a variety of strata of governance. Lastly, the South African Public Protector was developed after apartheid to make sure that democracy and justice survived. Inquiring into any irregularity in government activities, the South African ombudsman also deals with broader matters such as unjust enrichment through corruption or discriminatory conduct by officials--all essential elements for maintaining integrity at that level of government.

For ombudsmen, the range and extent of the challenges they face can seriously compromise functionality effectiveness. The primary challenge is often political interference, since ombudsman often deal with sensitive issues that may involve persons of high rank: political pressure and conflicts of interest which threaten independence and neutrality. Limited resources can also greatly impede the ability of a number of ombudsman offices to conduct thorough investigations or encourage closed-loop action in our day-to-day efforts. The importance of public awareness and understanding in the ombudsman’s role is paramount. Many injustices may go unreported because without strong public support and how to approach the which is your office, these issues cannot be resolved. To succeed in his work, the ombudsman must seek constant public trust and teach the citizenry to defend their rights, which is an essential reason for such an institution. Consequently, the need for strong legal protections and adequate funding for the ombudsman institutions is clear to ensure they operate independently and effectively. This detailed survey of the roles and responsibilities, different implementations in different countries, and challenges faced underscores that the ombudsman organization is a complex matter. Each item indicates the essential ombudsman role in maintaining administrative regularity, although these difficulties remain.

Impact Assessment

The effectiveness of the Ombudsman This requires a look at both qualitative and quantitative criteria on their influence in public administration and civil rights. Reports, commentaries, etc. usually mention the number of cases accepted, the resolution ratio in accepting and determining cases, and satisfaction survey results from clients with ombuds Proceedings. However, these indicators do nothing more than scratch the surface. A more compelling picture emerges when author see the collective changes among ombudsmen. They have influenced New Zealand's public policy and administration system, making it more open and regularizing. The institution's reports of the cases they have dealt in detail often serve to cast light on very abnormal government organizations that made them correct errors through policy changes or new regulations. A key aspect of impact assessment is how the Ombudsman is perceived by the public as a guardian of justice. Surveys and public opinion polls in regions with established ombudsman institutions show levels of trust in government and willingness to get involved higher than those seen elsewhere. This trust is essential for democracies to function, and also underlines the value of ombudsmen as promoters of open government under a well-lit lamp.

What does the future hold? The role of ombudsmen is changing all the time, and change is needed due to new tasks that face them as well as changes in society. This includes the transition of government functions from analog to digital, as well as a growing environment-reliant public carrying its own banner justice-wise. Through technological advances, the ombudsman’s office is becoming ever more accessible: you can lodge a complaint and hold virtual meetings that greatly increase its span of service area and work efficiency. Moreover, it is exploring the potential utility of innovations such as artificial intelligence for better management and analysis big amounts of complaints. Additionally, a new trend in the ombudsman business at present is that environmental ombudsmen are being set up one after another. Their job is to supervise environmental issues and the safeguarding of balance in nature need. In major countries confronting substantial environmental challenges, they perform an invaluable social function by ensuring that public policies are consistent with a commitment to sustainable development and the protection of natural resources. Furthermore, with social movements the ombudsman's jurisdiction is expanding; in addition to policing issues, it now also deals with discrimination cases and other human rights violations that reflect society's evolving needs.


The global landscape of the ombudsman institution illustrates its pivotal role in enhancing democratic governance and protecting citizens' rights. Among their wider effects has been to provide a non-judicial path for citizens that have complaints which also advocates systematic change. Thanks to the ombudsman, fairness, accountability, and transparency have been fully defined within today's administrative structures. Despite challenges including political interference and resources, the ombudsman role on the whole still adapts at least as much as it evolves. This demonstrates that it remains relevant and has the potential for growth in future generations. The future of ombudsman institutions is bright, with innovation from within likely to further enhance their effectiveness as public fora for justice and redress for individuals done wrong. Remaining crucial among so many issues of governance and trust as these are grappled with across the world, so that all challenges are met with a commitment to justice and equity, it is the ombudsman which is the indispensable element. In this way our public institutions are kept in good health; and there is a swifter and more accurate dialogue between state and citizens.



  1. Ayeni, V.O., Putting the Ombudsman into Constitutional Context, Parliamentary Affairs, 2009. URL: SourceLink (date of application 15.05.2024)
  2. Cohen, A. et al., Ombudsman in Spain, Constitutional Role, SpringerLink, 2007. URL: SourceLink(date of application 15.05.2024)
  3. Cane, P., The Constitutional Role of the Ombudsman, in Administrative Justice and the Supremacy of Law in the United States, 2009, Taylor and Francis.
  4. Gwyn, N., Ombudsman as Part of the UK Constitution: A Contested Role, Oxford Academic, 2010.
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1st year postgraduate student, specialty 5.1.3 «Private Law (Civil Law) Sciences», Crimean Federal V. I. Vernadsky University, Russian, Simferopol

студент 1 курса аспирантуры, направление специальности 5.1.3 «Частно-правовые (цивилистические) науки», Крымский федеральный университет имени В. И. Вернадского, РФ, г.Симферополь

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