Liu Ch.
Liu Ch. THE INHERITANCE AND INNOVATION OF HUIZHOU ART // Universum: филология и искусствоведение : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 10(124). URL: (дата обращения: 28.10.2024).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniPhil.2024.124.10.18367



Huizhou art is an important part of Chinese traditional art and culture, and it is also a unique style of art in Anhui. This paper analyzes the inheritance methods and characteristics of Hui-style art, expounds the innovative practice and achievements of Hui-style art, and combs the enlightenment and reference of Hui-style art to the development of modern art. It is hoped that it will play a positive role in promoting the dissemination and innovation of Huizhou art in the new era. (Project Fund: Funded by Anhui Provincial Department of Education International Chinese Education Research Project (No.23ZW0016),项目基金:安徽省教育厅国际中文教育研究课题资助(编号:23ZW0016).


Хуэйчжоу является важной частью китайского традиционного искусства и культуры, а также уникальным стилем в Аньхое. В этой статье анализируются методы наследования и характеристики искусства в стиле Хуэй, излагаются инновационные практики и достижения, а также прослеживается связь просвещения и развития современного искусства в стиле Хуэ. Есть надежда, что это сыграет позитивную роль в содействии распространению и внедрению инноваций в искусстве Хуэйчжоу в новую эпоху. (Финансирование проекта: финансируется Департаментом образования провинции Аньхой в рамках Международного исследовательского проекта в области образования в Китае (No.23ZW0016),项目基金:安徽省教育厅国际中文教育研究课题资助(编号:23ZW0016).


Keywords: Huizhou art; inheritance; innovation; chinese traditional art.

Ключевые слова: искусство Хуэйчжоу; наследие; инновации; китайское традиционное искусство.


The inheritance methods and characteristics of Hui-style art. The inheritance of Hui-style art mainly includes two forms: master-apprentice inheritance and family inheritance. In the inheritance of master and apprentice, apprentices do They not only embodynot only follow the master to learn creative skills, but also realize the cultural implication and creative connotation behind the skills. This inheritance method emphasizes “learning from nature”. Through the guidance of the master, students can deeply understand the cultural connotation of Huizhou art. Family inheritance pays more attention to the inheritance of artistic works and creative techniques. Art works and techniques are passed down from generation to generation in the family. This way of inheritance preserves and retains some styles and techniques of Huizhou art, and also makes Huizhou art works have profound cultural heritage and family imprint [6, с. 155].

The first distinctive feature of the inheritance of Huizhou art is regionality. Huizhou art is rooted in the natural environment, historical culture and people 's daily life in Anhui area. For example, the artistic characteristics of “white wall green tile” and “horse head wall” in Huizhou architecture are the expressions of regional cultural symbols and art. This regionality is not only reflected in the style and form of works of art, but also in the material selection, technology and content of artistic creation [4, с. 115–117].

Another important feature of Huizhou art inheritance is nationality. The creation and inheritance of Hui-style art are deeply influenced by Chinese traditional culture. Whether in subject selection, expression techniques or artistic concepts, it reflects strong national characteristics. For example, New Year paintings and Hui operas in Hui-style art are important components of Chinese traditional culture. They do It not only retains the corenot only embody the wisdom of local people in terms of skills, but also express national thoughts and emotions in terms of content.

The inheritance of Huizhou art is also one of the characteristics of the times. With the changes of the times, Huizhou art is also constantly developing and innovating. It does not only retain the core value of traditional art, but also absorbs modern aesthetic concepts and artistic concepts. This kind of contemporaneity makes Huizhou art not only maintain the continuity of history, but also have a good dialogue with modern society, and constantly produce new artistic vitality.

Through master-apprentice inheritance and family inheritance, Huizhou art not only retains its unique regional and national characteristics, but also reflects the strong characteristics of the development of the times. This way of inheritance is not only of great significance to the protection and development of Huizhou art, but also provides a useful reference for the inheritance and innovation of Chinese traditional culture.

The innovative practice and achievements of Hui-style art. The innovative practice of Huizhou art is the inheritance and innovation of traditional crafts. Taking Huizhou prints and paper-cut as examples, these art forms not only inherit the characteristics of traditional Chinese woodcut techniques and folk paper-cut art, but also innovate in expression techniques, subject matter content and formal language. On the basis of inheriting the ancient Huizhou prints, the new Huizhou printmakers pay more attention to modern aesthetic taste and personalized expression. They use modern materials and technology to create both traditional charm and contemporary Huizhou art works, so that the artistic language and aesthetic value of Huizhou prints have been improved [1, с. 67–68].

The innovative practice of Huizhou art is reflected in the expansion of theme and content. Art creators not only focus on traditional themes such as landscapes, characters, flowers and birds, but also focus on a broader field of life. Such as the new Huizhou print «Gannan Diary» and other works, not only show the beautiful natural scenery, but also pay attention to urban life and character psychology, show the artist 's deep understanding and thinking of modern society and individual life. The expansion of this theme makes Hui-style art richer and more diverse, close to modern life, and enhances the sense of the times and the breath of life of art works [5, с. 146–147].

The innovative practice of Hui-style art is reflected in the use of technology and materials. While maintaining the tradition of woodcut, the new Huizhou prints continue to try to combine with other materials and techniques. For example, the technology of different editions such as silk screen, stone plate and bronze plate is integrated into the creation, forming a new form of comprehensive printmaking, which not only enriches the texture of printmaking, but also expands the expressive force and artistic language of printmaking.

Finally, the innovative practice of Huizhou art is also reflected in the expansion of international vision. With the process of globalization, Hui-style artists have also expanded their horizons to the international stage, and spread the unique charm of Hui-style art to the world by participating in international exchange activities such as international biennales and professional print exhibitions. This kind of cross-cultural artistic exchange not only promotes the innovation and development of Huizhou art, but also endows it with new significance and value in the era of globalization [6, с. 155].

Huizhou art has formed a series of new artistic achievements with artistic value and historical value through continuous exploration and practice in inheritance and innovation. These achievements are not only the crystallization of Huizhou artists skills and thoughts, but also the vivid embodiment of the continuous development and innovation of traditional art in modern society.

The enlightenment and reference of Huizhou art to the development of modern art. As an art form that integrates Chinese traditional culture and modern aesthetic concepts, the unique artistic style of Hui-style art provides some inspiration and reference for the development of modern art. Huizhou art not only innovates on the basis of traditional art, but also skillfully combines national characteristics and world vision in artistic expression, providing a new perspective and inspiration for the development of modern art [3, с. 91–92].

The individuality of Huizhou art is reflected in the emphasis on personal style. Huizhou artists have formed their own artistic style through in-depth study of traditional techniques and exploration of modern art language. This kind of personalized creation not only makes Huizhou art works give people a certain freshness in vision, but also provides a new possibility in artistic expression, that is, artists can maintain personalized artistic creation in the context of globalization. For modern art, this kind of personality pursuit and performance is one of the core driving forces of art development, which helps to promote the personalized development of art and the individual needs of the art market [2, c. 126].

In the process of pursuing natural beauty, Huizhou art shows a profound description of natural landscape and humanistic emotion. Huizhou artists are good at capturing the beauty of nature and combining this beauty with human emotions to create works of art that have both visual impact and emotional resonance. This pursuit of natural beauty not only embodies the thought of " harmony between man and nature " in Chinese traditional culture, but also coincides with the pursuit of natural beauty in modern art. Modern artists can learn from this feature and take the combination of natural elements and humanistic emotions as an important direction of their own creation to enhance the inner beauty and artistic expression of their works [6, с. 155].

Huizhou art pays attention to the improvement and innovation of skills. In the course of the development of Hui-style art, artists have continuously explored and improved their skills, making Hui-style art increasingly perfect in performance techniques and forming their own unique artistic style. This kind of emphasis on skills and innovative spirit is an important inspiration for modern artists to improve their skills and explore new ways of artistic expression. Under the background of the deep integration of science and technology and art, modern artists should constantly learn new technologies, combine traditional skills with modern science and technology, and explore artistic expressions with the characteristics of the times.

In summary, Huizhou art has found a balance between tradition and modernity, nationality and the world. Its personality expression, the pursuit of natural beauty, and the emphasis and innovation on skills provide valuable inspiration and reference for the development of modern art. Modern artists should constantly explore and innovate while learning from Huizhou art and combining with their own artistic practice, so as to promote the innovation and development of modern art and create more colorful works of art under the background of globalization and informatization.



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Информация об авторах

Doctor of Arts, lecturer, Chaohu University, China, Anhui Province, Hefei City

доктор гуманитарных наук, преподаватель Университет Чаоху; Китай, провинция Аньхой, Хэфэй

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