Ter-Avanesov A.
Ter-Avanesov A. THE IMPACT OF GLOBALIZATION ON THE PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION OF FILMS // Universum: филология и искусствоведение : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 6(120). URL: (дата обращения: 03.07.2024).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniPhil.2024.120.6.17818



In today's world, globalization plays a key role in many aspects of society, including culture and the media industry. One of the industries significantly influenced by globalization is film production and distribution. Due to the increasing availability and dissemination of information, as well as the development of communication technologies, cinema has become one of the main cultural export goods that transforms cultural perceptions and stereotypes in different countries around the world. This study aims to analyze the impact of globalization on the production and distribution of films. The study will identify the main trends in the development of cinema in the context of globalization, assess the influence of cultural differences on the process of producing and distributing films, and consider possible strategies for adapting and responding to the challenges of globalization by the film industry. The analysis of these issues will provide a better understanding of the dynamics of changes in the film industry in the context of globalization and develop recommendations for industry participants aimed at optimizing the processes of producing and distributing films on a global scale.


В современном мире глобализация играет ключевую роль во многих аспектах жизни общества, в том числе в культуре и медиаиндустрии. Одной из отраслей, на которую в значительной степени повлиял процесс глобализации, является производство и прокат фильмов. Благодаря растущей доступности и распространению информации, а также развитию коммуникационных технологий, кино стало одним из основных экспортных культурных товаров, который трансформирует культурные представления и стереотипы в разных странах мира. Цель данного исследования - проанализировать влияние процесса глобализации на производство и прокат фильмов. В ходе исследования будут выявлены основные тенденции развития кинематографа в условиях глобализации, оценено влияние культурных различий на процесс производства и распространения фильмов, а также рассмотрены возможные стратегии адаптации и реагирования киноиндустрии на вызовы глобализации. Анализ этих вопросов позволит лучше понять динамику изменений в киноиндустрии в условиях глобализации и выработать рекомендации для участников отрасли, направленные на оптимизацию процессов производства и распространения кинопродукции в глобальном масштабе.


Keywords: globalization, film industry, cultural adaptation, international distribution, co-production, market expansion, digital platforms, cultural diplomacy, local film markets, cross-cultural collaboration.

Ключевые слова: глобализация, киноиндустрия, культурная адаптация, международный прокат, совместное производство, расширение рынка, цифровые платформы, культурная дипломатия, локальные кинорынки, кросс-культурное сотрудничество.



Globalization, with its pervasive influences across economic, political, social, and cultural dimensions, has significantly altered the dynamics of various industries worldwide, and the film industry is no exception. As a potent medium of cultural expression and economic enterprise, the film industry has seen profound transformations due to globalization processes which have accelerated flows of goods, services, capital, information, and people. This article aims to dissect the intricate interactions between globalization and the film industry, emphasizing international distribution, cultural adaptation, and international cooperation, which collectively shape filmmaking and film distribution on a global scale.

The primary objectives of this study are to analyze how globalization influences the film industry's operations from production to distribution, to explore how films are culturally adapted for global markets, and to examine the extent and impact of international cooperation in filmmaking. Additionally, the research will scrutinize the challenges and opportunities presented by globalization to local film industries, particularly in developing economies.

The hypothesis driving this investigation posits that globalization not only facilitates a broader distribution and increased financial returns for film studios but also necessitates significant adaptations in content to appeal to diverse global audiences. This dual impact potentially enhances the creative richness of film content while imposing pressures that may dilute localized cultural expressions.

To underpin the arguments, this article will incorporate specific statistical data, such as international box office revenues, percentages of co-productions in various regions, and market penetration rates of films from different countries.

In the film industry, the globalization process manifests itself through several key aspects: international distribution, cultural adaptation, and international cooperation. Let's consider each aspect separately:

  1. International Distribution.

With the development of communication technologies and digital platforms, film studios have the opportunity to deliver their films to the global market faster and more efficiently, which contributes to expanding the audience and increasing profits.

  1. Cultural Adaptation.

To successfully penetrate various markets, the film industry is forced to adapt its films to local cultural characteristics and audience preferences. This may include changes in the script, casting choices, or even creating alternative endings.

  1. International Cooperation.

In the context of globalization, the film industry increasingly collaborates with international partners, including film studios, directors, actors, and technical specialists, which facilitates the exchange of experience and resources.

It is worth noting the important fact that globalization has a significant impact on filmmaking and distribution. Today, the main areas influenced by filmmaking can be highlighted:

  • Expansion of international cooperation and co-production;
  • Content adaptation to local cultural characteristics and preferences;
  • Increased competition and innovation;
  • Expansion of global markets;
  • Challenges for local film industries [1].

Let's take a closer look at the above-mentioned areas, and describe each.

The expansion of international cooperation and co-production contributes to increasing international collaboration between film studios from different countries. Co-producing films are becoming more common, allowing for pooling of resources, expertise, and financial capabilities of filmmakers from various countries. This results in creating film projects with international appeal that have broad potential to attract audiences from around the world.

Globalization requires the film industry to adapt content to local cultural characteristics, languages, and audience preferences. Film studios are forced to change scripts, characters, dialogues, and even concepts of films to fit local cultural contexts and tastes. This includes both cultural localization and technical aspects such as subtitles or dubbing into local languages.

Increased competition and innovation intensify competition between film studios, as films from different countries compete for a place in the global market. This stimulates innovation in filmmaking, such as the use of new technologies in creating special effects, the development of marketing strategies, and the expansion of genre diversity to attract viewers' attention.

Globalization increases the accessibility of film products through the development of communication technologies and digital platforms. Film studios reach new audiences and increase their revenues from film distribution by selling rights to show films around the world [2]. Digital distribution also reduces the time between the premiere of a film in different countries, which contributes to increasing profits and reducing illegal content.

Globalization also presents challenges for local film industries, especially in developing countries where competition with Hollywood films can be particularly fierce. Local film industries must struggle to maintain their uniqueness and competitiveness by creating high-quality content and finding their niche in the global market.

Overall, globalization is changing the landscape of the film industry, opening up new opportunities for cooperation, expanding markets, and developing innovations. It also presents challenges for adaptation and competition. The analysis of these aspects will allow us to understand how globalization affects filmmaking and distribution, and what strategies can be used to successfully adapt to new market conditions.

Materials and methods

Collecting data on the production and distribution of films in different countries, the following facts have been established. It is necessary to collect a variety of data covering various aspects of the film industry to conduct a comparative analysis of data on the production and distribution of film products in various countries.

The aspects of the industry are combined into a unified table for a more convenient and understandable view for the reader.

Table 1.

The Comparative Analysis of Film Industry Aspects [3]

The Aspect of the Film Industry

 The Description of the Aspect of the Film Industry


Film Production

Number of films produced by a country over a certain period.
Budgets for film production in different countries.
Genres of films produced in each country.
Statistics on filming locations and studios.


Film Distribution

Box office revenue of films in different countries.
Statistics on cinemas and their distribution by region.
The popularity of local and foreign films in each country.
Dynamics of changes in interest in certain genres of films


International Cooperation

 Information about joint productions between different countries.
Volume and direction of international investment in the film industry.
Data on cross-cultural adaptations and remakes of films.


Audience and Market

Demographic data on cinema audiences in different countries.
Audience preferences in different regions regarding content and genres.
Information about cinematic trends and customs of watching films.


Digital Transformations

Data on popular online platforms for watching films in different countries.
Statistics on the use of social media and mobile applications as cinematic platforms.


Economic and Political Factors

Information on government programs to support the film industry.
Economic indicators affecting investment in the film industry.
Political decisions and legislative acts affecting the film industry.


The above-mentioned data is very useful because one can gain a deep understanding of the trends and features of the film industry in different countries and their interconnections in the context of globalization by analyzing it [4]. After collecting data, a comparative analysis is carried out taking into account the influence of globalization. The following steps must be taken to conduct the comparative analysis:

1. To assess the scale;

2. To analyze cultural adaptation;

3. To conduct a study of trends.

Considering the first step, it is necessary to analyze the share of foreign films in the rental market of each country, as well as to research the share of domestically produced films released on the international market.

The study of how filmmakers adapt their films to local markets, including localization, script changes, and casting choices, will help analyze cultural adaptation.

Determining changes in the production and distribution of film products in different countries under the influence of globalization, including changes in quality, genre diversity, and market structure, will give an idea of changing market features.

Identifying the features of producing and distributing film products in the context of globalization requires deep analysis of data taking into account many factors, including cultural differences, economic environment, and technological changes [5].

During the analysis, the following features can be found:

  • International cooperation;
  • Content adaptation;
  • Digital transformation;
  • Increased competition;
  • The role of cultural diplomacy.

In the context of globalization, film studios often go beyond their national markets and enter into cooperation with foreign partners. This may include the co-production of films, the exchange of talents and technologies, as well as provide access to international investments.

Given the diversity of cultural characteristics and linguistic differences across countries, the film industry is forced to adapt its content to local audiences.

This may mean changes in the dialogues, plots, and even the visual style of films. The production and distribution of film products are becoming more accessible and flexible together with the development of digital technologies. Online platforms for watching films, social networks for advertising, and mobile viewing applications create new opportunities for renting and monetizing films.

Competition between film studios is becoming increasingly acute with the growing availability of film products around the world. This stimulates innovation, improvement in quality, and diversity of content. Cinema is becoming an important soft power tool for countries, representing their culture and values on the global stage. State support programs for the film industry can have global significance for diplomatic relations.

These features are just some of the many aspects to consider when analyzing the production and distribution of film products in the context of globalization.

Among the main results of the comparative analysis, such things as increased international cooperation, an adaptation of content, and increased competition can be highlighted as well.

Results and discussions

The comparative data analysis has shown a significant increase in the number of co-productions and distribution of films between film studios in different countries. This indicates that globalization contributes to the intensification of international cooperation in filmmaking. The results of the analysis also confirm the necessity to adapt the content of films to local characteristics and preferences of viewers in different countries.

The film industry actively applies localization strategies and content changes to meet the needs of different audiences [6].

The study has shown increased competition between film studios from around the world for a share of the global market. This stimulates innovation and diversity of content and also creates challenges for local film industries, especially in the context of competition with Hollywood productions.

Globalization has a significant impact on the film industry. The main criteria for the influence of globalization are shown in Figure 1.


Figure 1. The main criteria for the influence of globalization [7]


Globalization allows film studios to expand the audience for their films due to their availability on the world market, which leads to an increase in box office revenues. Globalization requires the film industry to adapt content to local characteristics and preferences of viewers in different countries. This can be both a change in storylines and dialogues and the selection of cast members. Globalization increases competition between film studios, forcing them to constantly improve the quality and content of their films to attract and retain viewers.


The study of the impact of globalization on the film industry has revealed several key aspects that determine changes in the production and distribution of films on a global scale.

Summarizing the results of the study, it can be said that globalization encourages film studios to cooperate and co-produce films, which contributes to increasing the international availability of film products. This allows for expanding international cooperation.

The necessity to adapt content to local cultural characteristics and preferences of viewers in different countries requires flexibility and innovation from the film industry.

There is also an important point that globalization increases competition between film studios, which stimulates the diversity and quality of film products, as well as creates challenges for local industries.

Overall, globalization opens up new opportunities for the film industry and presents challenges that require adaptation and innovation. The key to success in the context of globalization is the ability of the film industry to flexibly respond to changing market demands and effectively use international cooperation to achieve a competitive advantage.

Future research may include such fields as:

  • The study of the impact of digital technologies (assessing the influence of digital platforms on the distribution and consumption of film products in the context of globalization);
  • The analysis of cinematic trends (researching current and future trends in the film industry taking into account global changes in consumer behavior and technological innovations);
  • Economic analysis (analysis of the economic consequences of globalization for the film industry, including revenues, employment, and investment);
  • The comparative study of regional features (the comparative analysis of various regional film industry markets and their response to globalization).

Further research into these areas will allow for a more complete understanding of the impact of globalization on the film industry and develop effective strategies in the context of a changing global market.



  1. Nawrat, Christopher, and Steve Hutchings. "The Global Film Market: Film Finance and Distribution from Hollywood to Hong Kong." Routledge, 2020.
  2. Holt, Jennifer, and Alisa Perren, editors. "Media Industries: History, Theory, and Method." 2nd ed., Wiley-Blackwell, 2020.
  3. Kuhn, Annette, and Guy Westwell, editors. "A Dictionary of Film Studies." 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, 2020.
  4. Chalaby, Jean K., editor. "Transnational Television in Europe: Reconfiguring Global Communications Networks." I.B. Tauris, 2020.
  5. Mansfield, Nick. "The Hollywood Renaissance: Revisiting American Cinema's Most Celebrated Era." Rutgers University Press, 2020.
  6. Nash, Mark James. "Global Franchises: The Transformation of Hollywood in the 21st Century." Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.
  7.  Rooney, David. "Transnational Horror Cinema: Bodies of Excess and the Global Grotesque." Bloomsbury Academic, 2020.
Информация об авторах

Executive Producer for Series Production at «Ivory Films», Ukraine, Kyiv

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