Matkarimova M.O., Masharipova N.O. THE ROLE OF THE ELECTRONIC DICTIONARY IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF READING SKILLS // Universum: филология и искусствоведение : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 3(117). URL: (дата обращения: 22.12.2024).
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DOI - 10.32743/UniPhil.2024.117.3.17034



The paper considers an application of electronic dictionaries in the educational process as a promising method developing reading skills. The possibilities of using electronic dictionaries prove them to be a source of high-quality reference material and useful and necessary modern tool in foreign language learning. The paper points out the functionality of electronic dictionaries and their advantages. There are so opportunities of electronic dictionaries such as speed, convenience in finding information, large volume, sound and graphic illustration of the word, spell checker, interactivity, etc. Electronic dictionaries are based on modern lexical material, reflecting the language and speech tendencies, making the translation process fast and interactive, thus becoming a universal tool in the educational process of higher education. The authors point out that students have the opportunity to use the digital resource during lectures, practical studies and independent work.


В статье рассматривается применение электронных словарей в образовательном процессе как перспективный метод развития навыков чтения. Возможности использования электронных словарей доказывают, что они являются источником высококачественного справочного материала и полезным и необходимым современным инструментом в изучении иностранных языков. В статье указаны функциональные возможности электронных словарей и их преимущества. К таким возможностям электронных словарей относятся такие возможности, как скорость, удобство поиска информации, большой объем, звуковая и графическая иллюстрация слова, проверка правописания, интерактивность и т.д. Электронные словари базируются на современном лексическом материале, отражающем языковые и речевые тенденции, делая процесс перевода быстрым и интерактивным, становясь, таким образом, универсальным инструментом в образовательном процессе высшей школы. Авторы отмечают, что студенты имеют возможность использовать цифровой ресурс во время лекций, практических занятий и самостоятельной работы.


Keywords: electronic dictionary, mobile apps, web application, foreign language, educational process, vocabulary.

Ключевые слова: электронный словарь, мобильные приложения, веб-приложение, иностранный язык, учебный процесс, лексика.



With the introduction of IT into educational process the use of electronic dictionaries, mobile apps, and web applications is considered to be relevant and gains popularity. One of the primary teaching tasks is tov develop the student’s ability to comprehend lexical units and apply them in foreign language learning.

Currently there are several notions and terms connected with electronic dictionaries. Most of them are synonyms and can be used interchangeably. In modern papers and publications, we came across: electronic dictionary, e-dictionary, digital dictionary. The words application, resource and tool are sometimes used in the meaning of “dictionary”. The terminology is clear enough and there are usually no difficulties in understanding it. We use the mentioned terminology in our research as well.

Currently, there is a large number of various electronic dictionaries, both offline and online applications. While teaching the students of non-linguistic specialties, a foreign language is unthinkable without mastering a certain amount of special vocabulary presented in the educational terminology minimum. The students need the information containing learning material and, therefore, they should have search and information skills, as well as skills and abilities to use translators, dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books etc.

It should be noted that the work with electronic dictionaries and translators is of great help concerning speed, volume, visualization and technical options presented by digital tools. Additional benefits are associated with the increase of speech culture, enrichment of individual vocabulary, introduction of the norms of the studied language, development of reading skills etc. The introduction of digital dictionaries, mobile apps and web applications into the educational activities in universities contributes to high level of professional training of future specialists optimizing the learning process for the students of non-humanitarian specialties. The mentioned above determines the relevance of the study, the purpose of which is to analyze and compare the authors’ experience of using different types of dictionaries in teaching English in the institutions of higher education.

Literature review

To observe the topic under consideration the research papers on the given problem were studied. We analyzed the various issues of using electronic dictionaries in language teaching and learning. The literature review revealed the aspects of using modern electronic online and offline dictionaries in particular. It should be noted that they can be divided into technical and purely teaching techniques. The use of electronic dictionaries in the language learning is a promising, irreversible and purposeful process of adapting modern education to the increasing flow of information in the educational process [1, р. 47].

Online and offline electronic dictionaries are replacing printed publications. To master the lexical features of the studied language in the most practical way, it is useful to refer to modern types of dictionaries. An electronic dictionary can be defined as a program or portal equipped with a user-friendly automatic, quick search facilities [2, p. 129].

The distinction between the types of electronic dictionaries is made, as a rule, depending on the functions they perform. We can distinguish the following categories of electronic dictionaries for language learning depending on technical solutions: internet dictionaries; the glossary for on-line courseware.

Considering the functionality of electronic dictionaries and the reasons why they become popular in learning it is worthwhile mentioning that electronic dictionaries, offering many conveniences (including pronunciation functions), have become an important part of the student learning process and, therefore, deserve particular attention of teachers and researchers [3, p. 265].

Electronic dictionaries are the reality of our time, they have become an important tool for enhancing the learning opportunities for students, which are increasingly preferred and available [4]. Work with a dictionary is of great educational value for the formation of the student’s linguistic personality, worldview and speech culture. The ability to use an electronic dictionary can solve many problems of linguistic and speech nature. Teachers should guide students how to work with a dictionary, how to find the information and analyze dictionary entries [5, р. 45].

It is important to remember that carefully planned and well-organized work with dictionaries helps to enrich student vocabulary, reading skills, develops orthographic literacy and speech. It also promotes language culture, respect and love for the native language. There are several types of tasks when working with a dictionary: tasks for orientation, search for dictionary entries, analysis of the dictionary entry, application of the acquired information to solve the language problem, information application to solve speech problems [6, p. 218].

Dictionary work develops the skills to comprehend and remember the correct words spelling. The work should be carried out not only in practical classes, but also in individual work. We can note that dictionaries are in demand when working with vocabulary, when performing reading or writing tasks.

Electronic dictionaries are great use for listening and speaking activities. It is recommended to distinguish the use of dictionaries during individual and classroom work, where the word usage in context, phraseology, special terms, derivatives, synonymic series and other parameters are of great importance.

As a visualization, these technologies, due to their multimedia characteristics, allow influencing various types of memory (visual, auditory); organize training exercises of linguistic and speech character; provide reference material, contain dictionary and glossary. We stick to the point that paper dictionaries sometimes have a limited number of examples.

Electronic dictionaries, mobile apps and online applications can provide both word definitions and word examples in context. This helps students to memorize vocabulary more thoroughly, relying on the context. With great vocabulary they can achieve higher score in reading task because vocabulary main part of reading activities.  A significant advantage of electronic dictionaries is the use of audiovisual learning tools such as illustrations, videos, audio clips. Another important function is connected with the fact that electronic dictionaries can “talk”. That is, all the words or the most common vocabulary can be sounded by “live” or synthesized sound.

Electronic dictionaries combine a large volume with user-friendly machine search mechanism. To find a word in an electronic dictionary is to type it in the command line of the dictionary or find it in the alphabetic-root lubricator. Analyzing the effectiveness of electronic dictionaries in teaching foreign languages we can identify positive and negative aspects of the introduction of digital learning tools into the educational.

Discussion and conclusions

According to the results of the study, justified be the analyses of scientific publications and our own experience, the following conclusions can be made. The use of electronic online and offline dictionaries as well as mobile apps in the educational process is currently an important tool in teaching and learning foreign languages.

Technical advantages are speed and convenience of information search, large volume, information updating, audio and visual option, internet resources and multiple functionality. As for the benefits for organizing teaching methods and procedures there are dynamism, flexibility, reversibility, adaptability and multiple functionality.

The tools are successfully used in individual and group work, for classroom activities, home tasks and extracurricular activities. Students have the opportunity to use the same electronic resource during lectures, practical classes, and independent work. As for the benefits for learning process these modern types of dictionaries are used to acquire purely linguistic skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking as well as extra linguistic such as language and speech culture and competence.

The benefits of electronic dictionaries application in the educational activities of a university contributes to the improvement of professional training of future specialists. Thus, we believe that the potential of electronic dictionaries is great. We note the feasibility of their use in the educational process to solve professionally-oriented problems. Electronic dictionaries are a source of high-quality reference guide, a useful and modern tool for teaching and learning foreign languages. Electronic dictionaries have large volume and possibility of full-text search. Surely, the application of such dictionaries and apps will only be beneficial if they are used properly.



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Student of Urgench State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan, Urgench

студент Ургенчского государственного педагогического института, Узбекистан, г. Ургенч

Candidate of Philology (PhD), Associate Professor Urgench State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan, Urgench

канд. филол. наук (PhD), доцент Ургенчского государственного педагогического института, Узбекистан, г. Ургенч

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