Nurgali U. Aryn Y.
Nurgali U., Aryn Y. ATTILA IN INTERNET LITERATURE: A MYTHOLOGICAL LEGEND IN THE DIGITAL AGE // Universum: филология и искусствоведение : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 3(117). URL: (дата обращения: 27.03.2025).
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This article delves into the multifaceted transformation of Attila – the historical and mythological figure par excellence – in the realms of modern internet literature and digital culture. The primary objective of this scholarly investigation is to elucidate the processes and rationale behind the contemporary digital reincarnation of Attila, the formidable leader of the Huns, who transcends his historical persona of a conqueror to embody a spectrum of cultural and social significances in the digital epoch. The study seeks to identify the prevalent aspects of Attila's myth that resonate within the digital sphere and to interpret the modalities of these resonances as perceived by the netizens of today. Employing a qualitative analytical framework, the research scrutinizes a wide array of digital texts, including but not limited to articles, blog posts, social media discourse, literary creations, as well as user-generated comments and forum discussions. Through the lens of mythology, cultural studies, and digital communication theories, the article aims to explore the adaptive resurgence and reinterpretation of Attila's image in the contemporary digital landscape. This exploration not only highlights Attila's enduring legacy as a historical figure but also accentuates his evolution into a compelling mythological symbol within internet literature, where he serves to articulate themes of power, leadership, intimidation, and aspiration. This nuanced portrayal underscores the complexity and profundity with which mythological entities are perceived and engaged within the digital age.


В этой статье рассматривается многогранная трансформация Аттилы – выдающейся исторической и мифологической фигуры – в сфере современной интернет-литературы и цифровой культуры. Основная цель этого научного исследования — выяснить процессы и обоснование современной цифровой адаптации Аттилы, грозного лидера гуннов, который выходит за рамки своей исторической личности завоевателя, чтобы воплотить спектр культурных и социальных значений в цифровую эпоху. Исследование направлено на выявление преобладающих аспектов мифа об Аттиле, которые находят отклик в цифровой сфере, и интерпретацию модальностей этих резонансов, как они воспринимаются сегодняшними пользователями сети. Используя качественную аналитическую основу, исследование тщательно изучает широкий спектр цифровых текстов, включая, помимо прочего, статьи, сообщения в блогах, в социальных сетях, литературные произведения, а также комментарии пользователей и обсуждения на форумах. Через призму мифологии, культурологии и теорий цифровой коммуникации статья направлена на изучение адаптивного возрождения и реинтерпретации образа Аттилы в современном цифровом ландшафте. Это исследование не только подчеркивает непреходящее наследие Аттилы как исторической фигуры, но также подчеркивает его эволюцию в убедительный мифологический символ в интернет-литературе, где он служит для формулирования тем власти, лидерства, запугивания и стремлений. Это нюансированное изображение подчеркивает сложность и глубину, с которой мифологические сущности воспринимаются и используются в эпоху цифровых технологий.


Keywords: Attila, internet literature, mythological legend, digital age, cultural transformation, historical revision, qualitative analysis, social networks, digital culture, symbolism, cultural studies, mythology, digital communication.

Ключевые слова: Аттила, интернет-литература, мифологическая легенда, цифровая эпоха, культурная трансформация, историческая ревизия, качественный анализ, социальные сети, цифровая культура, символизм, культурология, мифология, цифровая коммуникация.


Introduction. Attila, the great leader of the Huns, became one of the most famous figures in history. His personality and deeds have entered world literature and culture, including Internet literature, where his image is embodied and interpreted in various contexts. In the digital age, Internet literature uses the mythological image of Attila to create new stories, symbols and ideas. One of the striking examples of the use of the image of Attila in Internet literature is online games («Total War: Attila», «Age of Empires II: The Conquerors», «Civilization V», «Rome: Total War – Barbarian Invasion» -, where players are invited to get into the role of the leader of the Huns and lead their people to victory. It allows users to immerse themselves in a world of myth and legend, experiencing the adventures and battles that characterized Attila's era. Also, the image of Attila is used in Internet literature to create allegories and metaphors that reflect modern realities and problems. For example, his name can be used to describe political leaders or companies that exhibit aggressive or predatory behaviour. Thus, Internet literature in the digital age continues to use mythological figures such as Attila to create new and interesting stories that reflect modern social and cultural realities. This is especially common among Western countries.

Attila, known as the "Scourge of God," stands as one of the most enigmatic and discussed figures in European history. Reigning in the 5th century AD, he ascended to the pinnacle of power as the leader of the Huns, establishing a formidable empire that exerted pressure on both the Eastern and Western Roman Empires. Attila is renowned for his successful, albeit devastating, military campaigns across the territories of modern-day France, Italy, and the Balkans. His military endeavours, particularly the siege of Orleans and the battle at the Catalaunian Fields in 451 AD, where the Huns clashed with the unified armed forces of the Romans and barbarians under the command of General Aetius, have left an indelible mark on European history. Despite his military triumphs, Attila is also recognized for his diplomatic efforts and the ability to negotiate with Roman emperors, which attests to his political acumen and flexibility in achieving objectives. [1]. In the contemporary era, where the demarcation between the tangible and the digital realms increasingly fades, digital culture evolves to mirror and reinterpret historical and mythological figures anew. Attila, the formidable Hunnic leader renowned for his extensive conquests and formidable power, is undergoing a form of revival within internet literature, emerging as a multifaceted symbol laden with diverse meanings and interpretations. Within the spectrum of internet literature, Attila's portrayal is inherently ambiguous. He embodies a dual representation: on one end, a symbol of determination and valour, and on the other, an archetypal antagonist evoking the sombre chapters of history. Conversely, in the digital milieu, Attila is reimagined as a source of inspiration for reflections on leadership, strategy, and ethics.

The mythological essence of Attila is illuminated across a plethora of cultural narratives, inclusive of Scandinavian sagas and Germanic epic literature. Particularly in the "Saga of the Volsungs," Attila (referred to as Atli) is not merely depicted as a commanding sovereign but as a character of intricate depth, endowed with profound human emotions and motivations. These narratives extend beyond the confines of mere political stratagems to delve into the themes of love, treachery, honour, and vengeance, thereby elevating Attila's role beyond that of a mere conqueror. Scandinavian epics portray Attila as a character engaged in intricate interpersonal and familial dynamics, imbuing his persona with an added layer of complexity and subtlety. This nuanced representation underscores the adaptability and enduring relevance of historical figures like Attila in the digital age, demonstrating how they are reenvisioned to resonate with contemporary discourses on leadership and morality. [2] The designation of Attila within the cultural tapestry of the medieval European narrative is notably encapsulated in the "Nibelungenlied," a cornerstone of Germanic literary tradition. In this epic, Attila is referred to as Etzel, and while not the central figure within the Nibelungen saga, his historical persona is accorded substantial prominence within the epoch that the saga narrates. Authored circa 1200, the "Nibelungenlied" draws upon the historical backdrop of the Burgundian kingdom's downfall as its foundational narrative core. Research conducted by N. Kelimbetov elucidates the linguistic diversity in the nomenclature associated with Attila across various cultures, highlighting the multiplicity of names by which he was known: Atila in Spanish, Etzel in the heroic odes of the ancient Germanic (Almanac) people, Atil in Chinese, while the Swedish, Danish, and the Faroese folk ballads refer to him as Artala. Moreover, among the Kazakhs, a successor to the Huns bore the name Volga, illustrating the widespread influence and recognition of Attila's legacy [3,57].

In the contemporaneous era with Attila, several communities dubbed him "God tokpak," underscoring the amalgamation of reverence and mythical attributes ascribed to his figure. This linguistic and cultural variation in the reference to Attila not only reflects the extensive reach and impact of his historical figure across diverse geographical and cultural realms but also signifies the deep-rooted interconnectedness of historical narratives with the mythological and cultural identity constructions of various peoples. The "Nibelungenlied," by embedding Attila within its storied verses, serves as a testament to the enduring legacy of Attila's figure in the collective memory and cultural heritage of medieval Europe, thereby offering a rich vein of scholarly inquiry into the dynamics of historical legend adaptation and its role in shaping cultural and societal perceptions across ages.

The linguistic plurality observed in the nomenclature of Attila, spanning from Atala in certain cultures to Attila in others, illustrates the extensive impact he has wielded over the European Middle Ages. This diversity not only underscores the manifold manners in which his legend has transcended cultural and linguistic frontiers but also highlights Attila's unique capacity to integrate into disparate narratives, each time embodying distinct attributes. Archaeological discoveries about the Huns, particularly those unearthed in Scandinavia, lend credence to the tangible influence exerted by the Huns upon the northern European societies. These findings provide not merely material evidence of the Huns' existence and their cultural interactions with the Northern European societies but also deepen our comprehension of the mutable perceptions of Attila's image across different locales.

The efforts of the Germanic peoples to enshrine Attila as a national icon are noteworthy. Murad Aji, delving into this aspect, articulates, "Primarily, it was the Germans who accorded historical figure – Tsar Kipchakov Attila – the status of a national hero, an embodiment of their epic narratives. The very Etzel Mountains bear his name. It is astounding! It is imperative to recognize: that even the descendants of the Celts, notwithstanding their adversarial history with Attila, heralded him as a national hero. Atli, Etzel – these are the appellations the Kipchak Colonel garnered in the German-Scandinavian countries and sagas." [4] The examination of Attila's portrayal in internet literature and digital culture, anchored in a profound historical and mythological legacy, unveils him as a character of considerable depth, transcending his temporal and geographical confines. The contemporary digital incarnations of Attila, from memes to scholarly blogs, underscore his perennial significance and his flexibility in assimilating into various cultural and societal milieus. This reflects an immutable link between the past and the present in crafting collective imagination, showcasing how historical figures like Attila continue to influence and inspire across ages and digital frontiers.

Research methods. The methodological foundation of this research is anchored in a qualitative analysis of a wide array of internet texts, ranging from blog entries and social media content to forum discussions and literary compositions accessible online. This study employs a robust theoretical framework encompassing mythology, culturology, and digital communication, aiming to elucidate the intricate interplay between ancient icons and contemporary digital narratives. Such an approach facilitates a nuanced comprehension of how these timeless images are woven into the fabric of modern digital storytelling, thereby augmenting the cultural landscape of the digital era. This investigation is particularly focused on exploring the rich complexity and depth of cultural transformations of mythological and historical legends within the digitalization epoch, using the portrayal of Attila as a pivotal case study. By examining how the image of Attila is reimagined and repurposed in digital media, the research unveils new vistas for understanding the dynamics of cultural shifts in today's world. It delves into how digital platforms serve as contemporary canvases for the reinterpretation of mythic and historical figures, highlighting how digital culture acts as a catalyst for the evolution of collective cultural narratives. Through this lens, the study contributes to broader discourses on the impact of digitalization on cultural heritage, offering insights into the processes through which ancient legends are revitalized and imbued with new meanings in the digital age.

A variety of scientific methods were used to explore the topic “Attila in Internet Literature: Mythological Man in the Digital Age.” An analysis of Internet resources was carried out, including literature, articles, blogs, forums and social networks, where the character of Attila is discussed. A content analysis of texts, including fan fiction, prose and other types of texts in which the Attila character appears, and multimedia materials was also carried out. Online literature about Attila is compared with his image in classical literature, historical sources and cinema. An analysis of the popularity and distribution of online content about Attila was also compiled to determine his influence and significance in the digital space. These research methods helped to identify in Internet literature various aspects and features of the modern interpretation of the mythological legend about the Hun leader Attila.

Discussion. Mythological aspects play a significant role in online literature, where they are often used to create fascinating stories, symbols and allegories. Let's look at a few examples: 1. Characters and plots: Mythological characters and plots are often found in fantasy and mystical works. For example, characters from Greek, Norse, or Celtic mythology can become heroes of Internet stories or novels. 2. Symbolism and Motifs: Mythological symbols and motifs are used to convey certain ideas and concepts. For example, the image of a Phoenix may symbolize rebirth or immortality in the context of Internet literature. 3) Fantasy Worlds: Authors of Internet literature often create their fantasy worlds, inspired by the mythology of different cultures. This allows them to explore unique ideas and themes and create exciting adventures for readers. 4) Reinterpretation and adaptation: Mythological plots and characters can be reinterpreted and adapted to modern realities. For example, characters from ancient Greek myths can be transplanted into a modern city or society, creating interesting contrasts and new possibilities for story development.

Now let's look at examples of modern interpretation of the image of Attila in Internet literature: 1. Character in online games: for example, in Total War: Attila, players control the army of a Hunnic leader and try to lead him to victory. The game is a strategy simulator in which players will have to make tactical decisions and manage resources to achieve their goals. In this game, Attila is seen as a powerful and influential military leader whose name is associated with power and victory. In the game, mythological data is also presented and voiced through literary text. 2. Symbol in political memes. On the Internet, you can see memes in which the image of Attila is used to criticize political leaders or the actions of states. 3. Fan fiction and historical novels. There are many fan fiction and historical novels that feature Attila as a central character or focus on his personality and actions. Such works also allow one to explore the historical and artistic aspects of his personality and the era in which he lived. 4. Cultural references in media content. The TV series Vikings features an episode about Attila and his military exploits, showing the widespread popularity and influence of his legend on modern pop culture.

Films about Attila are often used as cultural references reflecting his image and legend. One famous example is the film "Attila" (2001) with Gerard Butler as Attila. The film is an epic historical drama based on the life and conquests of the Hun leader. The film focuses on the struggle between Attila and the Roman Empire, as well as his personal life and relationships with the characters around him. "Attila" (2001) embodies the mythological image of Attila as a powerful military leader and conqueror, whose name became a symbol of strength and power. The film shows him as a great strategist and leader, capable of uniting various nations under his banner. This film is an example of a cultural reference that is used to convey the idea of Attila's power and greatness, as well as to create an epic story about the conflict between two great civilizations. Thus, mythological aspects are an important element of online literature, which allows authors and readers to explore universal themes and ideas, and create unique and exciting worlds and stories.

For instance, in one blog dedicated to history and mythology, Attila is portrayed not as a bloodthirsty conqueror but as a wise ruler who aimed to unify disparate tribes. The blog author focuses on an episode from the "Saga of the Volsungs," where Attila invites his sons-in-law to a feast to peacefully resolve a conflict, rather than seeking vengeance as it is often interpreted. This approach emphasizes Attila's peace-making aspirations, moving away from stereotypes [5]. In another instance, during an online discussion on a forum for historical literature enthusiasts, users debate Attila's impact on European history, drawing upon his depiction in the Scandinavian sagas. One user cites a passage from the "Saga of the Volsungs," where Attila, grieving the death of his wife Gudrun, is shown from a deeply human side, eliciting sympathy and a reevaluation of his character [6]. Another interesting example is the use of Attila's image in contemporary internet poetry, where authors reflect on power, justice, and the transience of the world using his figure. In one of the poems published on a literary website, Attila emerges as a symbol of the eternal quest for justice, inspiring readers to contemplate the meaning of leadership and responsibility towards history.

Today, the image of Attila is actively used in modern memes, where he becomes a symbol of strength and inflexibility, often with ironic or motivational overtones. These memes can portray Attila as a caricatured antagonist who inspires people to achieve goals, reminds them of the need to be decisive in difficult situations, or reimagines his historical legacy through modern humour. These memes not only spread on social networks, creating new cultural codes, but also help popularize historical figures in an easy and accessible way, showing how ancient people resonate with modern society and can become part of pop culture. Thus, the image of Attila in memes becomes a bridge between the past and the present, allowing the new generation to take a fresh look at historical figures, enriching modern internet culture with inimitable interpretation and meaning.

In online forums and discussion groups, the image of Attila becomes the subject of in-depth analytical conversations, where participants discuss its historical significance, mythological attributes and influence on modern culture. These discussions may relate to comparisons between historical and mythological interpretations of Attila, research on his influence on various cultures, and discussion of how his image is used in modern media. In literary works published online, Attila can serve as inspiration for creating complex characters whose actions and motivations reflect various aspects of his personality – from a ruthless conqueror to a shrewd leader. The authors can rethink his life and deeds, offering alternative stories or including him in fantastic plots where Attila faces new challenges and situations. The image of Attila is widespread in Internet literature, including various interpretations and adaptations of his image in poetry, stories and other works. These examples illustrate how modern interpretations of Attila's image in internet literature and digital culture reflect the complexity and diversity of his historical legacy. The adaptation and reinterpretation of this character in various digital content formats not only enriches contemporary culture but also contributes to a deeper understanding of historical figures, transcending established stereotypes and perceptions.

Conclusion. The digital age has brought new meanings and forms to the interpretation of mythological images, including the image of Attila, the hero of the Huns. This research project allowed us to identify the processes and mechanisms of the digital reincarnation of Attila, who goes beyond the historical personality of the conqueror to become a symbol of various cultural and social values in the modern world.

The main goal of the study was to identify the dominant aspects of the Attila myth that resonate in the digital sphere, as well as to interpret the modalities of these resonances, that is, to understand how modern Internet users perceive and reinterpret the image of Attila in a modern context. The study allowed us to see how strongly Attila's influence extends to modern culture and how his image has adapted to the digital age, becoming both a historical fact and a mythological symbol. This study opens up new perspectives for understanding the interaction of historical heritage and modern technologies, as well as for studying the mechanisms of the formation of cultural identities in the modern information space. The mythological legend of Attila, the great leader of the Huns, continues to live and develop in the digital era of Internet literature. The image of Attila penetrates various genres and formats, from fantasy and science fiction to fan fiction and memes, becoming a symbol of strength, power and mysticism. The digital adaptation of Attila reflects not only his historical personality but also a wide range of cultural and social values in the modern world. The image of Attila is used to express various ideas and concepts and to create captivating stories and symbols that inspire and fascinate modern readers and viewers. Internet literature plays an important role in preserving and transmitting the mythological legend of Attila to new generations. His image has become part of modern culture and art, continuing to inspire us with its power and mystery in the digital age.



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3rd year PhD student of al-Farabi KazNU, Kazakhstan, Almaty

PhD студент 3-курса КазНУ им. аль-Фараби, Казахстан, г. Алматы

3rd year PhD student of al-Farabi KazNU, Kazakhstan, Almaty

PhD студент 3-курса КазНУ им. аль-Фараби, Казахстан, г. Алматы

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