Kambarova D.
Kambarova D. PRINCIPLES OF SELECTING MEDIA TEXTS IN TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES // Universum: филология и искусствоведение : электрон. научн. журн. 2021. 9(87). URL: (дата обращения: 22.12.2024).
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The article under discussion examines the principles of selection of media texts in teaching foreign languages. The author believes that the advantages of media in the process of teaching foreign language communication lie in their authenticity, relevance, informative saturation, communicative orientation, high potential for the development of outlook and enhancement of general culture.


Данная статья рассматривает принципы отбора медиатекстов в обучении иностранным языкам. Автор статьи считает, что преимущества СМИ в процессе обучения иноязычному общению заключаются в их аутентичности, актуальности, информативной насыщенности, коммуникативной направленно­сти, высоком потенциале для развития мировоззрения и повышения общей культуры.


Keywords: principles of selection, media text, informative, communicative, foreign language, material, general, authenticity, development, culture.

Ключевые слова: принципы отбора, медиатекст, информативный, коммуникативный, иностранный язык, материал, общий, аутентичность, развитие, культура.


Mastering oral foreign language communication is impossible without the use of effective, high-tech, accessible means of education. Such means are nowadays the traditional means of mass information (print, radio, television) transformed in the Internet context. A global communicative space is being formed thanks to the media, the borders and distances are being overcome, and the information reaches the multilingual audience without intermediaries [2].  Mass media in the language classroom is a well-known way to create meaningful context for teaching a foreign language [1].

First of all, let us dwell on the principles of selecting media texts (valid regardless of the form of text presentation) for teaching oral foreign-language communication. We suggest the following principles of media text selection.

  1. Principle of communicative importance of the text which assumes saturation of the text with samples from native speakers' practice and takes into consideration real possibilities of using text material by students in practice of oral foreign language communication. According to the named principle the texts are selected that have a certain communicative potential. Under this concept we understand a peculiar challenge contained in the text, an impetus to communication. Note that the English-language media abounds with examples of texts with a pronounced communicative potential. Its attributes should be considered such as:

- closing slogans, appeals of advertising leaflets and commercials (for example: Have it all, Just do it, And do more);

- Initiative remarks - questions anticipating further information (for example: What's your idea of..., Do you find it a struggle to..., Have you ever thought of...);

- Closing phrases that invite reflection and discussion (e.g.:  Come to think of it... Got a match?, What appeals more to you...).

The texts in the form of an interview, a round table, a talk show are the most expedient in view of the goal as they demonstrate the process of foreign-language communication in development. Thus, according to the principle of communicative significance, the media text is selected to illustrate the communicative practice of native speakers and provoke further communication.

  1. Principle of taking into account the degree of text complexity (including technical parameters) in relation to the level of students' learning at a particular stage, dictating a certain sequence of increasing difficulties of lexical and grammatical plan, genre form.
  2. Principle of informative content of the text, according to which texts that are informative and provide enough material for full productive communication (discussions, conversations, etc.) are selected.
  3. Principle of general problem orientation of the text, by virtue of which preference is given to texts containing some problem (or suggesting ways of its solution), as a result of which communication in the group is stimulated and activated.
  4. The principle of authenticity of textual materials, orienting on the selection of such texts "which native speakers produce for native speakers, that is original texts proper, created for real conditions..." [3]. According to this principle materials of English-speaking authors, radio and TV stations, the Internet should be involved in the educational process. The production of the above-mentioned sources will also make it possible to realize learning in the context of dialogue of cultures as the notion of media authenticity includes sociolinguistic and sociocultural aspects. The selected materials should demonstrate national-cultural features of foreign-language communication: from external features (communicative formulas, intonations, mimics, gestures) to socio-cultural issues of the country of the studied language.
  5. The principle of the predominance of the British version of the media, according to which materials are attracted mainly from newspapers and magazines published in Great Britain, as well as presented by the radio and TV channels of the BBC company.
  6. The principle of genre differentiation and variation, which dictates the requirement to select media materials in different genre styles and forms within the framework of the publicist style. Variety, in its turn, implies taking into account multiple existing trends within one genre (style). So, initially using pragmatic texts, we simultaneously strive to involve in the learning process the most different types of such texts - announcements, advertisements, etc. Working with advertisements, for example, we should diversify the possibilities of this direction in form and subject matter (Job Hunting, Tourism Opportunities, etc.). The variety of journalistic genre obliges students to get acquainted with the maximum possible number of existing styles (programs) of English-language media during the learning process, as well as to vary them. Thus preference is given to the texts having communicative potential.
  7. Principle of thematic correspondence, allowing purposefully, in accordance with the chosen topic, to select one or more texts (in the composition of the information and content block), united by a particular topic.

The listed principles of selection of media materials are common for the texts in the three forms of presentation. With regard to radio and television tests (broadcasts), it is necessary to allocate an additional principle of selection - consideration of various difficulties in listening, such as:

a) tempo (preferably not as high as possible);

b) presence of an accent in the speech of the speakers (a slight accent is acceptable if it does not interfere with perception and does not disturb understanding);

c) the number of speakers in the program (at the beginning of training it is desirable not more than one or two, later several participants are allowed) [4]. 

In accordance with the above principles, the most appropriate text materials from various media sources (press, radio and TV channels, the Internet) are selected that best fit the effective teaching of oral foreign language communication.

To organize work with media materials it is necessary to have a special bank of text materials: recorded on TV and radio programs, as well as newspaper and magazine articles. As we have already noted, the existence of such a fund will allow the teacher to rationally plan and build a lesson (selection, organization of text material along with the development of methodical instructions).

The textual material selected according to specific principles is further organized taking into account the functional-stylistic and thematic approaches. The first approach assumes such an organization of materials in the process of educational activity when stylistic peculiarities of the presented materials and mastering of functional means of expression on their basis determine the content and specificity of communication.  Thematic approach dictates clear guidelines in the organization of texts on a particular topic, that is, a group of texts is made out in the information block within a particular topic.

Thus, the principles of organization of textual materials in English-language media discussed above determine a systematic system of training sessions and a rational structure of their construction. In an EFL (English as a Foreign Language) class an activity ought to have a visible, clear, and compelling objective, have English use built into the logic of the activity, be interesting to the students [5].



  1. Aminjonova Z.A., Abduraimov A.U., Akramova N.M. The importance of media in the learning process. // Voprosi nauki i obrazovaniya.-  2019 - 3(47). URL: [in English]
  2. Brumfit C. J., Johnson K. The Communicative Approach to Language Teaching. - Oxford: OUP, 1979. – 243 p. [in English]
  3. Haleeva I.I. Osnovy teorii obucheniya ponimaniyu inoyazychnoy rechi (podgotovka perevodchika). [Fundamentals of the theory of teaching the understanding of foreign language speech (translator training)  - M.: Vyssh. shk., 1989. – S.238. [in Russian]
  4. Finnocchiaro M. English as a Second Foreign Language: from Theory to Practice, 4-th ed. - 1989. – 230 p. [in English]
  5. Razzoqova D.A., Habijonov S.K., Akamova N.M. Problems encountered in learning a foreign language // Voprosi nauki i obrazovaniya.-  2018 - 29(41). URL: [in English]
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Student in Doctoral Studies (PhD), Ferghana State University, Uzbekistan, Ferghana city

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