Arash H., Spin G.M., Naqibullah R. EXAMINING THE IMPACT OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF TRAINING ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE: A CASE STUDY IN AFGHANISTAN CENTRAL BANK // Universum: экономика и юриспруденция : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 4(114). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/economy/archive/item/17165 (дата обращения: 17.03.2025).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniLaw.2024.114.4.17165



The current study aims to investigate the impact of different types of training on employee performance. and to examine the interrelation between different types of Training. For this quantitative research, Data was collected from the Afghanistan Central Bank through a Google form structured questionnaire which was developed from previous studies, on a 5-point Likert scale. This study determined that the stratified sampling technique with a sample size of 100 respondents would be appropriate for the survey. 80 replies in all were gathered. In the study, Cronbach Alpha test was applied for reliability of questionnaire and Path Analysis was performed to verify the proposed hypothesis. and also Internal Correlation Matrix was performed to examine the relation of different type of training together with SPSS, SPSS AMOSS software. The findings show that the Coaching, job rotation, job instruction training, lecture and conferences, vestibule training, simulation exercises, and sensitivity training all showed statistically significant positive impacts on employee performance. And also there are significant positive correlations between different training methods, indicating that certain types of training are often used together or complement each other in enhancing employee performance.


Настоящее исследование направлено на изучение влияния различных типов обучения на производительность сотрудников.  и изучить взаимосвязь между различными типами обучения.  Для этого количественного исследования данные были собраны в Центральном банке Афганистана с помощью структурированной анкеты Google, которая была разработана на основе предыдущих исследований, по 5-балльной шкале Лайкерта.  Это исследование показало, что для опроса подойдет метод стратифицированной выборки с размером выборки в 100 респондентов.  Всего было собрано 80 ответов.  В исследовании был применен альфа-тест Кронбаха для обеспечения надежности анкеты, а для проверки предложенной гипотезы был проведен анализ пути.  а также была выполнена матрица внутренней корреляции для изучения взаимосвязи различных типов обучения с программным обеспечением SPSS, SPSS AMOSS.  Результаты показывают, что коучинг, ротация должностей, обучение должностным инструкциям, лекции и конференции, обучение вестибюлю, симуляционные упражнения и обучение чувствительности - все это оказало статистически значимое положительное влияние на производительность сотрудников.  А также существуют значительные положительные корреляции между различными методами обучения, указывающие на то, что определенные типы обучения часто используются вместе или дополняют друг друга для повышения эффективности работы сотрудников.


Keywords: Coaching, Mentoring, Job rotation, Job instruction training, Conferences, Vestibule training, Sensitivity training, Employee performance.

Ключевые слова: Коучинг, Наставничество, Ротация должностей, Обучение должностным инструкциям, Конференции, Тренинг в вестибюле, Тренинг чувствительности, Производительность сотрудников.


1. Introduction

Training is the process of teaching or learning a specific skill or behavior, which involves providing instruction, practice, and guidance to help individuals gain the knowledge and abilities required to perform a particular task or job effectively[10]{Sultan, 2020 #82}{Sultan, 2020 #83}{Sultan, 2020 #83}{Sultan, 2020 #84}{Soni,  #85}{Sultan, 2020 #82}{Tipton, 2003 #87}. Training programs have emerged as a critical tool for developing employee competencies, improving job performance, and fostering a culture of continuous learning within organizations [25]. The training sessions also help employees adapt to technological advancements and scientific discoveries [3]. The training sessions also help employees adapt to technological advancements and scientific discoveries [31]. The training sessions also help employees adapt to technological advancements and scientific discoveries[33].{Sultan, 2020 #88}{Nguyen, 2020 #68}

Every organization needs to identify who should be trained to ensure the better performance of their employees.  Identifying training needs can be based on the difference between the actual and expected results of the organization and feedback from customers and shareholders, depending on the organization's circumstances [26]. Training needs arise when there is a need to improve, adapt, adjust to changes, or solve problems to enhance employee and organizational performance [29]. Training needs identification program aims to identify the gap between the required and actual competencies expected of the organization and employees to determine the type of training that can help bridge the gap [6].

Once the needs for training have been identified, these several stages should be followed to organize a successful training program. Firstly, a training plan should be developed to serve as a guideline for the trainer and trainee [28]. The plan should include the individuals involved, the program administrator, the required resources, and the content to be covered. Secondly, a training lesson should be designed to help participants focus on the different segments and to set a time frame for each segment. Finally, a competent trainer should be hired who can effectively communicate and transfer knowledge during the training [18].

Evaluation of training is another important phase of a training program; it is mostly important for examining the effectiveness of a training program. The evaluation of the training program should be conducted by a training officer, the line manager, and the trainees themselves, both during and after its completion [22]. There are various ways to evaluate training, such as through questionnaires for feedback from participants, case studies where participants apply learned skills to practical situations, and investigating any problems related to the training center [38].

Through a comprehensive examination of the impact of different types of training on employee performance, this study seeks to know the impact of different types of training factors on employees’ performance and to examine the interrelation between different types of Training. And also this research provides valuable insights for organizations looking to optimize their training investments, tailor their development programs to meet specific employee needs, and ultimately drive sustainable performance improvement across their workforce. By delving into the nuances of training methodologies and their effects on employee performance, this research endeavors to contribute to the body of knowledge on effective training practices and their implications for organizational success in today's dynamic business environment[17].

2.Theoritical Framework

2.1 Training

 One of the most important functions of Human Resource Management is to effectively use human resources through training and development [4]. Nowadays, everyone recognizes the significance of training in the success and growth of an organization. Employees are a crucial and expensive resource to any organization. Today, there are significant changes in terms of the value of employees and the workplace trends that have a significant impact on their knowledge and skills. Therefore, training is necessary to enhance the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of employees [16]. This, in turn, will make it easier for employees to acquire further knowledge and effect changes in their coworkers [30]. To sustain performance, training is needed to empower the workforce to be creative and innovative. By training employees, productivity, profitability, and survival of businesses can be achieved in the present competitive business environment. Training is, therefore, the key element in successful wealth creation [35]. Training is a process of learning that aims to acquire specific knowledge and skills for a particular job or task. The primary objective of training is to improve job performance, particularly in terms of efficiency and safety. As stated by De Cenzo and Robbins [14]. "Training is a learning experience that seeks to bring about a relatively permanent change in an individual's skills, knowledge, attitudes, or social behavior." This means that training is necessary to enhance the skills and knowledge of employees, making them efficient in both present and future jobs and tasks. Most organizations recognize the importance of training in developing their workforce, especially with the advent of new technologies that have made certain jobs and skills redundant [8]. Therefore, a skilled and highly trained workforce is necessary. Many unskilled jobs have been replaced by machines, equipment, and technological devices, emphasizing the need for labor to acquire more education and skills to secure employment in the future [20]. To ensure a successful training program, the organization needs to identify its training needs. The success of the training program can be measured by assessing whether the trainees have learned what they were supposed to learn and are performing better than before. However, if trainees return from the course without any substantial contribution, it could mean that the wrong candidates were selected for the training program [24].

Learning occurs when people's behavior changes based on the results of their experiences. Therefore, one can determine if learning has occurred by comparing an individual's behavior before and after completing specific jobs and tasks [2]. The training program should follow the learning principle, as it aims to provide learning experiences that will help employees develop more skills and knowledge [5]. Training can thus be defined as a learning experience that creates a permanent change in the skills, knowledge, and attitude of individuals on a currently held job and enables employees to gain knowledge that they can transfer to other job areas. Organizations need to train their employees to acquire more skills and knowledge to gain a competitive edge. Even after careful screening of job applicants, there remains a gap between what they know and what they need to know [34]. Training helps to bridge this gap. Improved individual competencies through training contribute to better organizational performance. It makes employees confident and efficient in performing their tasks. Moreover, training can help in risk reduction by enabling personnel to make better use of organizational resources, thereby reducing waste. It also creates a sense of security among employees, reducing labor turnover [15]. suggests that training can lead to lower production costs, lower turnover, and effective change management. There is always a gap between desired targets and actual levels of work performance in any organization [19]. Training can help bridge this gap and enable organizations to achieve their desired targets or standards. Although many organizations continue to have doubts about the cost of training, the development of skills, knowledge, and attitudes of employees toward their jobs or tasks will be one of the greatest tools through which organizations can make employees work more efficiently and beat the competition to reach the desired targets and standards of the company [21]. puts it this way “The economic and technological trends, the pace of innovation, change and development have been growing faster year by year and as a result, these are clear signals that training and development are very important that both organizations and individual stakeholders must consider as very serious”[13]. The most effective way to create training programs is by going through the entire training process, which includes identifying training needs, creating training plans, implementing them, and evaluating the results. Training needs analysis is a process that helps organizations identify who needs training and what kind of training should be provided. In order to identify the training needs of the organization, a well-organized procedure should be used to assess the training needs from both the organizational and employee perspectives [26]. The organization can assess its growth over a defined period, identify any shortfalls or problems, and determine the required training programs based on an organizational analysis. From the employees' perspective, individual employee performance can be measured against required standards set by the organization through frequent performance appraisals. The organization should select the type of training based on the objectives and the level of education and position of employees. Some of the types of training include job training, orientation training, and career development training [32]. This process helps employees develop the necessary skills, knowledge, attitudes, and experiences required to perform their jobs effectively [37]. It involves providing training to newly hired employees to introduce them to the organization and teach them how to excel in their roles. During this process, employees are taught about the company's culture, values, mission, processes, and activities. Additionally, employees at all levels of the organization are given this training to prepare them for future changes, new ventures, and increased responsibilities.

2.1.1 Coaching

Coaching is a training technique that is usually employed for executives or new managers/leaders. It usually involves a professional coach or external consultant who works with employees to help them develop their skills and achieve business goals. Coaches assist employees by understanding their personal and career goals and by providing feedback and direction to aid in performance improvement [36].

2.1.2 Mentoring

Mentoring is a system of employee training in which a senior or more experienced person, known as the mentor, is assigned to act as an advisor, counselor, or guide to a junior or trainee. The mentor is responsible for providing support and feedback to the person under his or her charge [37].

2.1.3 Job rotation

"Job rotation" is a technique used by management to shift employees from one job to another within an organization, to make them familiar with all aspects of the business. This helps to improve the work experience of employees, cross-train them, and ultimately improve their job satisfaction [38].

2.1.4 Job instruction training

Job Instruction Training (JIT) is a systematic and efficient approach to teaching workers how to perform their job safely and correctly. This training method involves breaking down complex tasks into simple steps that are easy to understand and follow. By providing JIT for your workers, you can reduce the risk of injury or death, prevent costly equipment repairs, and minimize lost work time [31].

2.1.5 Conferences

A conference is a planned gathering of individuals who come together to share their knowledge and ideas on a specific topic through oral presentations and discussions. This type of meeting is an excellent tool for training and development [11].

2.1.6 Vestibule training

The training provided in the vestibule is called "near the job training". This means that a simulated setup is created near the main production plant where the technical staff can learn how to operate the tools and machinery. This simulated setup may be identical to what they will be using on the actual work floor [1].

2.1.7 Simulation exercises

Simulation-based training is an extremely effective and cost-efficient method of imparting critical skills to trainees. It offers employers an ideal way to evaluate trainees' ability to apply skills in simulated real-life situations and the decisions they make in such scenarios. Learning in a controlled and safe environment provides essential hands-on practice that combines theoretical concepts with interactive computer simulations [9].

2.1.8 Sensitivity Training

Sensitivity Training involves a small group of people meeting outside of their workplace to gain insight into their own and others' behavior [7]. The aim is to develop the ability to understand and empathize with others' emotions, while also managing one's behavior and impulses. Essentially, it involves putting oneself in another person's shoes and behaving from their perspective [39].

2.2 Employees performances

Employee performance refers to how well employees perform their job responsibilities and assignments, measured against the performance standards set by their respective companies [40]. Every company has its own set of expectations that employees are expected to fulfill in terms of their performance. Employees are considered to have performed well when they meet the expectations and perform up to the set standards. Employee performance can also be defined as how the employees function and present themselves. This includes their ability to effectively execute their tasks and assignments, as well as their presentation skills to reflect the desired quality and level of service expected by their respective companies [20]. Training is a crucial aspect of human resource management that helps organizations make the most of their human capital. Nowadays, every organization understands the importance of training in achieving success. Training involves planned and systematic instruction activities that facilitate learning. It uses formal processes to impart knowledge and equip employees with the skills necessary to perform their jobs satisfactorily. It is a structured activity designed to increase the knowledge and skills of employees for a specific purpose. During training, employees acquire technical knowledge, skills, and problem-solving abilities that enable them to perform their jobs with proficiency [12]. The daily performance of your employees can significantly impact the success or failure of your business. Employee performance is measured by factors such as the quality, quantity, and effectiveness of the work they produce, as well as their behavior in the workplace [31]. As a business owner, you have the power to set performance expectations and regularly monitor them. Understanding performance metrics, employee review methods, and ways to enhance performance will help you ensure that your workforce can meet the needs of your business and customers [27].


Figure 1. Conceptual Model


3. Methodology

The study was conducted as a cross-sectional study in which data was gathered once from a population through sampling. The questionnaires were given to a sample of 80 employees who were selected using the stratified sampling technique. The list of names of employees was used to select every 4th employee to participate in the study. Although the study should have covered more employees, the sample size of 80 was chosen due to time and financial constraints. A sample is a subset of a population, and the process of selecting a portion of the population to represent the whole is known as sampling. The research employed the stratified random sampling technique. This study was based on primary data collected through a well-structured questionnaire. Cronbach Alpha test was applied for reliability of questionnaire and Path Analysis was performed to verify the proposed hypothesis. and also Internal Correlation Matrix was performed to examine the relation of different type of training together with SPSS, SPSS AMOSS software.

H1: All types of Training have a positive impact on employee performance.


Description of Cronbach Alpha value for training Dimensions

S. no.


No. of Items

Cronbach Alpha










Job rotation




Job instruction training 








Vestibule training




Simulation exercises




Sensitivity training




Employee performance




The survey instrument underwent validation with appropriate reliability analysis, including a computation of the Cronbach alpha value. The alpha value for all study variables encompassed in the survey instrument is well above the suggested value of 0.6, as recommended by Nunnally [23].

The alpha values for each study variable in the present work are displayed in Exhibit Table1.      

4. Findings

The study analyzed data using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS, 26) software. Data processing included editing, coding, and tabulation, which were key factors in ensuring the research was both accurate and effective. Before conducting the research, formal permission was obtained from each department's head, after which a total of 779 employees from different branches of Da Afghanistan Bank were visited. Employees were informed about the purpose of the questionnaire and given time to complete it. In total, 80 filled questionnaires were received in hard copy form. The data was decoded and entered into the latest version of SPSS. Statistical functions were then used to test the hypothesis and analyze the objectives of the study. The results of this analysis are presented in the next sections of the report.

Table 2.

Demographic profile of the sample(n=80)

Cumulative frequency






























Under 20




























Above 50




Education level































Marital status


















Table 2 shows the distribution of respondents by gender. The gender category is divided into two sub-categories: Male and Female. The results indicate that out of 80 total respondents, 45 respondents (56.3%) are male and 35 respondents (43.8%) are female. Therefore, it can be concluded that the majority of the respondents are male. show the age distribution of the respondents. The respondents' ages have been categorized into five sub-groups: less than 21 years, 22-31 years, 31-45 years, 45-50 years, and above 50 years. Out of a total of 80 respondents, the results indicate that 6.3% or 5 respondents are less than 21 years old, 21.3% or 17 respondents are 22-31 years old, 47.5% or 38 respondents are 31-45 years old, 23.8% or 19 respondents are 45-50 years old, and 1.3% or 1 respondent is above 50 years old. Therefore, it can be concluded that the majority of the respondents are between 31-45 years old. provide information on the education status of the respondents. The respondents' education status was divided into three sub-categories: diploma or technical certification, graduate, and post-graduate. The results show that out of a total of 80 respondents, 11 respondents (13.8%) have a diploma or technical certification, 54 respondents (67.5%) are graduates, and 15 respondents (18.8%) have a post-graduate degree. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that the majority of the respondents belong to the graduate education category. show us the distribution of respondents based on their marital status. The respondents have been divided into two categories: Single and Married. A total of 80 respondents participated in the survey, out of which 13 respondents, or 16.3%, are single, and 67 respondents, or 83.8%, are married. Therefore, we can conclude that the majority of the respondents are married.


Hypotheses testing






H1: Coaching has a positive impact on Employee performance





H2: Mentoring has a positive impact on Employee performance





H3: Job rotation has a positive impact on Employee performance





H4: Job instruction training has a positive impact on Employee performance





H5: Lecture and conferences has a positive impact on Employee performance





H6: Vestibule training has a positive impact on Employee performance





H7: Simulation exercises has a positive impact on Employee performance





H8: Sensitivity training has a positive impact on Employee performance






The obtained 't' value of 1.771 for lectures and conferences had a significant positive effect on the significance level (Sig.) in the analysis indicates the probability of observing the results by chance. A significance level below 0.05 (5%) is typically considered statistically significant. In this analysis:

Coaching, job rotation, job instruction training, lecture and conferences, vestibule training, simulation exercises, and sensitivity training all showed statistically significant positive impacts on employee performance.

This means that the results for these training methods are unlikely to have occurred by chance and are likely to have a real impact on employee performance. Organizations may consider focusing on these training methods to enhance employee skills and productivity.

Table 4.

Inter item Correlation matrix


































Job rotation












Job instruction training














Lecture and conference
















Vestibule training















simulation exercises
















Sensitivity training

















To analyze the data provided, we can look at the correlation coefficients between different training methods in relation to each other. The values in the matrix represent the correlation coefficients between the different training methods. The correlation coefficient ranges from -1 to 1, with 1 indicating a perfect positive correlation, -1 indicating a perfect negative correlation, and 0 indicating no correlation.

Based on the data provided:

- Coaching has positive correlations with mentoring (0.418), job rotation (0.313), lecture and conference (0.226*), vestibule training (0.240*), simulation exercises (0.072), and sensitivity training (0.070).

- Mentoring has a strong positive correlation with job rotation (0.642), job instruction training (0.591), lecture and conference (0.280*), vestibule training (0.269*), simulation exercises (0.082), and sensitivity training (0.139).

- Job rotation has positive correlations with job instruction training (0.647), lecture and conference (0.398), vestibule training (0.323**), simulation exercises (0.121), and sensitivity training (0.083).

Overall, the data suggests that there are significant positive correlations between different training methods, indicating that certain types of training are often used together or complement each other in enhancing employee performance. The stronger the correlation coefficient, the more closely related the training methods are in terms of their impact on employee performance.

5. Conclusion and discussion

The hypotheses testing results show that all the hypotheses (H1 to H8) related to different training methods (coaching, mentoring, job rotation, job instruction training, lecture and conferences, vestibule training, simulation exercises, and sensitivity training) having a positive impact on employee performance are supported. This suggests that each of these training methods is associated with improved employee performance.

When looking at the correlation matrix between different training methods, we see that there are positive correlations between most of the training methods. Specifically, coaching has positive correlations with mentoring, job rotation, lecture and conferences, vestibule training, simulation exercises, and sensitivity training. Mentoring has a strong positive correlation with job rotation, job instruction training, lecture and conferences, vestibule training, simulation exercises, and sensitivity training. Job rotation also has positive correlations with job instruction training, lecture and conferences, vestibule training, simulation exercises, and sensitivity training.

The correlation coefficients between different training methods indicate that there is a relationship between the various training methods and their impact on employee performance. This suggests that organizations may benefit from using a combination of these training methods to enhance overall employee performance.

In conclusion, the data supports the idea that different training methods have a positive impact on employee performance. By utilizing a mix of coaching, mentoring, job rotation, job instruction training, lecture and conferences, vestibule training, simulation exercises, and sensitivity training, organizations can effectively improve employee performance. The positive correlations between these training methods further reinforce the idea that they can work synergistically to enhance employee performance.



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Информация об авторах

Assistant professor, BBA Department, Faculty of Economics,Alberoni University, Kapisa, Afghanistan

доцент кафедры, Экономический факультет, Университет Аль-Берони, Афганистан, г. Каписа

Assistant professor, Finance Department, Faculty of Economics, Alberoni University, Kapisa, Afghanistan

доцент кафедры финансов, Экономический факультет, Университет Аль-Берони, Афганистан, г. Каписа

Assistant professor, Finance Department, Faculty of Economics, Kabul University, Kabul, Afghanistan

доцент кафедры финансов, Экономический факультет, Кабульский университет, Афганистан, г. Кабул

Журнал зарегистрирован Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор), регистрационный номер ЭЛ №ФС77-54432 от 17.06.2013
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Главный редактор - Гайфуллина Марина Михайловна.