Irgasheva S.
Irgasheva S. LINGUISTIC FEATURES OF NEOLOGISMS IN THE INTERNET DISCOURSE // Universum: филология и искусствоведение : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 12(102). URL: (дата обращения: 22.12.2024).
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This article is devoted to the consideration of the linguistic features of the Internet discourse. The main stylistic features of the text, the syntactic structure of the text and lexical means of expression were considered.


Данная статья посвящена рассмотрению языковых особенностей интернет-дискурса. Рассмотрены основные стилистические особенности текста, синтаксическая структура текста и лексические средства выразительности.


Keywords: Internet communication, Internet text, linguistic features, neologisms, comparative analysis.

Ключевые слова: интернет-коммуникация, интернет-текст, языковые особенности, неологизмы, сравнительный анализ.


The rapid development of Internet technologies has led to the emergence of new ways of transferring information between network users. Every network user has access to the limitless possibilities of virtual reality. But it is necessary to understand that in the process of Internet communication all languages inevitably change, new features and forms of communication arise. That is why full-fledged Internet communication is possible only if the user knows the established norms and rules for communication and the use of language tools on the network. Changes that occur in the language on the Internet penetrate everyday language over time, thereby affecting the structure of the language and its vocabulary, so in recent years linguists have paid special attention to network communication. Modern man has a great opportunity to observe the formation and development of the “wonderful new virtual world”.

The Internet plays a significant role in actualizing the linguistic problems of human-computer interaction. The World Wide Web has opened up new opportunities for communication between representatives of various ethnic and cultural communities. The Internet as a space for intercultural communication requires close attention from the entire complex of human sciences, including linguistics and linguoculturology.

Internet discourse stands out on the basis of the communication channel, the remoteness of the participants in communication from each other and the specific technology of today's computers make this communication very peculiar. It acquires the following features: virtuality, i.e. the ability to communicate with a conditional unfamiliar interlocutor, globality, i.e. the ability to establish contact with any user on the network, hypertextuality, i.e. additionality of information transmission in various recording modes (text and multimedia) in attachments to messages.

Computer discourse as a type of communication has the following features:

1) an electronic signal as a communication channel;

2) virtuality;

3) distance, i.e. separation in space and time;

4) mediation (because it is carried out with the help of a technical means);

5) high degree of permeability;

6) the presence of hypertext;

7) creolization of computer texts;

8) predominantly status equality of participants;

9) the transfer of emotions, facial expressions, feelings with the help of “emoticons”;

10) a combination of different types of discourse;

11) specific computer ethics.

The texts of messages within the framework of computer discourse are characterized by structural-semantic and pragmatic features characteristic of the texts of mass communication, journalism, informal discussions of problems within the framework of scientific conferences and informal interpersonal communication. The specificity of computer discourse lies in the selective combination of features characteristic of other types and forms of communication. Computer discourse in English is characterized by the observance of the norms of English-language communication.

Computer communication thus has characteristics that are inherent in all other types of live human communication. It contains the features of mass, group, personal and internal speech activity, it can be short and long, oral and written.

Discursively, computer communication includes narration and communication, assertion and reasoning, argumentation and proof, that is, all the terminological attributes of scientific, business and other styles of speech.

Thus, Internet discourse is a multi-aspect variety of monologue and dialogic speech, characterized by a set of stylistically specific communicative means. These tools reveal themselves not only in the use of terminological concepts and computer terms, but also in the use of lexical units associated with different substyles of scientific communication in a computer network. Speech means of computer discourse are characterized by saturation of the text, professional words and phrases.

Neologisms are “new units of the lexical system of the language that have arisen due to the social need to give a name to a new object or express a new concept and which function in speech as ready-made, reproducible units”.

In the preface to the Oxford Dictionary of Neologisms, a “new word” is defined as “any word, phrase or meaning that has come into common use or has been fashionable at some time” [Oxford Dictionary of Neologisms, 2017].

A neologism is a word or combination of words that has recently appeared in a language. Thousands of neologisms appear in developed languages. Some of them disappear (as a rule, these are highly specialized words that have simpler synonyms), and some are firmly fixed in the language and assimilated into human speech.

Researchers divide neologisms into 3 groups: lexical, semantic, occasional. Most of the recent neologisms are lexical with a foreign root. Such as: friend from English. Friend - friend, swear - from English. Game - game, gadget - from English. Gadget - device, spam - from English. Spam - mass mailing of commercial, political and other advertisements or other types of messages to persons who did not express a desire to receive them. The original word “SPAM” appeared in 1936 and was deciphered as SPiced hAM (spicy ham) and was a trademark for canned meats. The term SPAM became world-famous when applied to intrusive advertising after the Second World War, when there were huge stocks of canned food that were supplied to American soldiers. In order to sell its products are not the first freshness, the company held a first-of-its-kind advertising campaign. The word “SPAM” was conspicuous on every corner, from the windows of all cheap shops, it was written on the sides of buses and trams. This word could be read on the facades of houses and in newspapers. Advertisements for canned food "SPAM" were constantly broadcast on the radio. So the word “spam” was assigned a new meaning, which later turned into computer terminology to refer to annoying advertising mailings. Recently, this word has become one of the most frequently used on the Internet.

Semantic derivation demonstrates the diversity and richness of the internal resources of the language for the formation of expressive neologisms.

For example, ol to whee (to worry) is formed from the interjection whee, which is used as a verb to denote joy and positive emotions, and the etymology of the adjective yucky (disgusting) goes back to the interjection yuck, expressing extreme disgust. Verb to clapper (to applaud) is the onomatopoeia of clapping your hands. This group also includes the interjection bazingaused to focus on a witty statement or a good joke. It comes from the onomatopoeic verb to zing - quickly pronounce, blurt out.

The word-formation derivation occurs most often in our study.

Affixal neologisms make up more than 1/5 of new words in Internet discourse. They are formed within the framework of English word formation. At the same time, many pre-existing suffixes take on new meanings. For example:

ie: dronie – video self-portrait made by selfie drone;

ish: weblish is a form of English that is characteristic of some online documents and communication, the characteristics of which include the use of lower-case letters, sparse punctuation, errors in spelling and grammar, and an informal tone;

ism: hashtag _ activism is a word or any sequence of characters preceded by a pound sign (#) that is used to group related messages on Twitter;

al: vortal - Portal site offering content and services targeted at a specific industry or type of user;

ing: geotagging - embedding the current geographic location in digital format, in particular photos and videos; microblogging - posting short thoughts and ideas to a personal blog, in particular via instant messaging software or a mobile phone; sexting - send an obscene text message; smishing - an attempt to deceive an individual into transferring personal, financial or password data by sending a text message with a link to a website controlled by fraudsters; smexting sending text messages during a smoking break;

er: viewer - a person who watches video content on the Internet or on a computer, or who combines regular TV viewing with related digital content.

Prefixes are also actively involved in word formation. The most common include:

de-: defriend - deleting a person from the list of friends on a social network site;

cyber-: CyberMonday - on the Monday after Thanksgiving in the United States, people use fast Internet connections at work to shop for goods online;

of-: offline - disconnection, temporarily or permanently, from all activities on the Internet;

nano-: nanopublishing - a web publishing model that uses a reduced, low-cost operation to reach a target audience, especially using blogging techniques;

out-: outernet - Internet networks that are not part of the Internet;

un-: unsourcing - the transfer of company functions from paid employees to unpaid volunteers, especially clients in social networks;

Composition also plays a significant role in the formation of neologisms in Internet discourse. A feature of this type of neoplasm is that it is not the foundations of words that are formed, but the words as a whole.

• audioblog - and udio + blog - these are online diaries, exclusively in MP3 format, the main content of which is voice recordings that are published in open access to all, it is also possible to comment on it;

• catfishing - cat + fishing - a carefully crafted online identity to deceive a person in a romantic relationship;

• chatterboxing - chatter + boxing - watching a TV show while talking with other people about this program on the Internet;

Based on the data obtained during the analysis of the main ways of the appearance of neologisms, we can conclude that the implementation of neologisms in the English-language Internet discourse is characterized by a word-formation model word-formation derivation.



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