Bayramova U.Y.
Bayramova U.Y. ENGLISH NAMES AND EVERYDAY PHRASES IN SPOKEN ENGLISH // Universum: филология и искусствоведение : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 11(125). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/philology/archive/item/18590 (дата обращения: 17.02.2025).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniPhil.2024.125.11.18590



The article examines names and spoken English. Particular attention was paid to names and their meanings, which have religious meanings. Meaning of name has influence on a man's fate to some extent and have influence raising associations. Therefore, names must be chosen with care. It also examines modern expressions of everyday life that reflect the culture of the British.


В статье рассматривается имена и разговорная речь английского языка. Особое внимание уделено именам и их значениям, которые имеют религиозные значения. Как известно, имена и их значения в некоторой степени, определяют будущее человека и имеют влияние, вызывая ассоциации. Значение имени влияет на судьбу человека. Поэтому имена должны выбираться с осторожностью. А также рассматриваются современные выражения повседневной жизни которые отражают культуру англичан.


Keywords: name, expression, meaning, select, culture.

Ключевые слова: имя, выражение, значение, выбирать, культура.



Let us list the points of view on the problem of naming within the framework of not only science, but also non-scientific knowledge, since both of these areas are parts of human culture. Readers of the scientific article, in the author's opinion, will easily distinguish one from the other. A name is a formula of fate, a program of life. It helps a person realize his purpose, attract higher powers to his destiny and understand character problems that need to be worked on. An incorrectly chosen name leads a person to stagnation and deprives him of protection. They have the striking property of homogeneity of characters and properties of bearers of the same name.

To get out of the vicious circle, you need to consciously change your name. Currently, the name is given in honor of some prosperous relative, children are named after presidents of countries, famous politicians, favorite writers, actors, scientists, athletes, or refer to the church calendar. Very few people give a name consciously, choosing both by date of birth and desired qualities. From a social point of view, a person’s name is a bundle of social information about its bearer. By name one can judge a person’s origin, nationality, possible religion, basic character traits and temperament.

These ideas are approximately the same among different people, which, in turn, determines approximately the same attitude towards the bearer of a given name.

The “sociality” of the name was more pronounced in the last century and earlier, when names were given according to the calendar and behind each name there was the life story of a saint with very specific forms of behavior, character traits, attitude to the surrounding reality, etc. “By name and life” - it read the stereotypical formula by which the church and the Orthodox people raised the future Christian.

According to the emotional theory, a person's name is considered as an emotional stimulus. Some names sound soft, affectionate and evoke in those around them a feeling of pleasant, gentle, sublime, while others, on the contrary, evoke unpleasant emotions, make you internally shrink, tense, and become cold. This is the so-called “music of names”. The initial attitude of others towards the bearer of the name will largely depend on what it is and will affect the characteristics of the person’s character. The name is a set of sounds of different pitches and timbres. Different names mean different sets of sounds. Sound stimuli that are different for the brain excite different brain structures. There is another mechanism for the possible influence of a name on the formation of character. It operates at the level of a person’s unconscious associations and feelings. This conclusion was reached as a result of studies in which people were asked to answer the question with which color they associate different names.

A forename is a word used for association. Titles can associate with a class or a single thing, either inimitable, or within a given lexicon. The history of names is very ancient. A proper name associates with distinguishable individuality forename. Forename is often a personal forename. A title can be given to everything; for instance, parents can give their child forename or scientist can give an element a title. Parents may choose a forename depending on its meaning. Name is English word which comes from old English" nama" [1 ]. This may be a private or familiar meaning, such as giving a baby the forename of a favorite person, or it may be an instance of nominative determinism, in which the parents give the baby a name that they consider will be successful or good for the baby. Care must be taken when rendering, for there are means that one language may choose one type of forename or another. Ancient kings held “exalted positions in their societies” [2]. The name William for example, became famous because William ascended the English throne.

In religious opinion:

Historically, the general conception of early magic that magical custom had to be fulfilled out "in [somebody's] forename". Naming a child after a saint was seen as a defense. As names were divided by many people diminutive were needed to differ one person from another [3].

Biblical names in the list of May flower: Isaak, Elijah, Solomon, and Moses. They both Muslims and Jews, came from the origin of Father Abraham & Mother Sarah and handmaiden of Sarah. Often, forenames involve "an attendant to Allah" or "Allah's attendant ". The Puritans thought the Bible exceeded Roman church tradition. After the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus human beings of all nations & languages would get the favor and chance for expiation, famous as the old testament prophesies of the coming of Jesus (the one who was born to die, the one who was born to take away the sins of the world... [4] . God had authority over the souls. See writings references made about "the sheep of Allah".

The sheep being a natural shape & shade of the things of the Spirit). Another references Prince of Peace. The "Sheep of Allah" was a human being, a man, because of the nature (typical of a sheep being brought to be killed). Names haven`t changed since the Middle ages. Besides, the sacrifice made by the "obedient one" would not be repeated in accordance with the writings referring the "second coming", a mystery of mystery, that only the expiated will recognize. Implying "covered", "Saint defense".

During the Bible, individuals are given forenames at birth that mean something of importance or depict the style of their lives. For instance: Solo­mon implied peace, and the ruler with whose rule was without war. English spea­king nations are different. Like, Joseph (a name of prophet) named his first born son Manasseh (forgetful), that was the starting of in Egypt and then another 400 years that ended in the building of the pyramids that are still there nowadays.

A person's given name, or in Western lexicon a first name, is a part of his or her proper name and associate and distinguish the person between members of a tier, particularly in a family, all of whose members always divide the same family forename (surname) [5]. It identifies people from each other. A given name is intentionally given, usually by a baby mother or father at or near birth, on the contrary to a succeeded one such as a family name. A given forename is legally altered through a name alteration.

Given fore names are frequently used in a familiar and friendly way in informal occasions. In formal occasions the surname is more generally used, it is not necessary to differentiate among citizens with the same surname. Given names are usually mentioned in a friendly way. The idiom "on a first-name terms" (or "basis") refers to the familiarity by a given fore name. The idiom "Call names" (называть фамилии) means verbally abuse (обзываться) , offend somebody.

The western pattern of having both a family forename (surname) and a given name is far from general. In other countries it is typical for citizen to have only one name [6].

Under the general Western naming agreement, citizens commonly have one or more names. A surname is usually inherited. If more than one, there is a main name (for every day use) and one or more additional names; but often two or more have equal weight. Beyond the surname there is no special ordering rule for names. Surname is usually shared with other members of the family. Frequently the main name is at the beginning, resulting in a first forename and one or more middle names, but other convention is quite general.

Materials and Methods.

Relationship to other names: In majority of European cultures, the given forename always comes prior to the family forename (though commonly not in lists), and is also famous as a forename or first name; but the family forename usually comes first in Hungary, parts of Africa and most of East Asia. In China and Korea, even part of the given name may be divided amongst all members of a given generation in a family and the family's expansions, to distinguish those ancestors from other ancestors.

The term Christian forename is frequently used as a common synonym for given name. Strictly speaking, the word refers to a forename officially given to a baby at an infant baptism or "christening". The most familiar instance of this, to Western scholars, is the use of Biblical and saints' names in most of the Christian countries (with Ethiopia, in which names were ideals or hypothesis – Haile Selassie, "strength of the Trinity"; Haile Miriam, "strength of Mary"-as the most visible exclusion) [7]. Religious names are particular names. A baby`s name is chosen by parents after birth. Besides, the forename Jesus is thought taboo (prohibited) in some parts of the Christian world, although this prohibition does not expand to the related Joshua which is general in many languages even among Christians.

In west, people maintain their names during their whole lives.In many civilizations, given names are reused, particularly to honor ancestors or those who are particularly loved, resulting in a confined collection of names that sometimes vary by orthography.

In countries that especially revered Mary, this remained the case much longer; in Poland, till the arrival in the 17th century of French queens named Marine. Like to the name Mary, now famous if not omnipresent amongst Christians, especially Roman Catholics, was thought too divine for non-religious use till about the 12th century.

Many names have original, descriptive meaning. A person born in one country who immigrate to other with various naming customs may have his or her name legally altered. In West, people have more than one name.

Most general given names in English can be divided into large groups based on their origin. A name is a combination of words by which a person is called or known [8].

Frequently, a given forename has versions in many various languages. In some cases names may be altered by reputation. For instance, the biblical forename Susanna also happens in its original biblical Hebrew variant, Shoshannah, its Spanish and Portuguese variant Susana, its French variant, Suzanne, and its Polish variant, Zuzanna. A person with religious name becomes famous by that name. If the forename is not appointed at birth it may be appointed at a naming celebration with families and friends visiting.

When talking about modern expressions of everyday life that reflect the culture of the English, let us dwell on the following notable points.

Bus stops are marked accurately in Great Britain. In the suburbs buses do not stop if there are not passengers who want to get on or off. These stops are signed “Request Steps”.

The word “underground” (метро) across a circle indicates you where the stations are.    The London underground is called the Tube, because of the circular form of its deep tunnels.

The buses are large. People can receive a map of the underground station and the bus routes at any ticket office. It is easy to tell the conductor where you wish to go to, but not always probable to have the precise fare(стоимость проезда) . The conductor gives you the change [9].

They have seats upstairs and downstairs. Children prefer to sit on the front of a big bus. They are able to see everything from the window. Inside some buses you will see the notice: “Please, keep your place clearly and have the precise fare ready”. There is hard traffic in London and you should submit to traffic rules.

There are some of the expressions you can hear on a bus :

"No, sir, this bus does not go to Victoria Station”

" Fares, please”

“No more seats on top; five seats inside”

"Four pence, please"

"Keep the change"

“You want a number 11”

"Does this bus go to ….?"

“Standing room only”

“Full up inside; plenty of seats on top”.


The British are very polite and pay attention to ethics." Excuse me" is there mostly used phrase.

Names and their meanings determine a person's future to some extent and have influence raising associations. Therefore, names must be chosen with care. A person's name carries a lot of information. By naming their child, parents give him a purpose and program in life. A name is a sound wave that has a direct impact on the formation of a person’s character traits, his spiritual qualities, and his specific actions. Although these things should not be exaggerated from the point of view of modern science. 

Names carry cultural, social and historical meaning, reflecting family traditions, religious beliefs and social norms. In many cultures, names are chosen based on their meaning, with parents choosing names that convey certain qualities or virtues that they hope their child will embody. For example, names associated with strength, wisdom or fortitude may be preferred as parents strive to instill positive traits in their children from an early age.



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  2.  Minyar-Beloruchev R.K. “Theory of Translation” Publishing House Moscow “Enlightenment”, 1998.
  3. Kazakova T.A. Workshop on literary translation. Ed. Rostov-on-Don “Phoenix”, 2004.
  4. Mikheev A.V. Modern English rhetoric and translation: a textbook for a special course. – M., 1988.
  5. Meshkov O., Lambert M. Workshop on translation from Russian into English. – M., Janus-K, 2005.
  6. Poluyan I.V. Essays on the practice of translation from English into Russian and from Russian into English. – M.: R. Valent, 2008.
  7. Klimenko A.V. The craft of translation. Practical course. - M.: Vostok-Zapad, 2008. 9. Slepovich V.S. Translation course. – Mn.: Tetra Systems, 2009
  8. A. Korsakov. The use of tenses in English. Lvov University Press, 1969.
  9. Carter R., Long Michael Teaching Literature. Изд. «Longman», 1992.
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